Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 934: Destiny Bird

"Changsheng, did you catch the dragon again?"

Seeing Li Changsheng command the Vientiane Spirit Eater to expand the Dragon's Nest, Li Haoqiong couldn't help being surprised.

"I rob...conquered a group of Golden Dragons."

Li Changsheng did not hide it, after all, the Golden Dragon clan will be released soon.

As soon as he heard that it was a group of Golden Dragons, Li Haoqiong's expression was like this? (???)? He hurriedly continued to ask: "Small or large?"

Small groups refer to less than ten heads, and large groups refer to more than ten heads.

"Large!" Li Changsheng paused and continued: "Second Uncle, I also brought you a gift."

While speaking, Li Changsheng took out three jade clay pots and opened their lids.

In the next moment, the wisps of blood automatically condensed and turned into a pocket-sized beast.

The three clay pots are naturally not Yinglong's essence blood, but the Destiny Xuanbird's essence blood.

Both are the auspiciousness of the heaven and the earth, perhaps just the relationship of ordinary beasts, the fame of the Destiny Xuanniao is far inferior to that of the Dragon and Phoenix Qilin.

Li Changsheng has seen all of Li Haoqiong's demon pets, among them is a golden bird with a rich bloodline of the Destiny Bird, and it has reached the level of the 9th lord.

With these three pots of Destiny Black Bird's Essence Blood, Li Haoqiong's golden bird is bound to evolve, and it is possible to advance to the Demon King level.

Taking a step back, even if it fails to break through the Demon King rank, the Golden Bird is a semi-divine beast after evolution, and it will definitely break through the Demon King rank in a short time.

After learning that it was the blood of the Destiny Profound Bird, Li Haoqiong first showed an expression of ecstasy, and then hesitated again.

"Changsheng, this thing is too expensive, you should take it back!"

Li Haoqiong endured the intense temptation, but finally turned his head and stopped looking at the Destiny Xuan Bird essence and blood.

He was very aware of the value of these three pots of Destiny Profound Bird Essence Blood, but he was also a good face, and felt that he should not accept such a valuable gift.

The most important thing is that Li Haoqiong feels that he has nothing to help Li Changsheng.

"Second uncle, it is your greatest help to me if you can sit in the Dragon's Cave yourself, not to mention that they are of no use to me. If so, it is better to enhance your strength, you should accept it!"

Li Changsheng forcibly stuffed the three clay pots into Li Haoqiong's arms, Li Haoqiong shied a few times, but in the end he couldn't shirk it, and barely took it away.

However, Li Haoqiong still patted his chest and said, "Then I will accept it. Don't worry, even if the second uncle saves his life, he will save these dragons for you, and you don't have to worry about it anymore. I have prepared an expensive gift."

Li Haoqiong felt ashamed. After all, as an elder, it is always a rude thing to always receive valuable gifts from the younger generation.

Most importantly, he wanted to return a gift but couldn't find a gift of sufficient weight.

"Second Uncle, what are you talking about? You can catch the dragon if you are gone. How can they be important to you."

Li Changsheng didn't lie, not to mention the value of the pseudo-king, just to talk about Li Haoqiong's age and potential. If he can help him, there is a high probability that he can become a king in the future, and the importance is naturally far more than these giant dragons.

When the two were talking, the Vientiane Spirit Eater had come to an end.

After going further, the digging ability of the Vientiane Spirit Eater has been further developed. The hard rock wall is like tofu under the claws, and it is easily broken.

After a while, the temporary dragon's den was doubled, and the Vientiane Spirit Eater stopped.

It's not that the Vientiane Spirit Eater doesn't want to continue digging, it is that the belly of this mountain is so big, if you continue to dig, there will be a risk of collapse.

Although adult dragons with thick skins and thick flesh would not suffer severe damage even if Qingyun Mountain collapses, young dragons and dragon eggs are very fragile and are not included.

Li Changsheng shook the demon pet bag and released all the 22 golden dragons.

Roar~ roar~ roar~

As soon as they were released, the twenty-two golden dragons roared one after another. After spending a day in the demon pet bag, they naturally seemed very bored. This is also the reason why Li Changsheng often summons the demon pets to let the wind open. Pet bag or demon pet space can easily cause mental problems.

Seeing these twenty-two golden dragons, even though he was prepared in his heart, Li Haoqiong still showed a shocked expression. He originally thought he was only in his early ten, but it turned out to be a full 22, and it was still in metal. The golden dragon with the strongest combat effectiveness among the dragons.

For the first time, the golden dragons quickly took a proper look at the surrounding environment, and when they discovered that there were other dragons here, especially the five-colored dragons, the dragon's eyes were obviously alert and ruthless.

The metal dragon and the five-color dragon are not right, not to mention the red dragon, which is the most wrong with the golden dragon.

There are only two red dragons, all from Asuna, and one of them is a young dragon that hasn't been hatched long.

Therefore, the golden dragons naturally focused their attention on the only adult red dragon.

Being watched by so many golden dragons, the adult red dragon expressed great pressure, but the unique arrogance of the red dragon made it bite the bullet and did not bow its head, still holding its head high and staring at the golden dragon unyieldingly.

The main reason for this is that the red dragon believes that there will be no scene of golden dragons beating it, after all, it is impossible for Li Changsheng to ignore it.

Under the deterrence of the Golden Dragons, the five-color dragons who had not reported the group had to gather together to prepare to report the group for warmth. There were a total of 12 five-color dragons.

As for the silver dragons and red bronze dragons, they consciously stood with the golden dragons, a total of 26 metal dragons.

There is a clear gap between the numbers of the two sides. The five-color dragon does not even have half of the metal dragon. If there is a conflict, it will naturally not be their opponent.

However, Li Changsheng will naturally try his best to eliminate this possibility, otherwise if there is a huge loss, there will be no place to cry.

Under Li Changsheng's deterrence, these 38 dragons naturally did not have any conflicts, and the key is that they are not stupid.

While the golden dragons were looking around Li Changsheng motioned for the best golden dragon Hermes.


The best golden dragon Hermes fell in front of the golden dragons, raising his hair and let out a high-pitched dragon roar.

Looking at Hermes, who was obviously bigger and bigger in front of them, the dozen or so adult golden dragons didn't feel afraid, but showed warlike eyes.

Unlike the grown-up golden dragons, the young dragons shivered and hid behind, only because Hermes' dragon power was far beyond the ordinary golden dragon, and said it was unbearable.

In addition to Hermes, Li Changsheng also summoned the secondary ancestor Black Dragon and Xier Asuna to suppress the scene.

Unlike Hermes, the secondary ancestor Black Dragon and Xier Asuna both reached the Demon King level. The arrogance of the dragons was immediately suppressed, and they shivered under their dragon power.

It was also at this time that Li Changsheng took out the five golden dragon eggs and returned them to their parents for hatching.

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