Reporting, I Have Been Reborn

Chapter 3227: You are arrested

Chapter 3227 You are arrested

Anyway, the plane is only a few meters above the ground, and they will not fall to death if they jump.

If the helicopter hits a rock and the oil spills and bursts into flames, it will be too late for them to jump.

Don't jump now, when will you stay!

Calcium carbide sparks between.

It can be said that a few people jumped without hesitation!

As for Su Mian, of course he fought for himself with the plane!

At this time, who can take care of a hostage!

Su Mian waited for this moment.

When several people were about to jump off, she slammed the joystick, and the helicopter that was crumbling instantly pulled up, raising the height of ten meters in a few seconds.

A few meters can't kill people, but now it's more than ten meters, and coupled with inertia, when a few people jumped down, they were thrown far away, and all their guns were thrown away!

Two more heads hit the rock and were killed on the spot.

The coyote was lucky. He didn't fall to death even after he fell more than ten meters above the ground, but he suffered multiple fractures all over his body. He also spit out a mouthful of blood foam with a big big tooth in it.

Su Mian controlled the helicopter to land in an open space not far away.

"Master, how? I just said Su Mian is okay. We have played this trick dozens of times. Su Mian played this trick so beautifully. Several times we were almost cheated by her, thinking she wanted The crash also went to rescue!"

The mouse looked smug!

The coyote would never think that this was a trap set by Su Mian deliberately to force him to jump off the plane.

Su Mian pulled up the helicopter in an instant, and the height difference came out. At a height of more than ten meters, he could be disabled without falling to death.

From his point of view, he clearly saw several people who jumped up and down on No. 01 fell to the ground motionless, only two could barely lift their heads.

Those three obviously fell dead on the spot!

Only then did Wei Zhenhui's gloomy expression ease.

Seeing No. 01 falling just now, his heartbeat missed half a beat, but Su Mian only deliberately lured the mountain dog to jump off the plane.

Is there such an operation?

Even he was bluffed!

When he goes back, he must take care of his wife!

The Lingyun stopped not far away, and a dozen special forces jumped out of the helicopter and went straight to the coyote.

Su Mian also jumped out of the helicopter, and the wound on her shoulder was deep. Even though she was coated with the golden sore medicine, she still had a burst of pain. The mountain dog was really deadly on her.

The coyote barely raised his head, and one of his front teeth was lost.

Seeing Su Mian stopping the plane steadily, he also knew he had been fooled!

Wow, this is his worst defeat!

Seeing the special forces running towards him, he panicked to find a gun.

"Don't move!"

The mouse rushed to the forefront, put the gun directly on his head, and smiled triumphantly, "Coyote, don't act rashly, you've been arrested!"

The coyote laughed loudly, and suddenly stretched his hand into his upper pocket, "You people, all will be buried with me, I have biochemical gas, a small dose, enough to poison you! Wei Zhenhui, Su Mian, I didn't expect it. In the end, you still have to bury me!"

He held up the glass bottle in his hand, "Let me go, or you will all die!"

The mouse had no idea for a while.

This **** mountain dog is so cunning, with biogas in his pocket.

"Master, what should I do?"

Wei Zhenhui's face was sullen. This is the best chance to catch a mountain dog, but in his hands...

Su Mian walked up to him and looked at him with a smile, "President Ding, first see what you are holding in your hand, it will not be too late for us to return together!"

La la la~

(End of this chapter)

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