Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1151: Queen Mother Mirror

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Rumor has it that this precious mirror is called the Queen's Mirror, the grade is unknown, and it has the ability to monitor the world. Now it seems to be in line with the rumors. After all, the northern region is more than 100,000 miles away from the Dai Kingdom.

Suddenly, there was a big eye on this precious mirror.

I have to say that this is a very beautiful eye, but it is full of majesty. Just being stared at by this eye, Li Changsheng has a feeling of facing the great terror, full of oppression.

Emperor Xuan!

Li Changsheng had never seen the Emperor Xuan, but King Yum Sheng had seen it, not to mention that just one eye contained such great power. Who could have been other than Emperor Xuan.

However, at this moment, Li Changsheng stretched out his hand and waved, the sun and moon like a shuttle, the heavy light wheel swiftly spinning, releasing flames of gold and silver, and cutting it towards the treasure mirror.

Li Changsheng knew very well in his heart that this precious mirror was by no means the main body, at most it was a clone, and it was a phantom with a high probability.


The sun and the moon flew past the heavy light wheel, and the treasure mirror shattered and disappeared.

However, at the next moment, Bao Jing condensed and formed again, and Li Changsheng frowned.

Li Changsheng's thoughts turned, the sun and moon like a shuttle, the heavy light wheel turned around in mid-air, breaking the treasure mirror again.

From the beginning to the end, Li Changsheng didn't use the Biluohuangquan Swords. After all, this was the treasure of King Yum. Once used, Emperor Xuan might not care about others anymore, he might just kill him directly.

For today's plan, it is naturally hidden.

This time, the treasure mirror did not condense again after it was broken, and Li Changsheng suspected that it was not that the treasure mirror could not condense again, perhaps because Emperor Xuan did not think it necessary.

With such a distance, even if the Emperor Xuan could make a move, it would be difficult to pose a threat to Li Changsheng.

After confirming that the treasure mirror was no longer condensed, Li Changsheng immediately returned and sneaked into Wangjiang. Now that the emissary of the Emperor Xuan died, Dou Cangqiong's demon-sage-level flood dragon would naturally not be able to stay.

Soon, Li Changsheng opened the seal and retracted the small altar. The Demon Saint Grade Flood Dragon wanted to escape, but was forcibly suppressed by Zi Ningding and lay on the muddy river bed.

The Demon Saint Grade Flood Dragon struggled, but couldn't break free in a short time.

At the same time, the Demon Saint-level Flood Dragon wanted to have a spiritual contact with his master Dou Cangqiong, but unfortunately, the distance was too far, and Dou Cangqiong was not a ninth-order demon master.

At this moment, Li Changsheng was holding a nearly twenty-meter-long black gold dragon spear, and stabled towards the demon saint-level flood dragon.

The Black Golden Dragon Spear has been further transformed, and its hardness and penetrating power far exceed the previous ones.

In order to avoid the Emperor Xuan's monitoring, Li Changsheng didn't use the treasures and magical powers related to King Yum. What's more, killing a demon-sage-level flood dragon that couldn't resist was simply not too simple.

"No, you can't do this!"

The Demon Saint-class Flood Dragon struggled desperately, but still couldn't move. He watched as the black gold dragon spear pierced the Niqian forcefully, penetrated deeply into its neck, and finally penetrated through the other end.

This means that Li Changsheng is so powerful that ordinary kings really can't do that.

The demon-sage-level water dragon stared at the huge dragon eyes, and the corners of its mouth vomited blood. The huge water dragon body trembled violently and did not die immediately.

Li Changsheng didn't waste a bit, the imperial emperor swallowed the **** water with the imitation demon refining pot, and didn't waste a single bit.

Soon, the Demon Saint-level Flood Dragon stopped moving, and had no life.

Demon Saint Grade Flood Dragon, pawn!

In the far northern region, the Dark Night King Dou Cangqiong has spent most of his time in retreat since he took refuge in the Emperor Xuan.

Due to the loss of many of the main demon pets, including the Demon Emperor-level Burning Mountain Ape, and the great damage to the origin of the blessed land, this caused Dou Cangqiong to suffer severe damage.

In the quiet room, even after more than two months, Dou Cangqiong did not fully recover, but it also made his pale face rosy.

According to Dou Cangqiong's estimation, as long as two or three months, he can fully recover.

Suddenly, Dou Cangqiong opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes were bloodshot, and there was still a bit of pain.


Dou Cangqiong opened his mouth and spouted a mouthful of blood, which turned the ground red, and his **** face became like gold paper.

With the death of the Demon Saint-level Flood Dragon, it directly caused the recurrence of Dou Cangqiong's injury, and it was even worse than it was more than two months ago.

At this time, Dou Cangqiong received the last scene before the fall of the Demon Saint Grade Flood Dragon.

"It's you again, Li Changsheng!"

Seeing Li Changsheng's figure, Dou Cangqiong gritted his teeth, his face was blue and white, almost vomiting blood again.

After the death of the Demon Saint Grade Flood Dragon, his strength was weakened again.

"Sooner or later, you will be smashed into pieces, but I guess you won't be able to survive for long!"

Thinking of this plan, Dou Cangqiong suppressed the depression in his heart, so he could only think in a good direction.

Due to Li Changsheng's progress too fast, Dou Cangqiong didn't dare to wait any longer, so after taking refuge in Empress Xuan, he immediately begged Xuan Emperor to be his master.

The two can be said to be old acquaintances, the key to the Xuanhuang being able to obtain the throne Dou Cangqiong made a lot of strength, not only that, the two had a negative distance relationship.

In the end, Emperor Xuan was moved by Dou Cangqiong. In addition to the relationship with Dou Cangqiong, it was also related to Li Changsheng's wickedness.

Due to Dou Cangqiong's relationship, Li Changsheng and the Xuanhuang camp are already hostile. Once Li Changsheng is allowed to continue to grow, it is really possible to threaten the Xuanhuang in the future.

However, Li Changsheng was a member of the Imperial Palace after all, and the fact that the Emperor personally intervened last time made Xuanhuang not dare to act on the bright side.

No matter how conceited the Emperor Xuan was, he didn't think he would be an opponent of the Emperor.

Due to the five decays of heaven and man, the longer the 9th-order Demon Master lives, the stronger the strength. After all, if the strength is not strong enough, the human emperor will not live this age.

Since he can’t do anything on the bright The Emperor Xuan can only choose to use other forces to kill Li Changsheng, and finally hit the snake Aberisk with his idea, and King Nujiang is only one part of it, mainly used to contain Li Changsheng's ally.

As a result, King Nujiang was vulnerable to Li Changsheng, and he caught up with Dou Cangqiong's Demon Saint-level Flood Dragon, causing his injury to recur.

As for the death of the Emperor Xuan's messenger, although it represented the face of the Emperor Xuan in a certain sense, the matter could not be made public at all. Otherwise, the Emperor Human would probably intervene in this matter, and the Emperor Xuan would only be dumb.

Not to mention the thoughts of Emperor Xuan and Dou Cangqiong, Li Changsheng didn't wait much in Wangjiang, riding back to Langya country on Ai Xi.

Over the past few days, Langya Kingdom has achieved amazing results, not only harvesting a large number of wild goblins that meet the requirements, but also gathering materials for refining the blood of the cat.

On the way back to Langya Kingdom, Li Changsheng began to inspect the two treasures obtained from the envoy of the Emperor Xuan.

These are two drop-shaped treasures, about the size of a baby's fist, and look like the top diamonds. As long as you look at them, your mind will be attracted involuntarily.

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