“It should be the doppelganger Skill, this is not easy to handle.”

Graceful Blood Devouring looked at the slightly frowned steel slaughter divided into two, and had a very bad feeling.

What I hate when dealing with BOSS is the doppelganger skill, especially the doppelganger attribute like this does not change, but HP is shared, which is more difficult than Berserk to upgrade the attribute.

Now the team one 100-Man is nearly half dead, and the probability of defeating two Peak High Lords is too low.

Firstly, only half of the remaining MT is left. Secondly, the battle strength of the two Peak High Lords added together is not as simple as one plus one. If the attack range overlaps, the damage doubles, even if it is Cola. How many Healers of MT can’t be added.

“If the two Peak High Lords did the same move again, we would have to give up.” Nether Orchid looked at the two steel slayers, crescent moon eyebrow wrinkled, didn’t expect Peak High Lord is so difficult to deal with.

“Guild Master, what should I do now? Turn on burst mode?” Aqua Rose whispered secretly.

“Cola, you go to fight the white BOSS, Turtledove assists, and the other three MTs to contain the black BOSS, separate them 50 yards away, all Healer and the two BOSS form a triangle position, the limit distance is given The MT on both sides increases blood.” Shi Feng commanded very calmly.

The Iron Slayer was originally an important guardian BOSS, and the System will not allow the player to pass the entry trial so easily.

And just as Nether Orchid guessed, when the HP of the steel slayer drops to 30%, the two steel slayers will also use the destruction thunderbolt, and the used formidable power will not have The slightest weakening, because of this, many expert teams have died under this move.

Although everyone does not understand why Shi Feng did this, Shi Feng is the Group Leader. Thanks to Shi Feng’s command before, they survived so many people, so that Nether Orchid and the others have more command of Shi Feng’s Believing a bit, he acted without hesitation.

Soon everyone made the designated position.

Cola can resist the steel slaughter fairly easily. A Common attack is only five-six thousand, and a Skill hit only fourteen thousand five thousand. If you have a Cleric Oracle shield, you can still Share a lot of damage, but not on the other side. Taking Moonlight Knight as the main defense against the steel slayer is life hanging by a thread.

The damage caused by the sole Common attack is more than 8,000 points, and Moonlight Knight’s HP is more than 19,000, which is nearly 3,000 points less than that of Cola. A Skill can be defeated. If there is no various shields The blessing is directly seconded. Although Moonlight Knight can rely on Skill and position to dodge, it is slightly different from Peak High Lord’s Strength and speed, and the attack range is large. It is difficult to make up for it through Skill’s position, after all. Agility profession speed is fast, mainly relying on hard resistance.

Fortunately, the three MTs fought back and forth, which could barely be blocked.

“Everyone gathers fire on the white BOSS!” Shi Feng shouted loudly.

Under the command of Shi Feng’s, all their skills were thrown on the steel slayer, but the defense power of the steel slayer is extremely high, and it is Elements Lifeform, the natural Magic Resistance is high, most The damage caused is only about 2,000, and a critical strike is about 4,000. Even if it is a powerful DPS with Epic Weapon like Graceful Blood Devouring and Qilin, using Skill on the steel slaughter can only cause 4,000 or 5,000 damage, crit. Just over ten thousand.

As for Quiet White Night, the overall damage is higher than Graceful Blood Devouring.

However, compared with the powerful DPS of Quiet White Night and Graceful Blood Devouring, the output of Shi Feng and Fire Dance surprised everyone.

Quiet White Night and Graceful Blood Devouring hold Epic Weapon’s output, which is already impressive, but Shi Feng and Fire Dance are still a great length higher.

I saw Shi Feng coming behind the steel slayer, waving the Holy Sword Thunder Slaying in his hand.

Suddenly there is a damage of more than six thousand each and everyone, and this is all the crit effect caused by Common damage. If you use Skill, the damage of ten-twenty thousand will go up.

It looks stunned, and the damage is so gorgeous.

Forget it, solely Shi Feng, the Fire Dance on the side is also the Humanoid Lord. The two directly occupy the first and second positions of the BOSS total output with an absolute advantage, of which Shi Feng takes the first place with a slight advantage.

Although Fire Dance holds the Lesser Legendary Item Thousand Transformation, Shi Feng’s Abyssal Blade and Heavenly Dragon’s Sacred Breath have also been upgraded. Coupled with the gap between Skill and Skill, Fire Dance can no longer take advantage.

Moreover, both of them have the Ultra high Strength attribute. When they attack, they will cooperate with each other to attack a little bit. The strength of one person may not have any impact on the steel slayer, but the strength of the two people is combined. At the same time, it has an effect on the steel slaughter, but this cooperation is too difficult, if the two sides do not have a certain level, it will not be possible.

Shi Feng and Fire Dance from time to time impact on the joints of the steel slaughter, so that the pressure on Cola is greatly reduced, Healer can allocate more energy to take care of the MT on the other side.

“How did the two of them do it?”

“I’m not mistaken, isn’t it? Such a strong Peak High Lord can actually shake the combined attack of the two!”

Everyone looked at the almost synchronized attack rhythm of Shi Feng and Fire Dance. Each and everyone was stunned. Didn’t expect this method to deal with BOSS.

The attacking rhythm of the two people is the same, and their experts can do it, but Shi Feng and Fire Dance not only have the same rhythm, but also want to say the attack position in advance, and it is at such a fast speed. Down, while hitting the joints of the steel slayer, this is too difficult.

The two strands of Strength are merged into one. The subtle grasp of this can definitely make expert players crazy, let alone the fact that the two of them stack the Strength properly together. This is no longer a problem on the Skill. This requires a very high synchronization rate.

But everyone did not know that Shi Feng and Fire Dance did not fight against each other less during the daytime training, and they were already quite familiar with each other’s attacks, otherwise they would not be able to cooperate so well.

“How high are their attributes?” Graceful Blood Devouring and Quiet White Night, their experts, don’t see this exclusively, they are more curious about Shi Feng and Fire Dance Basic Attribute, if Without strong enough Strength, even if the two cooperate with the attack, they cannot shake the Iron Slayer.

Previously, Graceful Blood Devouring thought that the attributes of Shi Feng and Fire Dance should not be much better than him, but after seeing this scene, I realized that the gap between him and Shi Feng and Fire Dance was more than he thought. It’s much bigger.

And Quiet White Night is curious about what kind of Guild Zero Wing is. The performance when I saw Guild Master Black Flame before has respawned his three views, and now Zero Wing Guild has appeared again Here are these two monsters…

“Feng Xuanyang really hurt Netherworld.” Nether Orchid looked at the damage statistics of the BOSS, and couldn’t help but his eyes jumped.

Feng Xuanyang has always wanted to get rid of Zero Wing and replace it. In her opinion, simply stupid is fine.

She had a clear understanding of Zero Wing’s Peak expert not at all before, and now she has a general understanding. She also understands how far the main force of the Netherworld organization is from the main force of Zero Wing’s. It’s no wonder that Zero Wing is not afraid of Dragon Phoenix Pavilion, and afterwards it has some conflicts with King’s Return, and has no fear.

Now it seems that the strength of Zero Wing’s main force is no less than those of God’s Domain Great Influence, and it is even difficult to find terrifying such as Shi Feng and Fire Dance in these God’s Domain Great Influence. The output, let alone the main tank like Cola, in the strategy of large dungeon team, the speed of collecting Top Grade equipment is definitely not slower than those of God’s Domain Great Influence.

I saw the HP of the Iron Slayer dropping at a speed visible with naked eye.

Soon HP dropped to 30%, and the steel slayers on both sides suddenly stepped on the ground, shaking everyone away.

“It’s over!” Everyone saw that the two steel slaughters were going to use the destruction thunderbolt, and they knew it was all over.

Before one BOSS used it to make them almost Low Health, two BOSS used at the same time, damage superimposed, they have no way to survive.

“Everyone hides next to the white BOSS, Moonlight Knight, the three of you hide next to the black BOSS, Moonlight Knight, you come to fight, Blackie puts the Guardian of Light on Moonlight Knight, and Cola opens the dragon scale to protect the body. !” Shi Feng shouted immediately.

Guardian of Light can reduce damage and Healer, while the dragon scale protector increases Cola’s Defense Power by 200%, HP by 300%, HP directly reaches more than 60,000, and additional 500% restore Power, turning on Protection Blessing can resist even without Healer.

The distance on the black steel slayer is too far. Three MTs must not be able to run in such a short time. They can only let the MT on the Moonlight Knight side fend for themselves. Fortunately, there is Guardian of Light. This skill can at least save one person’s life. Otherwise, after waiting for a while, no one will fight the black steel slayer, then it can only be wiped out.

After Shi Feng’s order was issued, everyone acted immediately.

I saw that the two steel slaughters used the destruction thunderbolt, and the formidable power was not weakened at all. It was just that the original six attacks were used three times on each side.

“Well, what’s going on?” Everyone saw that they were alive, each and everyone was surprised.

Originally, they should have been damaged six times. This time they only suffered three times, and they were not at all affected by the black steel slayer. As for the Moonlight Knight, they all survived.

“Is it damage offset?” Nether Orchid suddenly thought of their position, just in line with the two steel slayers, so that the impacts from the two steel slayers cancel each other out, and they Do not have to suffer superimposed damage.

If Nether Orchid understands what’s going on, Graceful Blood Devouring and Quiet White Night also understand. At this time, they looked towards Shi Feng who started to organize the offensive. Each and everyone was very curious, Shi Feng How clever he is, he could even think of such a way in such a short time. If he were replaced by them, he would have to stand and wait for death.

After the Iron Slayer’s offensive, there was no more wiped out Ultimate Skill, and he died in Shi Feng’s hands less than ten minutes later, turning into a rich Experience Point, even if everyone shared the Experience Point equally, On the spot, a few Level 38 members on Alluring Smile rose to Level 39, Shi Feng’s experience bar also rose by nearly 6%, which is much higher than that of the normal Peak High Lord.

Because of the effect of Divine Grace Bestowed by the Heaven, the Iron Slayer directly exploded more than ten items.

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