Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1152: The radiant nest, the mysterious essence

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"Is this the essence of mystery?"

Seeing these two treasures, Li Changsheng's heart moved, and from the ring, he took out the almost ripped "Encyclopedia of Wonders of the World".

On the second page of the book, the picture above is a container shaped like a honeycomb, which looks like a diamond.

This is the glorious nest of great fame. It is a thing of enlightenment from the ancient Xuan Empress. According to legend, it can condense and enhance the quality of the demon pet. The other effects are unknown!

At the bottom of this page, there is also a graphic introduction to the essence of mystery.

Essence of Mysticism: Treasures of heaven and earth, with a greater probability of improving the quality of the monster pet. The higher the quality of the monster pet itself, the lower the probability of improvement. Note: It is invalid for the quality above epic.

From the point of view of introduction, the effect of the essence of mysticism is similar to that of the origin of water and the origin of fire. The advantage is that there is no attribute restriction, and the defects are also obvious. It is invalid for monster pets of epic or higher quality, unlike the origin of water. Promote.

Due to the emissary of the Emperor Profoundly exploding the sea of ​​consciousness, although Li Changsheng didn't absorb much memory, he happened to have two contents of the essence of mystery.

Naturally, it is impossible for Xuanhuang to be generous enough to give the two mysterious essences and two secondary water crystals to the'king of Nujiang'. Judging from the memory of Xuanhuang's messengers, these two mysterious essences are Xuanhuang. Prepared as a'gift' from the snake Aberisk.

And judging from the inheritance of the king of Yum and others, except for the Nest of Glory, the heaven and the earth have never been born with the mysterious essence.

In other words, these two mysterious essences are produced by the Lair of Radiance.

"The Glory Nest is likely to be in the hands of the Xuan Emperor, and the Glory Nest is an enlightened object of the ancient Xuan Empress. Together with the title of Queen Mother Mirror and Xuan Emperor, it seems that Xuan Emperor indeed inherited the ancient Xuan Empress's mantle. ."

Li Changsheng briefly analyzed it. This was not good news for him, but judging from the difference in strength between him and the Emperor Xuan, it seemed that it didn't make any difference whether he inherited the ancient Xuanhou mantle.

No way, he was a bigger ant in Xuanhuang's eyes, and he could easily be pinched to death.

If it weren't for the power of the imperial palace, Emperor Xuan would not use such a roundabout way against him.

Now it's different. He killed the Xuan Emperor's messenger. Although he was only a pseudo-king, the Profound Emperor's messenger represented the face of the Profound Emperor to a certain extent, and might be an excuse for the Emperor to crusade Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng has one and only one way to prevent it, and that is to continue to use the power of the human emperor, but because of his position, I am afraid that he will not see the human emperor, so Luo Yuanjun can only come forward on his behalf.

Because of the crystallization of the rules, Luo Yuanjun still owes him a promise, and even if he pays this promise, Li Changsheng will not hesitate.

What Li Changsheng lacks most is time. As long as he is given enough time to grow up, he may not be able to grow to the level of Emperor Xuan, but the enemy may not give him such an opportunity. Rather than pin his hopes on luck, it is better to take the initiative to fight for and control himself. fate.

After getting two copies of the mystic essence, Li Changsheng was ready to use them.

Judging from the introduction of the Mystic Spirit, it can be absorbed by the epic-quality monster pet.

Except for day and night, all other monster pets meet the standards.

In terms of stability, it is best to absorb demon pets that have been promoted to Demon Saint level; but if it is an efficiency analysis, it is best to absorb demon pets that are trying to break through Demon Saint level. If both quality and realm are promoted, The increase in power is the strongest.

Originally, Li Changsheng wanted to absorb Kailan, but Kailan had not fully recovered after the last breakthrough, and it would take some time before he could try to break through the Demon Saint Grade again.

Most of the main demon pets also have this problem. Due to the relationship with the snake Aberisk, Li Changsheng cannot wait for a period of time. Instead, he has to use up the high-quality resources in his hands as soon as possible to improve his strength.

In this way, there are not many choices.

The demon pets that have not yet attempted to break through are the Zixiao Leopard Beast, the Three Giant Dragons, the Chiron and the Horned Dragon.

The horned dragon is not even at the Demon King level, and the three giant dragons are still some distance away from breaking through the critical point, and only the Zixiao Leopard Beast and the Chilong meet the standards.

Both have their own advantages. From the point of view of combat power, Chilong has a slight advantage, but the Zixiao Leopard Beast has a great advantage against evil creatures.

In view of the fact that the Forest of Silence represented by the snake Aberisk is not an evil creature, Chilong's tendency to choose is the best.

In addition, Li Changsheng also has a water source crystal and two secondary water source crystals, both of which can be used as resources for Chilong's breakthrough.

No matter how you look at it, Chilong meets the requirements best.

In terms of probability, Chilong has a high probability of breaking through the Demon Sage level. The key to the problem is that Chilong is still in the early stages of epic quality, and even if he absorbs two mysterious essences, he only has a certain hope of being promoted.

Most of the other main monster pets are also in the early stages of epic quality, only Ashe and Kailan are barely in the middle stage, and the probability of breaking through the half-step legendary quality is relatively higher.

In terms of effect, two copies of mysticism are probably the same as one copy of time and space origin.

The day and night quality promotion half-step legend, in addition to a time and space origin, there are two moon soul star-receiving pills and two cans of gray cat essence blood, and the promotion is completed with a relatively reluctant attitude.

"Chilong should reach the 9th level of the Demon King in the past few days, first contact Xiang Yutian, maybe he still has Mingyuelian!"

Li Changsheng felt that the probability was too low, so he put his idea on the treasure that could improve the quality, and the best way was to refine the Moon Soul Reaching Star Pill.

Since the last time he succeeded in refining the Moon Soul Star-winning Pill, Kailan has been successfully promoted to the master alchemy master, and the success rate of refining the top pill has been greatly improved.

Therefore, Li Changsheng began to contact Xiang Yutian.

Before long, Li Changsheng ended his contact with Xiang Yutian, and a smile appeared on his face.

Since Xiang Yutian became the king, UU reading's position in the Tianling Empire can be described as rising, and it has greatly drawn the distance from the prince.

In addition, Xiang Yutian and Li Changsheng are long-term partners, selling the “special products” of the Heavenly Spirit Empire, such as the moon lotus and the moon elves, to Li Changsheng to make a difference.

With the improvement of Xiang Yutian's status, it is obviously much easier to obtain the Moon Moon Lotus, and now he has three in his hand.

With Kailan's alchemy success rate, it is almost possible to refine a furnace of Moon Soul Star Reaching Pill.

At Li Changsheng's signal, Ashe turned his flight direction, did not return to Langya Kingdom, and flew towards the border of Dai Kingdom closest to the Tianling Empire.

After two or three hours passed, Li Changsheng saw Xiang Yutian again.

Compared with two or three months ago, Xiang Yutian is a bit complacent. Recently, he can describe it as a smooth wind in the Sky Spirit Empire, and he has a certain friendship with some kings and Shuangzi Kings of the Sky Spirit Empire.

This time, in addition to the Moon Lotus and Moon Elf, Xiang Yutian also brought a treasure that Li Changsheng badly needed.

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