With the main tank, Cola, resisting the steel slaughter, the pressure on the team is also drastically reduced.

Only three Healers are needed to completely stabilize Cola’s HP, and the remaining people can have enough energy to deal with the remaining six Steel Guardians and other steel observers.

Level 42 Lord monster like Xianggang Guardian is a nightmare for Common player, but for Peak expert team like Shi Feng, it is simply not a problem. Any MT in the team can easily resist one Lord monster, and only need a Healer to stabilize HP.

After stabilizing all the bosses, others can easily solve the remaining over a hundred Elite Level steel observers.

Common expert player can easily defeat two or three Elite Monsters of the same level. For everyone present, the worst is able to fight against the Chieftain Monster of the same level for a long time, some even single Kill the Chieftain Monster of the same level and stand alone against the Lord monster of the same level.

To deal with hundreds of Elite Monsters in trifling, if it weren’t for the threat of Peak High Lord, it only needed a dozen people to get it done quickly.

At this time, Nether Orchid deeply realized that if a team has a strong MT, how powerful it is. The original headache problem, with a strong MT, all problems will be solved.

“This Zero Wing’s MT is too awesome. Even the life-saving skill is useless. It only lost more than 15,000 blood when hit by the Iron Slayer’s Skill. If it was replaced by Gray Wolf Boss, If you don’t use the life-saving skill, I’m afraid you’ll be beaten in one move!”

“How high is the Defense Power?”

“This HP is so thick! At least It’s more than 20,000 points!”

Many members of Alluring Smile were stunned when they watched Cola’s performance.

“Zero Wing Guild is much stronger than expected, but we Raven is not the only one with this ability.” Graceful Blood Devouring does not intend to let Zero Wing continue to show off. He is here for the purpose Shi Feng knows about Raven’s strength.

Then Graceful Blood Devouring led the team to attack the Steel Guardian.

42 Lord monster generally needs a team of 20 people at the same level to get it done, but now it has been pulled by Turtledove alone, Graceful Blood Devouring and their output profession can naturally take action without reservation.

Suddenly, Graceful Blood Devouring appeared behind the Iron Guardian, swung a long spear to use Chop, and fiercely swept towards the Iron Guardian’s leg joints.

Berserker’s Berserk Strength is very impressive. On the spot, the Steel Guardian was on one-knee kneels, and more than 8,000 damage appeared on his head, which directly interrupted the Steel Guardian’s offensive, and then a Whirlwind Strike. Sweeping on the other leg joint, more than 6,000 damage appeared, and the steel Guardian suddenly fell on the ground.

Following a black shadow suddenly appeared above the steel Guardian’s head, this silhouette is Raven’s Qilin.

Two daggers slashed across the steel Guardian’s head in a flash, leaving six wounds. Each wound caused more than two thousand damages to the steel Guardian. The critical strike was more than four thousand. They landed on Qilin. Later, when he turned his body, he used Shadow Killing against the back of the steel Guardian’s head.

Suddenly, I saw a black glow passing through the eyebrows of the Steel Guardian, and the quick response simply couldn’t come. The Steel Guardian’s HP dropped by more than 13,000.

Raven’s other people were also bombarded with firepower of a few people. Compared with the more than 20 people on the Alluring Smile side, it is much faster to deal with a steel Guardian, and Raven and the The attacks of others made Turtledove this MT very easy, even Healer did not need it.

But the people on Xiao’s side are also not on Raven’s side. Fourteen against the two Steel Guardians, of which the speed led by Quiet White Night against the Steel Guardian is still above Raven’s side.

Common arrows can cause more than three thousand damages, like Exploding Arrow, one arrow can cost tens of thousands, and sometimes more than twenty thousand damages can be critically hit, and the Attack Speed ​​is extremely fast. Assassin’s Attack Speed ​​came slowly.

Raven and Xiao shot both sides, and immediately got three steel Guardians, and the owner of Zero Wing’s mainly dealt with steel slayers, which made Nether Orchid a little speechless.

The people on Shi Feng’s side completely handle more than 80% of the things, leaving them with little room to play, they only need to fix the three steel Guardians and the remaining Elite. Up.

Even Nether Orchid suspects that if the fifty people on their side do not make a move, Shi Feng can handle them all.

In less than ten minutes, the six Steel Guardians and all the Steel Observers were dealt with. There was no attrition in the whole group, and the remaining monsters were only Steel Slayers.

Just when everyone thought it could be done easily, the steel slaughter’s feet suddenly collapsed.

With a bang, the earth burst as the earth burst, everyone was shaken flying, although everyone suffered a low damage, more than three or four thousand, less than one thousand, but everyone was shaken Flew 50 yards away.

And the steel slayer two-handed raised high, in midair formed a huge azure Magic Array, countless azure lightning intertwined in the two-handed of the steel slayer, all around the earth is always azure When lightning touches it, it instantly turns into fly ash, like a world Doomsday, and everyone feels Death Aura.

“BOSS may open the wiped out Ultimate Skill, all MTs are standing in front of you, all life-saving skills can be turned on, everyone else is standing behind MT, everyone drinks Magic Resistance Potion, Knight opens Magic Resist Aura!” Shi Feng not at all said in an orderly manner in any panic.

After the steel slayer dies in all the monster destruction all around, it will use the wiped out Ultimate Skill thunderbolt to cover the entire great hall. It is inevitable. The only way is to resist.

If you deal with the steel slayer wholeheartedly, when the HP of the steel slayer is lower than 70%, this move will be used as well. When this move goes on, all group members will become disabled if they die. There is only dead end for those Lord monster and Elite Monster.

Everyone heard Shi Feng’s command and acted immediately.

All ten MTs in total blocked the front and turned on Shield Wall or Protection Blessing. Cleric and Oracle in the back row gave them shields. At the same time, everyone drank Basic Grade Magic Resistance Potion. Not much, but some damage can be reduced.

Suddenly the two-handed of the steel slayer slammed to the ground.

Suddenly one after another azure ripple impacted all directions, just an azure ripple. The MT in the first row on the spot took five or six steps back, and the auxiliary shield shattered instantly, each and everyone on their heads There was a damage of seven or eight thousand points. As for the others in the back row, they were directly shocked, but the damage received was much lower, only three or four thousand.

“Hurry up and add blood to everyone!” Shi Feng roared repeatedly.

The steel slayer’s attack was more than once, but several times.

Only when the Healers dared to play blood once, the second wave impact arrived, followed by the third wave impact, which lasted until the sixth wave impact before it stopped.

Just because of this impact, nearly half of the group died directly. Only five people in the first row of MT survived…

At this time everyone understood that they looked down on Peak too much. High Lord. Compared with High Lord, Peak High Lord’s wiped out skill is too strong. If Shi Feng hadn’t made the best response, I am afraid that no one in the group would survive.

At this moment, the steel slayer was divided into two, turning into a silver white and a pitch black steel slayer.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.

It turned out to be two Peak High Lords!

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