Where is this! (1)

Lim So-byeong, who was dragged to a corner, looked at Cheongmyeong with a gloomy face. He had a pitiful expression, like a puppy drowning in water.

However, the eyes of Cheongmyeong and Baekcheon standing in front of them were as sharp as swords. Lim So-byeong opened his mouth hesitantly.

"no… … .”


But before he could say anything, when a thunderous shout flew in, Sobyeong Lim shrugged his shoulders.

“… … It's not because I'm malicious... … .”

“What, you bastard? no malice? malice? It's okay to overturn a table at someone else's banquet! Where are you Sapa bastards!”

When Qingming finally rolled his eyes and tried to run away, Baek Chun quickly grabbed him from behind and grabbed him.

“My wife, Cheong Myung-ah! First of all, you are still the king of green forest... … .”

“Because you are the king of green forest, you must lose! If that person isn't the King of Green Forest, will I be defeated?"

“… … That’s right.”

It should sound like bullshit, but the circumstances were forcing it to be right.

“No, Shiba! If you leave it alone, it will take care of itself. You killed and saved a human being, and then you come to spit on your own feet? Come on, I'll have to send something like this with my own hands! Just stick your head out!”

“My wife, Cheong Myung-ah! Just calm down!”

Baekcheon glanced at Lim So-byeong's eyes. In fact, Qingming’s words are not wrong, but Lim So-byeong is the king of green forest. A person of supreme status. If he doesn't discriminate between sects and factions, he's actually higher in status than those of Kang-ho's masters who sit at the top.

How could such a person feel good to hear such nonsense... … .


But Lim So-byeong didn't give a bad look, but rather smiled and scratched the back of his head modestly.

“Isn’t that why I came here?”

“… … Yes?"

Then he said with a very serious face.

“A gentleman does not forget kindness. I have received immeasurable blessings from Hwasan and Qingming Dojo, how could I not come to celebrate the benefactor's feast day? That's a gentleman's duty... … . Whoa!”

In the end, Lim So-byeong, who was kicked in the face by Cheong-myung's feet, fell far behind.

“What kind of gentleman is a gentleman, you bastard! Where the bandit bastard talk about the gentleman? If the bandit is a gentleman, who in the world is not Confucius?!”

Lim So-byeong abruptly got up.

“Ha ha! A gentleman is not bound by circumstances. No matter what situation you are in, if your heart is full of kindness and wisdom, you can be called an extremely noble person... … . No, don't drink it! hey!”

Cheongmyeong's feet, which were holding Baekcheon's shoulders, swayed through the air over and over again.

“… … There, one hundred thousand seals. Please do not take them one step at a time and hold them properly. I think my feet are getting closer.”

“… … Sorry. I don’t even know.”

Baek Cheon, who had completely lost his sympathy for Lim So-byeong, let out a light sigh and dragged Cheong-myeong back.

“Woo-wook! Whoops! Whoops! Whoops!”

With blood in his eyes, Cheongmyung glared at Im So-byeong as if he was about to eat it.

“Two days?”

"Yes. Seeing the people passing by after a while, my heart is at peace... … . Hahaha. After all, rather than being stuck in the mountains, I think we should see some people like this from time to time.”

“… … .”

Seeing that Qing Myung's face grew even hotter, Baek Chun was startled and said quickly.

“It seems that the King of Green Forest was a little hasty, Joe. If they knew that the green forest was here, they wouldn't be standing still... … .”

And it doesn't just end like that.

Of course, it is true that volcanoes saved the greenery, and no one would not have guessed that there is a subtle relationship. At least for those who have come all the way here to confirm the existence of Cheon Woo Meng.

But there is a huge difference between guessing it and seeing it with your own eyes.

“Haha, it’s such a small thing. You pay attention to every single thing... … . huh? Oh, don't let go of that hand! One hundred thousand masters! hand!"

Baekcheon's hand, which had been slowly loosened, reluctantly grabbed Qingming again.

'If you grind just one bamboo bread, you won't have any won.'

Why is it that all things entangled with volcanoes have the same shape?

"Hey! town! Oops!”

When Cheong-myeong was about to have a seizure, Lim So-byeong jumped up. And as a last resort, he put the alcohol in his hand into his mouth.

"now. Don't be so angry. For once, take a sip of this drink. Right, right! That's right. oops, you're good Straight!”

cackle. cackle. cackle.

As the drink continued to flow, the body, which had been brimming with strength, slowly loosened.


Suddenly, the bottle was pulled out, and exclamations broke out from Cheongmyung's mouth.


“This is a specially prepared Myeongju. Don't you know that I also enjoy drinking alcohol? How can a person who does not know the master be called a gentleman?”

“Did you bring only one bottle?”

“I can’t! I have a few more bottles.”

“Ha ha. How well do you know!”

“Ha ha ha ha! All right, all right!”

The two suddenly met each other and smiled. Baekcheon's face, watching this, was contorted without mercy.

'I just wish they were both dead.'

However, contrary to his wishes, these two men were evil spirits that even the King of Yeom could not easily take.

“Then why did you come?”

When Cheong-myeong, who had diluted the powder with alcohol, asked, Lim So-byeong shrugged his shoulders.

“I’m here to celebrate.”

“Don’t be silly.”

“No, is it real? Actually, our Nokrim is also a member of the Cheonwoo Meng!”

“… … Since when?"

“However, all the other clans who are members of the same group are present and brighten up the event, but we can’t even attend!”

“… … So from when... … .”

“It’s not that important!”

Lim So-byeong laughed.

“Who do you think is the most sensitive to the opening of Cheon Woo Meng?”


“No. This is Sapa.”


As if from now on, So-Byeong Lim's eyes became slightly serious.

“If Tianyu Meng starts to absorb his influence while making a name for himself, how do you think it will come out of the old wave or the five generations?”

“He’s going to fight us.”

Just imagining it, Cheongmyung sharpened his teeth as if he was getting angry.

“Come and see! Whether you’re a middle-class or a sage, you’ll be very skinny!”

“… … Chung Myung-ah. You are also a thief.”

"Oh right. A-san, I forget once in a while.”

“… … .”

At that moment, Lim So-byeong laughed.

“It sounds like it, but it really isn’t.”


“People like Volcano Divine Dragon Qingmyeong Dojang are not so entangled in face or cause, so it is natural to think so, but the big-name groups of strong men cannot give up their face and cause. So, you can't try to trample on a faction that doesn't really cause any problems just because it's annoying."


Baek Chen nodded his head as if he understood.

If the old file room or the five generations openly oppose Cheon Woo Meng, it will be said that they are obsessed with this right and persecute other sects.

It wouldn't be a problem for a clan who had nothing like a volcano, but it would definitely be a concern for those who ruled a strong lake like the old file room.

“So, while you may be trying to inflict damage in a subtle way, it will be difficult to do anything openly. Instead, I will look elsewhere.”

“… … Are you saying that's Sapa?"


Lim So-byeong nodded her head broadly.

“The reason Cheon Woo-maeng is receiving so much attention is thanks to what Hwasan has been doing. There’s nothing more to building a reputation and spreading the word.”


It is true that Huashan and other sects formed a brotherhood and their influence increased dramatically, but it is the things that Huashan has done so far that have attracted many people to watch the spectacle in the first place.

It wouldn't be any different from the old wave.

If the influence of Cheon Woo Meng is to grow stronger, it is clear that they will try to strengthen the influence they have on Kang Ho.

"therefore… … .”

Cheong-myeong looked at Lim So-byeong with a slightly strange gaze.

“Can Gupa go hunting for Sapa to build up their track record?”

“It is correct.”

Lim So-byeong smiled brightly.

“It's not a big deal. It's something that has been repeated countless times. So Sapa is paying attention to the situation here. There are probably quite a few other people here besides me.”

At that, Baekcheon shook his head.

I saw a lot of middle-aged people sitting on the pedestal and drinking alcohol.

'Among... … .'

It was unexpected.

But looking back, it was not unusual. It is impossible to completely confirm the identities of those who have come here, so how can you thoroughly know who they are and where they are?

“It’s okay if I just stick to the volcano.”

“… … No, so why is it like that!”

"Hahaha! Other Sapas other than the Volcano's 'brother', Green Forest, had their feet caught on fire!”

Lim So-byeong chuckled and skillfully wrapped her arms around Cheong-myung's shoulders.

"Take good care of me."

“… … Can't I just die please? I wish you well.”

But instead of biting his body, Im So-byeong lowered his posture slightly.



“Things may not go as smoothly as you think.”

“… … .”

“As you know, the current Kangho has been accumulating power for quite some time. And it's not just factions. The current Sapas are also overflowing with strength because they have not fought a major war for a long time.”

“Is the green forest dishonest?”

“… … .”

Lim So-byeong looked at him with a wounded face, but Cheong-myeong didn't care as much as dust in his heart. Rather, he shoved him and shrugged his shoulders.

“… … anyway… … .”

Lim So-byeong, who became slightly pale, continued.

“The great conflicts that have thrown Kang-ho into chaos do not necessarily start with great things. You are full of energy and you want to solve it anywhere, but you are having a minor dispute? From then on, it spreads out of control.”

“… … .”

“I don’t want to burden you with these words, but perhaps the breaking up of Cheon Woo-meng will set fire to a huge powder store called Kang-ho.”

Baek Cheon's face became even more serious.

I didn't know that Cheon Woo Meng's opening could be interpreted in that way. It's just that a few like-minded clan members have united... … .

"So what?"


However, his face was still gloomy.

“So you’re saying that the old file room or the five generations can beat the Sapa bastards to show that I’m not dead yet, right?”

“… … right."

Qingming spoke indifferently.

“Whether all the Sapa bastards are broken or not, whether or not all the old Sapa bastards break down while beating the Sapa bastards has nothing to do with me.”

“… … .”

“If possible, it would be better if the two of them fight and then both end up fighting. Then I'll beg for Kang-ho, so we can eat it all. Heh heh heh heh heh!”

“… … .”

“… … .”

Lim So-byeong and Baek Cheon's eyes trembled at the same time.

As I watched Cheongmyeong giggling and laughing as if I was about to die just thinking about it, I couldn't tell who the hell was the sapphire and who was the faction.

"stamp… … . He understands well... … So I don't quite understand... … It seems that he did, but if this happens, even Cheon Woo Meng will not be able to escape its influence.”

“What nonsense.”


Qingming frowned.

“Then if Cheonwoomaeng didn’t appear, wouldn’t that happen?”

“… … .”

“It is the principle of the world to overflow when it is full. If it wasn't for Cheonwoobeng, it would have exploded soon after. As I said before, the cause is not important.”

“Ugh. It is.”



Qingming bit her lips.

'The magic is coming anyway.'

No matter how quietly they live, the magician will not tolerate the situation.

“Because that’s what Cheonwoomeng is for.”

Lim So-byeong smiled as she looked into the eyes of Cheong-myeong, whose conviction was firmly established.

That is why he came to see Cheongmyeong.

"Yes! We will do our best to help Green Forest.”

“… … Why are you?”

“Don’t do that, please take a seat! chores! annoying work! You can even take on all the stinkin' annoying bastards! Why don’t you just leave it to me?!”

“Oh, just turn it off!”

Lim So-byeong grabbed the crotch of Cheong-myeong's trousers and stretched. Hearing the familiar commotion, Baekcheon let out a deep sigh.

'… … Are you okay?'

It was Baek Cheon who began to be seriously worried about Cheon Woo Meng's future.


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