Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 102 Brother, spare your life

In the hospital, Li Manjun happily finished one skewer and wanted to eat another one. The nurse came in to change the dressing and frowned when she saw the fragrant spicy meat skewers.

"Family of bed 6, the patient should avoid spicy food now!"

Zhao Yong groaned, but due to the nurse's pressure, he could only look at his wife with an apologetic look, and finished showing off the remaining skewers.

Li Manjun: "."

"Here, try the wontons. They have meat inside and are very fragrant." Zhao Yong scooped up a wonton and brought it to Li Manjun's mouth, coaxing him warmly.

Li Manjun kept his eyes on the skewers, but his stomach was growling. It was better to eat something than nothing. He opened his mouth to eat one, and his eyes suddenly lit up, "It's delicious."

"If it's delicious, eat more and I'll feed you." Zhao Yong sat in front of the bed and fed him seriously.

The nurse felt that she was being abused, so she changed the sling bottle, told her again not to eat spicy food, and left silently.

Li Manjun took six or seven bottles of medicine in a row, and Zhao Yong sat beside her to help her take care of the medicine. It was not until late at night that all the medicine was taken, and then he slept for a while on the rented escort bed.

In the middle of the night, Li Manjun would always pull a large injured muscle in her back due to rolling over, and she would groan in pain. When she groaned, Zhao Yong would wake up once, squat beside her bed, and coax her softly until she fell asleep again.

After struggling like this all night, he barely got any sleep. The nurse made her rounds very early in the morning. Zhao Yong simply got up, went to buy breakfast, fetched water for her to wash up, and used the hospital wheelchair to push Li Manjun to take photos.

After being busy with various inspections until mid-morning, Li Manjun was afraid that he would collapse from exhaustion and persuaded him to go home and rest.

"I'm not sleepy anymore. There are nurses nearby. I can ask them to change the dressing. I can just ask the people next to me to help me when I need to go to the toilet. You go home and catch up on your sleep. Bring me delicious food at night. I want to eat what you made." dish.”

The latter words were just to find a reason for him to go home, but if he didn't say this, Li Manjun knew that he would not leave.

"By the way, don't tell your parents about this, I don't want them to worry." Li Manjun hurriedly warned.

Zhao Yong nodded and looked at her strong appearance, with her eyes turning red several times. He turned sideways and took a deep breath to suppress these emotions. He told her to ask the nurse to call him if something happened, and then he left uneasily.

After leaving the hospital, Zhao Yong did not go home. Instead, he came to the phone booth and called Liu Chao to ask him how things went.

"Brother Yong, the person has been found."

"Okay, I'll come find you now."

Zhao Yong hung up the phone, took out his change to pay the phone bill, came to the roadside and hailed a taxi, got in and went straight to his destination.

Zhao Yong got off the car outside the shantytown in the south of the city, and Liu Chao and Luo Yongping, who had been waiting here for a long time, immediately greeted him.

Luo Yongping, who is of medium height, has a bald head and wears a coat, looks simple and honest, but everyone who knows him knows that he is a ruthless character.

At this moment, this ruthless man took off his sunglasses hanging on his bald head, nodded and bowed to Zhao Yong, and called Zhao Yong, who was younger than him, brother.

Several subordinates stood on the side of the road. Seeing their elder brother like this, they looked at each other in confusion. Who is this person?

But this doesn't seem to be what they should be asking.

Luo Yongping's nickname is Big Head. Everyone in Rong City knows him. In the south of the city, it's even more true. The gangsters here are afraid of him.

Zhao Yong was expressionless, not wanting to talk nonsense to Luo Yongping, and asked him to lead the way quickly.

Luo Yongping smiled flatteringly, greeted his younger brother, led Zhao Yong and Liu Chao into the alley, stopped in front of a small dilapidated building, and kicked open the ajar door with a "bang" kick.

The three men who were eating in the courtyard stood up, their eyes full of evil, but when they saw Luo Yongping, they were instantly frightened.

"Brother Big Tou, what is this?"

The three of them looked blankly at Zhao Yong and Liu Chao, who were completely strangers. Both of them were very tall. One of them was wearing a dark gray shirt and black trousers, and was carrying a black document bag. He looked like a business boss.

But the way the boss looked at them was really unfriendly.

The three of them hurriedly looked at each other and frowned.

Luo Yongping had no intention of explaining to the three of them, and said to Zhao Yong:

"These are the three, and there are two more. One is at my mother's house, and the other is their little boss Zhang Shan, who should be here too."

The three people were confused when they heard what Luo Yongping said, but they already realized that the situation was not good and hurriedly said: "Brother Big Tou, is there any misunderstanding?"

Before he finished speaking, Liu Chao jumped up and rushed over. He was tall and muscular, and his fists struck down hard. The three of them were no match at all. They were knocked down in the courtyard by Liu Chao's fists with confused expressions on their faces. under the wall.

The three people asked in fear: "Brother Big Tou, what do you mean?!"

Liu Chao raised his foot and kicked the man who opened his mouth to question him. The man held his heart and vomited a mouthful of blood. He fell to the ground and begged for mercy with eyes full of fear: "Brother, brother, please spare my life."

Liu Chao sighed, raised his iron fist and continued to fight. A man hurriedly ran out of the house. It was Zhang Shan, the leader of the five-man group.

"Brother Datou!" Zhang Shan yelled in panic, his eyes quickly looking at the three younger brothers who were beaten until they vomited blood. They were all confused and didn't know how they had offended Luo Datou.

Luo Yongping looked at him helplessly, pointed at Zhao Yong beside him and said, "Do you know who this is?"

"You said it's not good for you to provoke someone. If you insist on provoking him, when he is messing around on the road, your brother and I are still playing in the mud in the village!"

After saying this, Luo Yongping took a step back with his men, just to let Zhao Yong do whatever he wanted, he didn't care.

Zhang Shan raised his eyes and looked at the strange man who could not be ignored just by standing there. The other man looked at him with a very angry look, as if he wanted to kill him.

"Is there some misunderstanding? We have never met this brother at all." Zhang Shan defended innocently.

Even Luo Datou didn't dare to offend someone. How dare he, a little gangster, dare to offend him when he's full?

Liu Chao walked towards him and asked him coldly: "You forgot the good thing you did last night so quickly?"

Zhang Shan looked at the man in front of him with evil eyes, a tall stature and a ferocious look, and then thinking about how ferocious he had just been in beating three people, he couldn't help but shudder and wanted to step back.

Seeing that he seemed to have remembered, Liu Chao went up and punched him. A professional fighter was different from an amateur like Zhang Shan. The punch was so fast and hard that Zhang Shan was knocked down with one punch before he could even hide.

Liu Chao kicked him hard on the knees, held down his shoulders, made him kneel on the ground, and tightly held his hands that wanted to resist, "If you move again, I will kill you right now!"

Under Liu Chao's threat, Zhang Shan did not dare to move anymore. He pressed his face against the dusty cement floor and looked at Zhao Yong with his eyes open begging for mercy.

"Brother, please forgive me. I really don't know she is my sister-in-law. If you gave me a hundred courages, I wouldn't dare. Brother, please give me a chance. Please!"

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