Chapter 3228

In addition to biochemical qi in his hand, what else can it be?

"Su Mian, don't want to blow me up. I have biochemical energy that kills you! Quickly let me go, or I will die with you."

Ding Rui was very fortunate that he had kept his eyes on his mind and had biochemical energy in his hands. He did not believe that Wei Zhenhui did not compromise.

When he put it in his pocket, he didn't even know a few of his cronies.

Wei Zhenhui is even more unlikely to know.

Seeing him holding up the bottle, the only gasping relative suddenly snored and laughed.

After a lot of effort, a word came out, "President Ding, you...wise!"


He is not wise, who is wise?

He is Ding Rui, chemical genius Bosch, and also a master of hypnotism. He is a model of successful cases where the second personality kills the first personality!

What if it was captured by Wei Zhenhui?

Didn't he let him go obediently?


Ding Rui looked up to the sky and screamed!

Su Mian is very speechless about Ding Rui Mi's confidence, which shows how arrogant Ding Rui is usually.

Su Mian took out a glass bottle from his pocket and handed it in front of him.

"Ding Rui, then look what is in my hand?"

Ding Rui glanced carelessly, "What can it be? I thought I could lie to me by looking for the same glass bottle. I am not my brother, I was played around by you."

Su Mian hooked his lips.

Wenwen is still useful at critical moments. Although he can't use spells on mortals, it's okay to steal something.

Su Mian was worried that Ding Rui would have a back hand, so he asked Wenwen to search him, and found out.

Ding Rui possesses a small amount of biochemical gas!

Wenwen went directly to the space to find a similar bottle and quietly changed it.

Su Mian sent it to him again.

Ding Rui saw clearly this time, and his pupils suddenly shrank.


How could Su Mian have biochemical gas in his hand?

Lie to the ghost!

"Su Mian, I know you have always been scheming, thinking that you can lie to him by just finding the same bottle. What about him?

"Why don't you believe it? Then release your hand to see if it works!"

Su Mian said very surely, and Ding Rui suddenly panicked.

The hands of the special forces holding guns are tight.

"What's the matter? Isn't Su Mian a hostage? How could it be possible? Biogas?"

"Who said no, didn't Su Mian not only acted as a fire control hand, but also changed Ding Rui's biochemical energy?"

"What's special, is Su Mian still a hostage? Our special forces can't do this job!"

Wei Zhenhui knew this in his mind.

There is nothing impossible with text.

"Attention Special Forces, take down the Coyote!" Wei Zhenhui waved his hand and the mouse swooped to hold the Coyote down!

The commander has ordered it, and I am afraid of a fart!


"Don't... don't come over... I'm really released, don't come over!"

Speaking of the back, the Coyote himself has no confidence.

Before the mouse held him, he gritted his teeth and held the bottle mouth.


The familiar voice is this voice.

Ding Rui was overjoyed with a burst of gas, "Tell you not to believe me, just die for me!"

However, there was a puff, nothing more!

"How is it possible? How could this be?"

Ding Rui looked at the broken glass bottle in disbelief, and then at Su Mian, "It's you, it's you who made the ghost, right, Su Mian, you give me my gas!"

He said he had to resist, and was directly held down by the mouse.

Without the biochemical gas in his hand, the mountain dog is just a native dog.

The coyote was captured, and on the other side, Xu Haowen's situation was delicate.

(End of this chapter)

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