Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 957: The mutation of the 9-story stone tower

Zhang Kaishuo asked, "What shall we do now?"

"Our time is relatively limited. We must gather relatives within half a day and go abroad to avoid the limelight."

There was no other way. King Qingmu promised to stop the Night King for one day, and the time seemed very limited.

With just such a little time, it is impossible for the Li family's property to be sold, and can only choose to discard it.

However, relative to the harvest, this loss is still within the tolerable range, not to mention that Li Changsheng felt that if he was given another year or two, he might not be able to perform the drama of Return of the King.

"It can only be the!"

Xu Wenhua was open to it. In fact, since he agreed to Li Changsheng, he had such a psychological preparation.

The most important thing is that Xu Wenhua has only two relatives, Xu Fanghua and Xu Xiangzhi, and he has no property in his hands. The only thing he is reluctant to give up is Yuanling Academy. After all, Yuanling Academy became the first institution, and this happened again.

But even if Xu Wenhua was given a chance to make another choice, he would still do it.

Similar to Xu Wenhua's situation, Zhang Kaishuo, Ning Wei, and Qian Yuanfei are not burdened by family and industry, as long as they call their relatives to leave Langya.

Ning Bizhen is alone and has no business under her name, as long as she follows Li Changsheng.

In this way, it is Li Changsheng's side that is the most troublesome. There are thousands of people in the Light Clan, and it will take some time to gather the people scattered in various places.

Fortunately, Li Changsheng had notified the patriarch Li Wenbo in advance and believed that most of the clansmen had been summoned at this moment. As for the clansmen who did not rush to the family within the specified time, they would have to be forced to abandon them.

"Well, we should go back too!"

Following Li Changsheng's order, several people stepped onto the large flying demon pet and quickly flew towards Yuanling Academy.

The palace at this moment was already in ruins. Before he left, Li Changsheng let the demon pets destroy it at will, so that the royal family would suffer greater losses.

If you want to rebuild the palace, especially the arrangement of various prohibitions and forbidden formations, the royal family is afraid that it will consume a lot of resources, and many key losses cannot be made up with resources.

In this way, the night king Dou Cangqiong is afraid that he hates Li Changsheng even more, but Li Changsheng has a lot of debts and does not crush his body.

The forbidden formations in several important places in the palace have all been destroyed, but these forbidden formations are different from the forbidden formations of Longxue, and the treasures that suppress the eyes of the formation are obviously of a grade.

A few people rushed into the Gangfeng layer in the wind speed and flew towards Yuanling Academy at a very fast speed.

A cyan shield appeared on the surface of Ashe's body, which blocked the gang wind. Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen began to check the harvest.

In addition to the gains in the secret realm, the main gains should be Dou Changsheng's spatial ring and several treasure boxes in the depths of the imperial room.

It's a pity that Dou Changsheng's spatial ring has a soul imprint, and it needs the Starlight Divine Water to slowly wear away.

Several treasure boxes have compound bans. If you want to break the ban on the premise of preserving the treasure box, you may need special treasures such as the forbidden pearl.

As for the gains from the Royal House of Secrets, Royal Gardens, and Core Treasures, statistics are still needed.

At this time, Li Changsheng took out the sun order.

As a combined world wonder, Sun Ling may be his biggest gain this time.

Due to being refined by Dou Changsheng, Dou Changsheng's soul brand naturally exists on the Order of the Sun, and it will take some time to turn it into used.

Even so, Li Changsheng could also play part of the power of the Sun Order.

Even if it is only part of the power, as long as it is combined with the Lunar Order, the power it exerts can definitely exceed the Sun Order in its heyday. This is the advantage of the combined world.

At this time, Ning Bizhen said: "Changsheng, I also got a world wonder!"

In Ning Bizhen's right hand, a golden bead was slightly suspended, exuding a gorgeous golden halo.

The golden orb was obtained from Dou Qingtian. It can be offensive or defensive. I don't know where Dou Qingtian got it.

Judging from the energy fluctuations emitted by the golden orb, this is a low-grade world wonder.

Originally, Li Changsheng didn't care much about the golden orb, after all, it was Ning Bizhen's trophy, and it was of little use to him.

At this moment, Li Changsheng seemed to sense something and couldn't help looking at his spatial ring.

In the space of the space ring, a quaint nine-story stone tower was automatically suspended for some reason, and some faint anomalies appeared on it, but because it was too vague, Li Changsheng could not see it.

The nine-story stone pagoda is derived from the Liu's Treasure House in Langya, and has the effect of slightly nourishing treasures. It is a treasure obtained by the spiritual king Liu Yongtu from an ancient relic in his early years.

Because the nine-story stone pagoda has very little effect on the treasures, and the cycle is extremely long, it is regarded by Li Changsheng as a chicken rib, and it has been stored in the space ring, but this time it has changed.

The moment Li Changsheng took out the nine-story stone tower, the golden orb suddenly emitted a strong golden halo.

At the same time, the nine-story stone tower trembled violently, trying to break free, but was grasped hard by Li Changsheng.

Obviously, there is a connection between the two This golden orb may be part of the nine-story stone tower! "

Li Changsheng said inwardly, a little excited.

But this is Ning Bizhen’s spoils after all. Although the relationship between the two is a negative distance partner, it still needs to be discussed. Otherwise, if Ning Bizhen has a grudge, it would not be beautiful.

Ning Bizhen did not show any reluctance, and generously handed the golden orb to Li Changsheng.

As the distance increases, between the two

Without hesitation, Li Changsheng released his hands, the nine-story stone pagoda and the golden orb moved together, and the two made contact instantly.

In an instant, the golden orb rushed into the nine-story stone tower, and was finally embedded in the groove in the center of the first floor.

The next moment, the nine-story stone tower emits a golden halo, and the vision it reveals is a little clearer, but it still looks vague, or it is not clear.

"Combined world wonders!"

Li Changsheng has speculated that, judging from the current situation, this is obviously a world wonder.

From the perspective of mental power, the energy fluctuations emitted by the nine-story stone tower grew out of nothing, and suddenly reached the level of low-grade world wonders.

Although it is still inferior, the energy fluctuations it emits are about 30% stronger than the golden orb. It seems that the nine-story stone pagoda functions as a transfer station and amplifier.

As for whether the effect of the nine-story stone pagoda containing treasures has been enhanced, or other functions have been added, it has to be tried.

Li Changsheng looked at the nine-story stone pagoda. There is a groove in the center of each floor of the stone pagoda. After inlaid with golden orbs, there are eight grooves left. If no accident, I am afraid there will be eight world-class orbs. Just work.

The question is, what level is the complete nine-story stone tower?

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