Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 958: 9 days Qingqi Tower, Hunyuan 5 color stone

"Hey, there are a few more words here!"

At this time, Li Changsheng discovered five complicated ancient characters on the bottom of the nine-story stone pagoda.

He had already observed the nine-story stone tower before, and he could be sure that these five words did not exist before.

Judging from the situation, these five characters are the subtle changes that occurred after the nine-story stone tower absorbed the golden orb.

Li Changsheng naturally understood ancient characters in great detail, especially the memory of the first principals contained all the ancient characters.

"Nine Heavens Qingqi Tower!"

Li Changsheng read it directly. This is undoubtedly the name of the nine-story stone tower, but he has no impression.

Neither the memory of the first principal, the spirit king, the flame king nor his own knowledge have any information about the Jiutian Qingqi Pagoda.

"I've heard this name for the first time."

Li Changsheng asked Ning Bizhen, but she didn't have any impression of the encyclopedia.

In this situation, Li Changsheng had to read the books and tried to find information about the Jiutian Qingqi Pagoda.

After a long time, Li Changsheng put down the last book in disappointment, still clueless, as if this nine-day clear air tower appeared out of thin air.

But for all the books related to the wonders of the world, there is not even a single word.

"It doesn't matter, in short, the Nine Heavens Qingqi Pagoda is not an ordinary combined world wonder. The complete Nine Heavens Qingqi Pagoda is at least the Zifu rare treasure, and it may be a Langhuan treasure."

The wonders of the world are divided into four levels: the lower, middle, and upper levels. Among them, the power gap of the middle and lower world wonders is not very big, but the power of the world wonders of the top grade far exceeds that of the middle grade, plus the extremely rare ones. The relationship has led to the wonders of the world's top grades and they are also called Zifu treasures.

As for the wonders of the world that surpassed the treasures of the purple mansion, the power gap between the treasures of the purple mansion and the treasures of the purple mansion was greater than in the previous stage, so it was called the Langhuan treasure.

In the whole world of fairies, Langhuan Treasure is probably not enough in his hands. Even the emperor and the emperor may not have it, and its preciousness can be imagined.

Li Changsheng began to refine the Jiutian Qingqi Pagoda. Soon, the Jiutian Qingqi Pagoda spun around, turning smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a small cyan light spot, rushing into Li Changsheng's Yintang cave and into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Following Li Changsheng's thoughts, the rest of the treasures in the sea of ​​consciousness flew to the Nine Heavens Qingqi Pagoda, including several wonders of the world.

At the moment of contact, the volume of these treasures shrank instantly and fell into the Nine Heavens Qingqi Pagoda, each layer occupies a treasure.

Among them, Li Changsheng specially put the original light in the first layer.

The Jiutian Qingqi Pagoda glowed slightly with golden light, and began to accumulate these treasures.

Enrichment is a gradual process. If you want to know the effect of Nine Heavens Clear Qi Pagoda, you have to wait for a while.

After doing this, the two began to count the rest of the harvest.

Since Li Changsheng went to the King's Secret Realm and Ning Bizhen went to the core royal garden, it directly led to the high-quality goblins that they harvested the most, and they were all top-grade and even top-grade.

Ning Bizhen not only wiped out the dragon's cave in the core royal garden, but also obeyed Li Changsheng's instructions to subdue the superb Heluo turtle.

Whether it is the King's Secret Realm or the Royal Garden, their essence has been completely emptied by the two, and it will take at least decades to restore the former grandeur.

In addition to these wild goblins, Li Changsheng also has two spatial rings from Xu Tailai and Dou Qinghe, while Ning Bizhen holds Dou Qingtian's spatial rings.

In addition, there are space rings obtained from the King's Secret Realm, there are a dozen in number, but the quality is definitely not as good as the harvest of the pseudo-king.

Of course, there is no absolute in the world, everything is possible before it is determined.

These spatial rings do not have a soul imprint and can be viewed at any time.

The two were on Ash's back, carefully examining the items in these spatial rings.

With the strength of the two of them now, the items that can be seen by them can be said to be very few. Except for individual treasures of the essence of the world, they basically need the treasures of the world.

When Ashe flew into Yuanzhou's boundary, the two initially finished sorting them out, but they got a few useful items.

The first one is a round jade of fiery red color, but it is a semi-sacred tool dropped by a certain demon pet Dou Changsheng after his death.

Feast of Fire: The fire is a semi-sacred weapon, which is made from the three-legged golden crow bird crown, supplemented by a large number of precious materials. It increases the power of fire skills by 80%, with the effects of burning, bursting, and burning.

Li Changsheng gave this semi-artifact to Ning Bizhen.

One is that he has a better crown of fire and phoenix, and the other is to compensate for the golden orb. After all, the golden orb was originally Ning Bizhen’s trophy, even if the value of the feast of fire, a semi-artifact, is not as valuable as gold. Orb.

The second piece is a scepter with a length of only a ruler. This is a treasure from Dou Qingtian's space ring. Unfortunately, the things inlaid on it are Even so, the scepter is still distributed. With strong and abnormal fluctuations, it has completely reached the treasure level of heaven and earth.

The two experimented for a long while, but in the end they didn't find out anything. They didn't know the effect of this scepter at all, and it was finally kept by Ning Bizhen.

The third piece is a black stone, only the size of an adult's fist. Anyone who looks at it will always be attracted by it involuntarily.

Heavenly Secret Stone: A special kind of exotic treasure that has the ability to observe heavenly secrets. If combined with the mysterious tortoise shell, the effect of predicting heavenly secrets will be better.

The black tortoise is the basalt tortoise shell. Li Changsheng had exchanged the basalt tortoise shell fragments at Yuanling Academy, but he had already used it.

It is not that other tortoise shells cannot be substituted, but the effect is much worse.

If you use Tianji Stone to cooperate with Dayan, the effect will be better.

The second piece is a piece of ore containing five colors, which are gold, green, red, blue and yellow, and each occupy the same area.

"Hunyuan five-color stone!"

From the memory of the first principal, Li Changsheng searched out the information about this ore, and was immediately overjoyed.

If you want to repair the damaged Hunyuan Golden Lamp as much as possible, the repair materials must meet the characteristics of Hunyuan Golden Lamp. Among them, Kunlun Tianmang Gold and Hunyuan Five-color Stone are the best.

Li Changsheng already owns the Kunlun Tianmang Gold, and now he has this mixed element five-color stone, he can try to repair the mixed element golden lamp.

As long as the hybrid golden lamp is repaired, its power can be greatly increased, and the key is to increase the output of elemental crystals in order to supply Kailan's next evolution.

As for whether the restored Hunyuan Golden Lantern can reach the Zifu treasures, apart from the repaired materials, it depends on Li Changsheng's fortune.

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