Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 933: Dragon Cavern Expansion

"It's not easy!"

Li Changsheng frowned. Since the Mu family once had a double-word king, assuming that it has fallen, there is a high probability that there is still a king. Even if Li Changsheng is now as strong as the king, but the opponent sits on the home court, there will be support at any time, and as the king The family, the Mu family must be heavily banned, and it is extremely difficult to break through.

If it hasn't fallen, there is probably a double-word king or multiple kings in the Mu family.

In short, no matter whether the Mu family has fallen or not, it is basically not an existence that Li Changsheng can provoke.

Of course, the Mu family might not have fallen to the point where there is no king, but the probability is very small, and its heritage must be there.

In addition, Li Changsheng didn't know about Lihuo Nation, only limited to a few words.

Even the first-generation principal had a little knowledge of Lihuo Country, after all, he had never been to this country.

Lihuo Nation has existed for more than 600 years. It has the same scale as Langya Nation and belongs to a medium-sized country in the northwest. Unlike Langya Nation, Lihuo Nation had two double-character kings in its heyday, including the Mu family ancestors. .

As for the current Lihuo Nation, we have to wait for investigations to find out, but the distance between Langya Nation and Lihuo Nation is too large. If you want to know the resources of Lihuo Nation and even Mu Family, you can know the difficulty.

Li Changsheng didn't get into the horns. He decided to wait until he was well prepared before going to Lihuo Nation. There is a high probability that he will go there after he becomes the king.

Even if there is no "Seven Lunar Stars Royal Demon Jue", but the top advanced Yu Yao Jue can break through the boundaries of the king, not to mention the general outline of "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Yu Yao Jue" in his hand.

Li Changsheng continued to browse the inheritance of the first generation principals. Except for some, the first generation principals were still interested in a wide range of interests, including refining equipment, alchemy, formation, talisman, spiritual plant and even puppets.

Perhaps it is because of the serious distraction of energy, none of these auxiliary occupations have reached the master level.

Even so, it is precious to Li Changsheng, after all, apart from the refining equipment, the rest is not very good.

Until late at night, Li Changsheng had initially digested the memory of the original principal.

This naturally benefits Li Changsheng a lot, but it takes a lot of time to get through.

At that time, Li Changsheng felt that it would be difficult for him to have shortcomings in all aspects, and it is likely that he will not be inferior to some long-standing double-word kings.

Soon, Li Changsheng called Ning Bizhen over. They didn't do things that are unsuitable for children. Instead, they all went into concentration and calmly entered the cultivation state.

Because of the same kind of Star Imperial Demon Jue, if you practice together, the efficiency will be improved.

Although the increase is not large, it will benefit a lot in the long run. In particular, both of them have more than six Demon King-level demon pets, which meets the greatest requirement of becoming a king.

The next morning, Li Changsheng passed through the teleportation array alone and came to the Li's Manor.

As the vice-principal of the university, Ning Bizhen naturally accumulated a lot of affairs during her absence, and it will take some time to deal with it.

After Li Changsheng appeared, the people of the tribe naturally cheered, and the atmosphere was more lively than Yuanling Academy.

Although the number of them is far from Yuanling Academy, they have blood connections with Li Changsheng, and naturally they seem to be more enthusiastic.

Patriarch Li Wenbo even pulled him, wanting to hold a celebration banquet for him, but he was politely declined by Li Changsheng because he felt that it was unnecessary.

After Li Changsheng killed the demon leader independently, the Langya Nation list was updated in due course.

On the battle list, Li Changsheng has risen to fifth place. Naturally above him are the Dark Night King Dou Cangqiang and the three kings.

Although Yan King Qin Mingqing, Butterfly King Luo Qingning, and Li King Dou Changsheng have never killed the demon leader, their realm and status are there. The producer of the list said that he still wants to live a few more years. How can he let Li Changsheng step on On their heads, otherwise, where is the dignity of the king.

Even so, in most minds, Li Changsheng is not a king but is better than a king. After all, he has done many things that the king has not done.

In this way, the status is naturally elevated invisibly.

Due to the fact that one person has the right to ascend to heaven, the status of the Li family is also rising. On the bright side, the Li family is still famous, but some forces are bound to equate the Li family with the king's family, or the kind of king's family that still exists.

After discussing for a while, Li Changsheng and Li Wenbo decided to send some family children to the country to assist Zhao Rui to control the situation and increase Li Changsheng's influence by the way.

Soon, Li Changsheng left Li's Manor and quickly came to the depths of Qingyun Mountain.

After sensing the movement, Li Haoqiong and his wife flew into the sky, and when they found that it was Li Changsheng, they hurried up to meet them.

"Changsheng, I haven't seen you for a few days. I didn't expect you to have such a big name."

With a brilliant smile on Li Haoqiong's face, the better Li Changsheng's performance is, the more honorable his elders are.

"Bi Zhen is the same. It was the first time to participate in the Secret Realm of Heavenly Dao, and he jumped to the top four seats."

He Yan on the side was also happy for her best friend's achievements, and pulled Ning Bizhen into a whisper.

"Second Uncle, how are those guys?"

Li Haoqiong knew that Li Changsheng was talking about the dragon in the Temporary Dragon Den, and said: "With your Golden Dragon suppressed, they are fairly safe."

Under the leadership of Li Haoqiong, the two entered the temporary dragon cave.

There is not much change here, and the energy has become more concentrated, which can better stimulate the dragon's activity.


After sensing Li Changsheng's breath, Jinlong flew out and fell in front of Li Changsheng.

Compared with a few days ago, Jinlong has gained a certain degree of growth and has officially reached the level of the 9th lord.

At this time, the giant dragons in the temporary dragon's den also reacted one after another and began to talk around Li Changsheng, hoping that Li Changsheng could ‘improve’ their lives.

In a they are asking Li Changsheng for treasure.

Under the suppression of the Golden Dragon and the temptation of the treasure, these dragons can be so tame.

"Well, I will give you a certain share of treasure based on your performance these days."

Li Changsheng waved his hand. In view of the additional batch of golden dragons, he decided to give some rewards to the first batch of giant dragons, so as to better tame the second batch of golden dragons.

Soon, the first batch of giant dragons returned to their respective positions, holding the treasures contentedly.

Before releasing the second batch of golden dragons, Li Changsheng summoned the Vientiane Spirit Eater to expand the area of ​​the dragon's den.

Li Changsheng did not expect that if so many golden dragons were conquered in such a short period of time, if these golden dragons were released, it would inevitably cause crowding and easily cause trouble.

Only a sufficiently comfortable environment can make the dragons live better.

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