Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1145: Mysterious ruins

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"It's not impossible to spare your life, provided that your answer satisfies me!"

Li Changsheng said so, but he had already sentenced the death penalty for King Nujiang in his heart.

First, King Nujiang is a demon saint-level goblin, or is close to the top demon saint-level goblin, the secret realm cannot be placed, and the seal will consume exaggerated resources.

Second, the great king of Nu River flooded the Tianfang City, causing the death of tens of thousands of people, and the displacement of more people, shaking the foundation of the country, and his crime should be punished.

The reason why Li Changsheng made a delay was not only because he wanted to know about the broken corner of the King Nujiang in the past, but also related to his behavior this time.

According to Zhao Yuanqing, the King of Nujiang has been in Wangjiang for a hundred years. Although he occasionally makes waves when he is in a bad mood, he has never done anything to flood the city, so Li Changsheng always feels a little strange.

As for why he didn't need to search for souls, Li Changsheng could only search for part of his memory. Even if he directed King Nu Jiang to think in that direction, he might not get all the memories about these two aspects.

Although the strength of King Nujiang is similar to Horns, its soul is likely to be stronger than Horns, and the possibility of resisting soul searching is higher.

"My lord, please, Xiaolong must know everything he can say, and if he knows, he will tell you everything."

For the sake of his life, King Nu Jiang chose to bow his head. It has been alive for hundreds of years and wants to continue to live, especially for more than a hundred years.

"The first question, what's the matter with your broken corner? You'd better not hide it. I have searched the memory of Jumbo King, but there is only part of the memory, but I also know some details. If what you said and I know If it doesn’t match, don’t blame me for not giving you a chance."

Li Changsheng’s words are true and false. He did absorb part of the memory of Motu, the King of Treasure, but there is no memory about King Nujiang’s broken corner. It seems that this part of the memory was specially sealed by King Treasure, which led to not even knowing the details. .

The King Nujiang turned into a human dragon head form, but it did not immediately answer, but looked at Li Changsheng with hesitating eyes. It was not sure whether Li Changsheng had actually acquired part of the memory of King Treasure King.

Li Changsheng saw the doubts of King Nujiang, and said, "In order to eliminate your worries, I can talk about some deeds about King Treasure King."

"Jumbo King was promoted to the King at the age of 58, and to the King of Two Characters at the age of 215. His natural demon pet is eight lions, and the main demon pets are... you are the demon pet that he contracted when he was 43 years old. At that time, it was still a top-quality dragon python, are these enough?"

Eight lions have the bloodline of nine lions at the majestic level. Nine lions have nine heads like the nine-faced dragon god, but their strength is much worse, and they can only be regarded as ordinary beasts.

"Enough is enough, Xiaolong said that's it."

King Nujiang has determined that Li Changsheng possesses part of the memory of King Treasure King, otherwise it would not be possible to be so detailed.

After a moment of silence, King Nujiang seemed to fall into the memory and began to tell the story of the year.

"About two hundred years have passed since this incident. At that time, the owner felt that there was not much life left, and he was looking for life-extending heaven and earth treasures. During the search, by chance, he entered a ruin by chance."

"That ruin has a strong forbidden formation. Just when the owner broke through the outer forbidden formation, a jade ruler suddenly rushed out of the forbidden formation. Fortunately, Xiaolong reacted quickly enough. At that time, he lowered his head subconsciously. It’s not just a problem of the broken horns of the dragon, I’m afraid it’s a fatal loss.

Thinking of the scene of exploring the ruins, even after nearly two hundred years, King Nujiang still had lingering fears. With the power of that jade ruler, if he was hit in the head at that time, the skull would be directly penetrated.

"At that time, the master wanted to stop the jade ruler, but even if he tried his best, he was helpless. On the contrary, he compromised the two companions. In that case, the master could only choose to give up and decide to wait until later to explore."

"What about the ruins?"

"It's specific location... As for who left it, the owner didn't say at the time, and Xiaolong didn't know it."

The Great King Nujiang hesitated, but decided to answer truthfully. It really did not dare to take risks.

"What about the jade ruler?"

"That is probably a Langhuan treasure. At that time, the owner suspected that the jade ruler gave birth to the spirit of the sword, or it was a treasure that suppressed the forbidden eyes. As for the jade ruler information, the owner did not say, please forgive the dragon.

The King of Nujiang finished tremblingly, and only he knew whether he would hide it in the future.

Li Changsheng pondered for a while and silently wrote down the location of the ruins. If he has enough strength in the future, he will explore it.

Regarding the jade ruler that was suspected of Langhuan Zhibao, it must be a lie for Li Changsheng to say that he didn't move his heart. After all, he didn't have a treasure of the rank of Langhuan Zhibao yet in his hand.

"The second question, what was your motive for flooding Tianfang City?"

"This... Xiaolong originally wanted to breathe, so he was making waves in Wangjiang, but he accidentally flooded Tianfang City."

The King Nujiang hesitated a bit when he spoke, obviously not organized yet.

"Do you think I will believe it? You'd better tell the truth, or if you know it."

"Xiaolong wants to say too, but Xiaolong has made a contract with heaven and cannot tell what happened that day. It is really impossible to say, Majesty, you just let the little ones go as if you were farting."

The King Nujiang felt bitter, seeing Li Changsheng's look bad, his legs were soft, he knelt on the ground and wanted to pray for Li Changsheng.

If you say that it is a violation of the heavenly contract, you will definitely be hacked to death by the heavenly way. Not to mention that there is a chance to survive. The two powers are harmed, whichever is less, the King Nujiang can only choose this way.

The King of Nujiang regretted not falling in his heart. At that time, he shouldn't have promised to flood the Tianfang City with water. Now that he is well, he almost took his life in. UU reading

Li Changsheng squinted at King Nujiang, and said every word: "Really?"

King Nujiang had a numb scalp, but he could only bite the bullet and replied, "I really can't say it."

"Then you go to die!"

With a wave of Li Changsheng's hand, the Huangquan sword in his hand instantly slashed on King Nujiang's neck.

"Do not……"

The King Nujiang uttered a cry of unwillingness, his head flew high, blood spewing out from the brainless fracture like a fountain, staining the ground red.

After all, it was a demon saint-level flood dragon, and its vitality was not generally tenacious. Even if its head was cut off, it did not die immediately.

Before King Nujiang's head fell, Li Changsheng released the original light, and instantly pressed against King Nujiang's head. Almost everything that King Nujiang had just thought was stolen.

In addition, there are many scattered memory fragments.

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