The sound of Fire Dance, like the landing of a jade bead, reverberates throughout the training hall. Although the sound is not loud, the words spoken are deep into the cerebral cortex, which makes it hard to forget.

The complexion of everyone in White Tiger Dojo also changed in an instant.

each and everyone looked at all around the companions were silent, without the self-confidence shown before.

You Ziping’s comprehensive strength ranks second among them, and only Gan Xingteng is above the first line. They are just looking for no interest.

And the students at the Big Dipper training hall looked at Fire Dance and their eyes were solely full of admiration.

Even the Instructor of the training hall is not your opponent’s You Ziping. At this time, it was solved by Fire Dance three or two times. One can imagine how strong Fire Dance is.

Now everyone looking at White Tiger Dojo is persuaded each and everyone, and everyone’s heart is unspeakably refreshing.

Isn’t White Tiger Dojo very good?

In the end, it was not in the hands of their Big Dipper training hall.

In addition to feeling a sigh of relief in their hearts, everyone felt that they had come to the Big Dipper training hall.

They have heard some rumors when they entered the Big Dipper training hall.

I heard that in the Green Water Villa, some people conduct special training inside. They don’t know the specific training. Now it seems that it is definitely a training place for Martial Arts Experts.

If they perform well in the future, maybe they will be able to participate in special training.

Even if they are not as good as Fire Dance, as long as they have half the ability, they can still mix well in Jin Hai City. Maybe they can get some good results in large competitions in the province.

After all, even Gan Xingteng, who was able to defeat Chen Wu Hall Master, looked at the expression of Fire Dance with a solemn expression at this time, and he was obviously very afraid of Fire Dance.

Chen Wu Hall Master is Jin Hai City’s previous champion, and he has achieved good results in the provincial tournament.

“No one wants to come up?” Fire Dance scanned the White Tiger Dojo people and asked again.

Before she came, she heard Liang Jing say that the people of White Tiger Dojo are very strong and must be handled carefully, but after the previous fights, she did not at all feel how strong these people are, on the contrary Weak and pitiful.

When You Ziping shot, it was simply flawed and there were too many extra movements on his body. Not to mention her, even Violet Cloud can easily defeat You Ziping, let alone master the skill of Inner Energy. she was.

Fire Dance did not know that during her training in Green Water Villa, her strength had already surpassed the Common people, but she had always stayed in Green Water Villa without contacting the outside world, so she was completely unaware. How much has changed to myself.

“I’ll be your opponent!” Gan Xingteng already knew that he was on the iron plate, but for the honor of White Tiger Dojo, he now has to fight oneself by brace oneself.

Before coming to Jin Hai City, the headquarters had already said very clearly that they should sweep away all the training halls in Jin Hai City, when the time comes to pave the way for the establishment of branch halls.

For these country bumpkins in Jin Hai City, let alone him, even You Ziping alone can handle it. The only trouble is Chen Wu. As for the Big Dipper fitness center, there is Martial. Arts Master oversee, he doesn’t believe it at all.

How amazing is the Martial Arts Master? How could it be possible to stay in this third-line Small City? Even their White Tiger Dojo must be polite and respectful.

Now it seems that Martial Arts Master does not know if he does not know, but the Fire Dance in front of him is definitely not to be trifled with an expert. At least the Instructor in White Tiger Dojo has a great confidence. beat.

But he is not without chance. What he says is a High Grade student of White Tiger Dojo. The combat experience and strength are much better than You Ziping. You Ziping didn’t know the details of Fire Dance before. Now he knows that the Strength of Fire Dance is extraordinary, so naturally it will not meet force with force. As long as you keep a certain distance and wait for Fire Dance to show a weak spot when attacking, it is not difficult to defeat Fire Dance.

Fire Dance looks like you are in your early twenties, and your combat experience is definitely not rich. No matter how you usually train, the actual combat will be different after all, and it will definitely show a weak spot when attacking.

Just when Gan Xingteng thought about it, Shi Feng also announced the start of the discussion.

I saw Shi Feng just finished talking. Fire Dance is like a cheetah. At a distance of 5 meters, it came to Gan Xingteng’s body in a flash and slapped Gan Xingteng’s heart with a palm. Palm wind gusts.

“So fast!”

Gan Xingteng was startled and took a step back suddenly.

At the crucial moment, Gan Xingteng avoided Fire Dance’s fast break, and Fire Dance’s jade hand was only about 35 cm away from his heart. This made Gan Xingteng afraid for a while. In addition to Strength, Speed’s explosive power was so amazing, didn’t expect Fire Dance. If he was hit in the center, with Fire Dance’s Strength, he would breathe Hard in the light, and ribs would break and faint on the spot.

However, Fire Dance’s sudden blow also revealed a weak spot for Fire Dance.

The palm that I hit before gave a slight gap in the side abdomen. As long as the attack passes this time, Fire Dance will definitely not be able to defend it.

“hmph, the youngster is the youngster after all. It is because of the desire to win that such a basic weak spot is exposed.” Gan Xingteng smiled secretly, and then kicked it violently.

This leg, whether it is speed or strength, is stronger and more perfect than You Ziping’s.

Seeing that this leg is about to kick Fire Dance’s side abdomen, Fire Dance’s movements suddenly change, and the other hand swiftly supports the kick kicked by Gan Xingteng. The body suddenly jumps and turns around, with Gan Xingteng’s The calf was the fulcrum, and he kicked Gan Xingteng’s fierce face.

Suddenly, Gan Xingteng’s nose was knocked flat, not to mention, nosebleeds spattered, and his eyes rolled.

At this time, Gan Xingteng only felt that the sky was spinning, and he couldn’t even feel the pain. After a few steps back, he collapsed on the ring and fainted.

“Senior Brother Gan!”

Everyone in White Tiger Dojo screamed in shock and couldn’t believe it was true.

Even they are wondering if this is an illusion.

How fast is Gan Xingteng’s kick?

They can only see the shadow of a leg, but Fire Dance uses Gan Xingteng’s kick as a fulcrum, and immediately reverses the weak spot that was exposed before, turning the crisis into a killing strike .

What a wealth of combat experience and physical reaction speed are needed to achieve this step!

Even the Instructor of White Tiger Dojo may not be able to do such a thing.

You Ziping, who was resting under the ring, saw this scene and almost stared out. Only then did he understand that his fight with Fire Dance was not caused by meet force with force, but because The power gap between the two of them is too big, so Fire Dance will choose the simplest and most effective battle style when dealing with him…

But there is one thing he can’t understand.

How can Fire Dance have such terrifying combat experience!

If you want to do the kind of action before, this is very subtle to grasp the measure. If you don’t handle it well, you will fall into a desperate situation. Only people who often deal with this kind of thing can do it at critical moments. I grasp it so well.

But how can Fire Dance have so much life and death experience at such a young age?

“Are you curious how the difference in combat experience between you is so big?” Shi Feng walked to You Ziping, as if he had seen You Ziping’s thoughts through, said with a smile, “If you want to know, I can tell you.”

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