Where is this! (2)

There are certain things that are uncomfortable in the world.

It would be great if it could be avoided, but as we go through life, there are situations that we have to face.

Hyungwon was just like that now.

'My stomach hurts.'

It's been a long time since Qing Myung wasn't even in front of me, but my stomach was tingling.

He looked silently at those sitting in front of him.

Where the disciples of Hwasan would normally sit and look at him with respectful eyes, now the masters of each school were sitting and watching him intently.

It wasn't a particularly hostile look, but it was easy to guess that it wasn't a favor either.

Old file room and Oh Dae-se.

The prestigious schools that dominate the current stronghold.

Of course, King Hyeonjong had already met the elders of each faction in one place at the Cheonhabi Dance Competition.

But now the position is different from then.

At that time, he was nothing more than a position to support the disciples of Hwasan among the long writers who were not particularly interested in him. But now, he was in a position where he had to receive their gaze alone.

It would not have been easy to receive these heavy eyes so resolutely if it had not been for the leaders of the left and right Chun Woo Meng.


Beopgye, who was sitting in the center, silently spoke out dissatisfaction and looked at Hyeonjong with a deep gaze.

"first… … Congratulations on the opening of Cheon Woo Meng, Maeng Lord.”

He was called a mastermind, not a longswordman. This meant that Shaolin would recognize Hyeonjong as the leader of the Cheonwoomeng and treat him appropriately.

Of course, since things have progressed this far, it must be unavoidable for Shaolin, but in any case, receiving a notarization from Shaolin meant a lot to Kangho.

"thank you."

Hyunjong smiled brightly.

“It seems to be a little more at ease when the elder says that.”


The courts let out a soft laugh.

Thanks to that laughter, the atmosphere in the hall began to loosen up slightly.

“Kangho’s dongdos are very interested in Cheonwoomaeng.”


“On behalf of Kang-ho’s fellow students, I ask that you do your best for Kang-ho’s well-being and peace.”

“Would you like to say this?”

The legal community did not show any hostility towards the Cheonwoo League.

This is because the court is not so hostile to the Chun Woo Meng from the beginning. The court has already decided to acknowledge and notarize the opening of Cheon Woo Meng through the transaction with Qing Myung.

Furthermore… … .

'exactly… … .'

The legal community could clearly understand what the courts meant before coming here. A slight tension was felt in the faces of the masters who sat down to the left and right of him.

In the past, the elites of the powerful were scattered like grains of sand and failed to establish a proper alliance. And Shaolin, who should be the center, has largely lost its influence over them.

'If there is no one to fight against, there is no reason to unite.'

If they decide that it is not profitable to listen to the Shaolin, it is impossible to control everyone, no matter how great the Shaolin.

It is by no means a bad thing for Shaolin, who was losing control of the old school due to his disgrace at the Cheonhabi Dance Competition, to form an external coalition called Cheonwoomeng.


It bothers me that middle school and Tao are doing so much politics, but isn't it true that the world can't only live upright and clean?


In any case, all of this was an inner feeling that could not be expressed.

“The head office manager also has great expectations for Cheon Woo Meng. Please… … .”

But that was the moment.

“It seems that the Elder Judiciary is too gentle. For those who follow the law, this may not be a big deal, but for those who follow the laws of the world, it is not so easy to pass it on.”

The legal community and others glanced at the place where the words came from.

Lee Byeok (李碧) of Cheongseong was staring at Hyeonjong with cold eyes.

His gaze soon left Hyeonjong and turned to Tanggunak.

“If you throw a stone into a lake, it will ripple. It is difficult for me to guess why Chun Woo Meng dares to unite and create tension in this peaceful powerhouse.”

“Rather than tension… … .”

“Are you sure that the intention is not to deceive?”

The last question was asked not to Hyeonjong or Tang Gunak, but to other masters.



A groan of pain escaped from the mouths of the other masters.

Cheongseong is a Munpa located in Sacheon. A prestigious school that is closer to Sacheondang-ga than anywhere else in the world.

Of course, the Sacheondang family and the Cheongseong family don't sharpen their teeth and draw their swords when they just run into each other like Hwasan and Jongnam do, but it is strange if the members of the Munpa who are located close to each other get along well in the first place.

If the distance is close, the territory overlaps, so you have to share your interests and compete for the same thing. You may be able to maintain a moderately good relationship at first, but as the years go by, you can't help but leave a residue.

That is why the ear wall of Cheongseong responds so sensitively.

“Who can say anything about like-minded people getting together to form a mage? But it would be difficult to just congratulate him when he doesn't know what to do.”

Hyeonjong frowned slightly at the overly direct remarks.

“Cheonwoomeng is never a place to seek defeat. What the elder thinks will not happen.”


Lee Byeok looked straight at Hyeonjong.

“Are you saying that the volcano will not intervene even if there is a problem with the Sacheondang family and they point their swords at each other?”

“… … .”

“Regardless of right or wrong, I ask if you are saying that the affairs of the clan will remain the work of the clan. The Cheon Woo Meng I saw doesn’t seem like that, does it?”

Hyeonjong closed his mouth as if he was speechless for a moment, then closed his eyes. After calming his mind for a while, he opened his eyes again and smiled softly.

“The reason the factions of Cheon Woo Meng can become brothers is because they have a belief that they will not do anything inhuman to each other. If the sects belonging to Cheon Woo Meng do something they should not do, Cheon Woo Men will take the first step to stop it.”

“… … .”

“Because a brother is not a supporter of what is wrong, but an overcomer who prevents it.”

Everyone nodded as if that was true.

But it didn't seem like a sufficient answer to Lee Byeok.

“Of course it is. But none of these people here think that Cheon Woo Meng will have problems from the start. The problem comes next.”

Hyeonjong looked at him as if he was asking what he meant, and Lee Byeok snorted lightly.

“Even a small child wants to see a sword in his hand and wield it. Do you really think that the sects who have acquired the powerful backbone of Cheon Woo-maeng will be as quiet as they are now?”

“… … .”

“At first, of course, I will be proud of myself. But eventually you'll want to wield that power. Even then, are you really sure that Cheon Woo Meng will not cause any problems?”

The people who had gathered there looked at the wall with strange eyes.

Anyway, this is a place to celebrate the opening. Even if there are complaints, even if there is a problem, it is against politeness to speak publicly in this place.

However, there were no specific people who resisted this wall. Because everyone wanted to hear an answer to this saying.

Just as Hyeonjong was about to say something, facing Lee Byeok's cold eyes, Tang Gunak, who was quietly guarding his side, opened his mouth slowly.

“Elder Byeok Lee, there is no need to worry so much.”

“… … What do you mean?”

Tang Gunak's lips twisted strangely.

“The thing Cheongseong is worried about is going to the Sacheondang. Isn't it?"

“… … .”

Lee Byeok shut his mouth tightly.

It's not easy to answer a straight-forward question like this. In the first place, Cheongseong doesn't have much of an advantage over the Sacheondangga. But since the Sacheondang family carried the might of Cheonwoomaeng on their backs... … .

The sword-like eyes of Tang Gunak pierced him.

“Does the Tang family even need to borrow the hand of Chun Woo Meng to deal with Cheongseong? You seem to be overestimating yourself.”

“What, what… … .”

Lee Byeok's face turned red.

Of course, he is the elder of Cheongseong and Tanggunak is the head of the Tang family. But even so, this was a statement that crossed the line.

“Excessive words!”

“Are you talking too much?”

Tang Gunak showed this and laughed coldly.

“It is not excessive for an elder who is not a long-time scholar in Cheongseong to question the leader of Cheon Woo Meng, is this too much to say to the elder in Cheongseong?”

A blade-like force erupted from the body of Tang Gunak, who had momentarily hardened his face.

“Answer me.”

“That, that… … .”

Lee Byeok shuts his mouth.

It doesn't matter what's right or wrong with the logic of Tanggun's evil. What was important was the fact that the poison king Tang Gunak was now openly showing hostility to him.

Even if it was before the formation of Cheonwoomaeng, Lee Byeok was a person who could not be the opponent of the Tang military evil. But now, how can he keep his eyes open in front of Tang Gunak?

“Do you believe in your prestige and wield your power?”

A smirk appeared on the corner of Tang Gunak's lips.

“That is for you, not us. If you didn't have the prestige of the old file room on your back, would you dare say such a thing in this place?"

“Lord. You are talking too much.”

As the unseen legal world intervened, Tang Gunak looked at everyone and said:

“Listen carefully. Hyeonjongjin-in is a long-time scholar of the volcano and the spearhead of Cheon-woo-meng. To speak recklessly to the lord is to disregard Cheon Woo-meng, and furthermore, to ignore the Sacheondang Family, Nammanyasugung Palace, and North Sea Ice Palace.”

He didn't even raise his voice to say anything.

But that low, heavy voice came more threatening than any shouting.

“If this happens one more time in front of me, the Sacheondang family will never stand by it.”

“That’s right.”

Meng-so, who was observing the situation, glared at Myeong-suk with her arms crossed.

A sense of intimidation emanating from its size as large as a large mountain strongly crushed everyone in the room.

“I don’t even know the law of the midfield. The only thing I know is that the lord is not someone who dares to treat people like you rudely. Conversely, don't forget that the lord is protecting you as well. If the Lord had not been here, I would have used my hands already.”

If Tang Gunak's words were advice, these words were close to intimidation.

But no one was able to easily retaliate.

'That idiot gave me a justification.'

'What a stupid thing to do!'

It is Lee Byuk who broke the example first.

So, there is no way to blame the other side for being so polite. Realizing that, Lee Byeok's face turns black.

“Bukhae Ice Palace is also not a place to walk on the island. But in the North Sea, there is no way to call someone rude.”

Seol So-baek said calmly.

“If you want to know what is really overkill, we can tell you.”

In fact, from the standpoint of inaction, Seol So-baek is not strong.

Therefore, it was not possible to show the same intimidation as Tanggunak or Mengso.

But where in the world can anyone dare to ignore the North Sea Ice Palace behind him?

As the three sects began to protect King Hyeonjong in earnest, the atmosphere quickly became bleak.


The legal community chanted low dissatisfaction.

“I apologize on behalf of Maengjoo. Please forgive our rudeness.”

“It’s rude. How rude would that be?”

When Hyeonjong slightly stretched his arms to the left and right, the energy of Tanggunak and Mengso that had overpowered the middle class disappeared in an instant.

Instead, the gentle and refreshing energy of Hyeonjong gently enveloped the middle class.

“It is a question that can be asked. Bindo is also well aware of the anxiety you will feel due to the opening of Cheon Woo Meng.”

Hyunjong smiled brightly.

“But what you think will not happen. Trust the frequency.”

The court nodded silently.

“I believe. I ask once again that Maengju will lead Cheon Woo Meng well.”

“I will.”

Seeing the two of them bowing their heads, Tang Gunak gently raised the corners of his mouth.

'The steamer has been caught.'

This position was meaningful enough just to give the recognition that Cheon Woo-maeng would never give in to the pressure of the old school and the five generations.

Of course, their expressions are not very good, but... … .

'Now I'll just have to finish it well.'

But at this time, Tang Gunak knew nothing at all.

The fact that he had never thought of, or that no one in the world could have imagined, is now approaching the volcano.


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