After Shi Feng announced the start, You Ziping couldn’t help but glanced at Shi Feng, a surprised look flashed in his eyes.

Because Shi Feng’s expression is so indifferent.

He has participated in many fighting competitions, and he has usually seen people of all levels. He can see that Shi Feng is not pretending to be indifferent, but a kind of indifferent full of absolute confidence, like a cut It’s all under control.

But in his opinion, this competition between him and Fire Dance was simply an unfair contest. Fire Dance simply has no chance of winning.

After all, the strength of women is smaller than that of men.

Not to mention the Great Beauty like Fire Dance. Although Fire Dance wears a deep blue sportswear, this sportswear can’t conceal the proud curve of Fire Dance. Like Vajra Barbie who is full of Strength, but like a person who practices yoga regularly, with a well-proportioned and perfect body, some are just charms instead of Strength.

Single force subduing ten meetings, this is something that everyone who learns Martial Arts fighting knows.

In Strength, although he is not ranked as the Peak of Intermediate Grade students, he is still at an upper-middle level, with a punch of 422kg. In this age of advanced physical fitness technology, perhaps he can only barely Qualified to participate in the National Youth Championship, but in such a third-tier city, it definitely reaches the Peak level, which is not comparable to Fire Dance.

In actual combat, the gap in Strength is not so easy to make up. It needs a lot of combat experience and skills to make up, but he has a lot of actual combat experience, don’t think he is only 18 years old. However, I have participated in more than ten large competitions, and I usually compete with the High Grade students in the training hall. It can be described as an experienced veteran, and is no weaker than the White Tiger Dojo High Grade students in Skill.

Strength, experience, and skill, he is absolutely dominant, and there is no possibility of losing.

Why is Shi Feng so indifferent?

What is relying on?

You Ziping shook the head, and then his gaze shifted to Fire Dance. He no longer wanted to consider Shi Feng’s problem, so he would defeat Fire Dance first.

He wants Shi Feng to tell him what a real professional player is.

“Let’s lose!”

You Ziping cold shouts, a lunge rushed in front of Fire Dance, a punch was suddenly punched, and it hit Fire Dance’s abdomen.

Quick, accurate and ruthless, I don’t have any hands on Fire Dance.

“Ziping, this kid is really ruthless. The other party said it was Great Beauty, and he didn’t show any affection.” Gan Xingteng secretly regretted that it was over before it started.

In White Tiger Dojo, You Ziping is very optimistic, but there is a drawback, that is, it will not release water, but this is also a good thing for a youngster. If you are always affected by some distractions, you want to improve But it’s hard.


There was a sudden collision sound from the ring.

“Blocked! How did she do it?” Everyone under the ring looked at the Fire Dance on the ring in disbelief.

Fire Dance, which was supposed to be beaten into the air, was now blocking You Ziping’s fist with one hand.

It’s hard to imagine how such a thin and white arm could withstand this strength. Logically speaking, it should have been shaken a long time ago, even if the bone is broken.

But not at all any painful color on Fire Dance’s face, blocking You Ziping’s full strength attack, is as relaxed and comfortable as if you were actually reaching out to say hello.

You Ziping was startled at first, and quickly wanted to pull his hand, but he suddenly realized that his fist was also impossible to move, as if Fire Dance’s slender fingers were like chains, just holding his fist The same as imprisoned.

There is no way, and You Ziping can’t control why Fire Dance has such a Strength. He immediately lifted his left leg and swept towards Fire Dance’s neck.


The leg blow like an iron rod was once again caught by Fire Dance’s ankle with the other hand.

You Ziping seems to have guessed it a long time ago, and then another punched out.

Seeing that You Ziping’s fist was about to fall in front of Fire Dance’s face, suddenly there was a crunch, You Ziping let out a muffled noise, and the blasting fist stopped abruptly and fell to the ground suddenly. Dance’s fists and ankles were now red and purple.

The people under the ring were also dumbfounded, completely forgetting You Ziping, who fell on the ground with white hair, and all looked at Fire Dance dumbfounded.

The appearance of Fire Dance is so shocking.

I can’t believe all this is true.

The people of White Tiger Dojo were the most shocked. They knew how big You Ziping’s Strength was. Among them, only two or three Strength were bigger than You Ziping, and everyone else Worse.

You Ziping, who is so strong, is like a little child in front of Fire Dance.

What skill?

What combat experience?

Simply nonsense in front of absolute Strength.

“Is she Innate Divine Strength?” Gan Xingteng glanced at the place where You Ziping was injured, his expression was unspeakably solemn.

Fire Dance is just a young woman, but even he is beyond the reach of Strength. If you play against Fire Dance, you must not compete with Strength. You can only quickly attack and rely on Skill to win.

Liang Jing, who was standing next to Shi Feng, was also stunned for a long time. Before, she thought that Fire Dance would definitely be sent to the hospital, and didn’t expect Fire Dance to be so powerful.

“Is Fire Dance a hermit expert like Shi Feng?” Liang Jing couldn’t help but think about it, or she couldn’t explain this overwhelming victory at all.

But Liang Jing is a little puzzled. She has such a skill. Why not participate in the fighting competition?

With this kind of skill, you may have outstanding performance in the national tournament. If you can win a championship, you can’t imagine the money you make. There is no need to be a full-time player.

Shi Feng glanced at Liang Jing who was surprised, and then at You Ziping who fell on the ground, he couldn’t help shaking his head and sighing: “It’s not better than anything, but I want to be stronger.”


After Fire Dance stepped into Realm of Micro, the Constitution of the body improved very quickly, and experts like Lei Bao were also instructed. They have mastered Inner Energy’s power skills. Fire Dance is nothing at all.

You Ziping wants to be purer than Strength, simply is striking a stone with an egg. If you compare it to actual combat experience, maybe You Ziping can persist for a while.

“I think the outcome is divided, let that person go down.” Shi Feng pointed to You Ziping and said to Gan Xingteng looking towards White Tiger Dojo.

At this time, the people of White Tiger Dojo reacted.

This competition is indeed over. They even forgot that there is another injured companion who needs immediate medical treatment.

“Don’t worry, I didn’t use too much effort. It shouldn’t hurt his bones. Healer, and rest for a few days should be fine.” Fire Dance looked at You who was sent away silently. Ziping explained it, and then looked towards Gan Xingteng who was under the ring and asked in a low voice, “The first one has been solved. I don’t know who of you will be playing?

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