Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1144: The king is forgiving

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It was also at this time that a huge shadow rushed towards the Shenjiang Palace.

In addition to the demon pet, Li Changsheng was transformed into a basalt and Ning Bizhen was transformed into a five-clawed golden dragon, and he was about to stay with King Nujiang.

Until this moment, King Nujiang finally sensed the approach of a powerful enemy, and immediately summoned his men to rush out of the Shenjiang Palace.

Even in the dark underwater environment, King Nujiang can clearly see the scene 100 meters away.

When he saw Xuanwu and five-clawed golden dragons leading a group of Demon King-level and Demon-Saint-level demon pets rushing towards it, King Nujiang was obviously shocked, and his eyes were full of horror and fear.

Even judging from the size of the basalt and five-clawed golden dragons, they are obviously immature, but they also exude the aura of the demon king. The key five-clawed golden dragons have the innate suppression of its bloodline, plus the racial advantage, single pair The King of Nujiang may not have ever played.

Compared with King Nujiang, its subordinates are even more unbearable. Non-Demon King-level goblins shivered with fear, and most of them fell directly into a state of shrinking under the power of the five-clawed golden dragon.

The five demon king-level goblins under King Nujiang were still full of fear even if they were not in a state of shrinking.

The opponent's lineup is still a fart.

For a time, without waiting for King Nujiang's order, four of the demon king-level goblins took offense and fled separately.

Only ‘Prime Minister Turtle’ did not run away immediately. This does not mean that he is loyal to King Nujiang, but because his speed in the water is not as fast as his companions, even if he escapes, he cannot escape.

In an instant, Prime Minister tortoise retracted into the tortoise shell and chose to resign.


The King Nujiang’s first thought was also to escape. The catastrophe was about to fly, and he didn’t care about his subordinates. He immediately turned into a hundred-meter-long dragon. The giant tail fluttered, and the silt under the water madly overflowed, and the underwater visibility became Very low, turned and flee.

Suddenly, a huge golden snare fell, and instantly covered King Nujiang.


Accompanied by a dragon chant, the King of Nujiang raised his head and slammed into the Xumiluo net.

However, at this moment, a large purple cauldron was suppressed, and King Nujiang felt his whole body sank, as if he was carrying a large mountain. The momentum dropped by more than one, and he couldn't break the Xumilu net in the first place.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Xumiluo net was quickly damaged, completely covering the King of Nu River, and it felt like a big fish caught in a fishing net.

However, King Nujiang was able to fight against Zhao Yuanqing, so naturally he would not be captured so easily.

In an instant, countless turbulent currents emerged under the water, and a huge waterspout took shape in an instant, which not only resisted the suppressive force of Zi Ningding, but also pulled the Xumiluo net to prevent it from clinging to King Nujiang.

Just when King Nujiang wanted to break the Sumiluo net, the five-clawed golden dragon incarnation of Ning Bizhen rushed over first and slapped King Nujiang on the head.

The King Nujiang dodged quickly and was slapped on the waist by the five-clawed golden dragon.


A harsh sound sounded, and the dragon scales and skin of the King Nujiang were torn, revealing five deep claw marks more than ten meters long.

The King Nujiang snorted, but he did not dare to fight back, otherwise he would never have a chance to escape, and wanted to break the shackles of the Xumilu net again.


The sound of the sword sounded suddenly, and a bright yellow sword light swiftly shot towards the inverse scale of the Nujiang King.

The sword light has not yet arrived, but King Nujiang feels cold and swish all over, as if being stabbed by this sword light, the consequences would be disastrous.

Without hesitation, he rolled under the water, barely avoiding the key to the scales, but was stabbed with a sword near his head.

The dragon scales and dragon skin that have been relying on are like a layer of paper, easily pierced by the Huangquan sword, and countless blood overflows, making the surroundings full of blood and a hint of sweetness.

Without waiting for King Nujiang to continue to escape, the basalt of Li Changsheng's incarnation fell, and the exaggerated tonnage suppressed King Nujiang. Even if it was underwater, it still caused King Nujiang's long eye to violently violently, causing abnormal pain.

Li Changsheng contracted his limbs and pressed the King Nujiang with a turtle shell. The ghost head bit the King Nujiang's tail. The tail shook like a small electric motor, like a series of slaps, constantly slapped on the head of the Nujiang King.

The King Nujiang's mouth and nose were madly overflowing with blood, and his appearance was extremely miserable, and Jiaolong's head was swollen.

Until this moment, a few demon pets of the water attribute finally arrived, and the King Nujiang lost the opportunity to escape, just like an eggplant hit by Shuang, he had to obediently admit his life.

After capturing the King Nujiang, Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen were transformed into human forms again and began to look at the King Nujiang.

The same demon-sage-level flood dragon, the Nujiang Great King is more than 100 meters in length, which is significantly larger than the Dou Cangqi flood dragon.

In addition, the dragon horn of King Nu River broke for some reason, obviously missing a large part. From the perspective of the gap, it seems that it was cut open by some sharp weapon.

The hardest part of King Nujiang's body is the Jiaolong horn. Even with the Huangquan sword, it is difficult to achieve this level. Li Changsheng somewhat suspected that this was injured by Langhuan's supreme weapon.

However, seeing the appearance of King Nujiang, Li Changsheng couldn't help feeling familiar.

Suddenly, he remembered something.

"Hey, you are the demon pet of King Treasure King!"

Li Changsheng used a determined tone. Although there was only part of the memory of King Treasure King, the demon pets of King Treasure King had been with him for too long and naturally had the image characteristics of demon pets.

In the memory of King Treasure King, he had a monster-sage-level flood dragon. Due to lack of memory, for some reason, the flood dragon's horns were missing a lot, and it became what it is now.

Before the end of his life, Treasure King did not hesitate to endure backlash and terminate the contract with a few main demon pets. He originally wanted to wait until he recovered to find them, but was killed by Li Changsheng.

As for where these demon pets have gone, whether they are still alive, there is no record of this in part of the memory of the treasure king.

The King Nujiang was stunned for a while, and he took a close look at Li Changsheng, but there was no familiar feeling in his appearance or breath.

"Ah, the king knows Xiaolong's master?"

However, there is one thing that King Nujiang knows very well that its life is in the hands of Li Changsheng, and he wants to use this to establish a relationship with Li Changsheng.

"Yes! Your master wanted my life, but I killed it instead."

While speaking, UU reads www. Li Changsheng checked the information of King Nujiang by the way.

[Fairy name]: Jiaolong (mature stage, semi-divine beast)

[Fairy Realm]: Demon Saint Tier 9

[Fairy Race]: High Master

[Fairy Quality]: Half an Epic

[Fairy Bloodline]: Five-Clawed Golden Dragon (majestic)

[Fairy attributes]: water + gold

[Fairy State]: Healthy

[Leprechaun Weakness]: None

It's no wonder that King Nujiang is one size bigger than Dou Cangqiong's Jiaolong, mainly because of higher quality.

"The king is forgiving, the king is forgiving!"

The King of Nujiang suddenly felt bad, and he hurriedly begged for mercy, because there was no idea of ​​a relationship with Li Changsheng.

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