Battle Tower was also used as a guide tower by Heavenly Secret Pavilion.

Shi Feng heard from Kong Haoran that this Battle Tower can help players grow all the way to Control of Domain.

Before Shi Feng was a little bit half-believing, but now, there is no more doubt.

Realm of Micro must control itself, for extreme bursts, freely retractable and flexible.

Realm of Flowing Water requires Perception and observation of the opponent. Through the opponent’s subtle movements, he can see through the opponent’s thoughts, and be able to respond appropriately in advance, and be able to make the first come first.

Realm of Vacuum has a certain degree of control over the external environment. It no longer judges the situation purely through vision, but uses the five senses to the limit, and judges everything around all around from the trend of all around.

The purpose of the 1st floor trial is to allow player learn to control itself. In the face of a large number of lion AoE attacks, learn can respond flexibly to changes.

2nd floor is for players to improve instant observation and instant judgment.

The reason why the third floor is difficult is that it is necessary to improve the player’s perception and judgment of distance. It is quite a hard thing to accurately grasp the distance. Only when this is done can it be considered Realm of Flowing Water attain a higher level.

Battle Tower’s guidance on this can be said to be in place. It is no wonder that there are a large number of Peak experts in Super-Guild.

The Fiery Hunting Bird and Raging Flame Vulture hovering in the sky did not intend to give Shi Feng too much time. With a sound echoing through the valley, a hot flame was spit out from his mouth, and Devour went directly to Shi Feng .

“Now he wants to pass the third floor, I am afraid it will be difficult.”

There are many people who are trapped in the third floor and cannot break through. They know this very well. How difficult is the level? Compared to the previous 2nd floor, the difficulty has increased by a big level.

Ten flames are locked to Shi Feng’s all directions. Not to mention, the area on the ground will also change at any time. The originally safe area may become a dangerous zone in the next second, and you must always pay attention to your feet.

And all around not at all cover can be used to resist fire attacks.

This difficulty can be imagined. Most people can’t take care of it. In the end, it is either scalded to death by the flames on the ground or burned to death by the sprayed flames, let alone attacking monsters flying in the sky.

“What the hell is he going to do?”

Everyone suddenly discovered that Shi Feng was still motionless in the face of the jet of flame…

Seeing that one after another fire light wanted Devour to drop Shi Feng, Shi Feng suddenly stepped forward and left several afterimages. Only one fire light and one fire light Devour dropped the afterimage left by Shi Feng. After ten flames, Shi Feng Still standing still unharmed.

“How is this possible?” Leng Qiu stared blankly for a while.

Although he has not entered the third floor yet, he clearly understands that in the face of these flames, he has no other way to escape except for running dodge. The distance between the flame attacks is too close to be Dodge in a small area. If you use weapon to resist, the flames sprayed by Fiery Hunting Bird and Raging Flame Vulture are basically impossible. At least you have to wear a Mysterious-Iron Rank Equipment to prevent Fiery Hunting Bird from being blocked by damage. Fire attack, as to resist the fire attack of Raging Flame Vulture, at least a Mithril Rank equipment is required.

But the equipment that System equips them with is just a Bronze Rank, so they can’t resist.

Now Shi Feng can just stand in that small area to avoid all attacks without any damage, as if these flames are deliberately bypassing Shi Feng’s body.

“This is impossible, this must be a System error. How can it be possible to avoid such an attack distance?” Everyone watching has already exploded, almost all shouting out loudly. .

No matter what they think, that kind of attack distance is impossible to allow someone to dodge. The only possibility is that the System has made a mistake. Otherwise, how to explain this scene?

Wen Hua not at all was surprised by this.

Everyone just calculated the distance of a whole face of the flame, but they forgot that they were in a three-dimensional space. In addition to the surface attack distance and the vertical depth, Shi Feng created a large Fireball by jetting. The distance caused by the time difference between the front and the back has avoided the attack of the flame again and again.

But what makes Wen Hua feel uncomfortable is that Shi Feng’s dodge action is not half rush or anxious at all. It is as easy as a normal walk, without any discomfort and unnecessary movements, like floating clouds and flowing The water makes people feel chilly in the back.

The exclamation of several people’s exhaustion immediately aroused the rest of the people in the hall, each and everyone stared at the few people watching the battle in surprise.

“What’s the situation? Isn’t it just watching a battle, and going crazy?”

This kind of curiosity made the people who had distressed points a little moved, even before When watching those Guild high-level battles, nothing like this happened, but now it can happen in the battle of a newcomer.

What happened in Battle Tower?

Just when everyone was hesitant to take a look, a middle-aged man wearing a red and black luxurious martial arts robe walked into the hall, and this middle-aged man came quickly In front of the Teleportation Gate of the Battle Tower, I found a secluded place to sit down and chose to watch Shi Feng’s battle.

“Crap, crazy, really crazy!”

“Why did Elder Yuan come here? Isn’t this a training system for cultivating young and promising newcomers?”

“Should it be…”

Everyone looked at Yuan Tiexin who was sitting quietly and clicking on the System column. They seemed to have something in their minds, but this amazing idea couldn’t be accepted by them. .

Those who were still hesitant to watch, each and everyone immediately found a place to sit down and chose to watch Shi Feng’s battle.

The number of viewers soared to 63 in an instant.

As for those who don’t have points, they also watched it. This number of viewers, even the high-level people in the Heavenly Secret Pavilion came to fight, is only this, and today many people are busy with other things, not at all Come to participate in the training, otherwise the number of people will definitely skyrocket…

“Brother Shi Feng is who?” Kong Haoran looked at this scene, the shock in his heart was simply better than facing a hundred thousand Elite army. To come several times violently.

“I want so many people to come to watch the battle, it will be worth my life.” Huo Zhengyang’s mouth almost couldn’t close.

So many people watched, how many battle points are these!

If he is used to fight against micro experts every day, it is enough for him to fight for two months.


In the Battle Tower third floor, Shi Feng dodges fire attacks one after another. Even if the terrain changes, Shi Feng can always step into the Safety Sector domain for the first time , And throw darts from time to time, although the damage is not high, only four to five hundred, but all the monsters in the Battle Tower do not have the ability to restore combat, HP will not increase, so the total energy consumption of these monsters.

I saw that the Fiery Hunting Bird with 60,000 HP was declining, and the situation was completely under the control of Shi Feng’s.

“This is the test, and it should be over now.” Shi Feng threw the last dart, hitting the Fiery Hunting Bird in midair, and took away the last trace of Fiery Hunting Bird’s HP.

Don’t look at Fiery Hunting Bird, but only one dead, but the attack frequency has dropped from ten times to nine times. The difficulty of dodge has dropped a lot.

There is almost no suspense. The remaining Fiery Hunting Bird and Raging Flame Vulture were consumed by Shi Feng and passed the third floor easily again.

It’s just that Shi Feng is not a remote profession, and it is much worse than those remote professions in attack, so the third floor not at all broke the time record, but even so, everyone was stunned.

Because Shi Feng passed the third floor time, it is almost the same as the original record. If the remote weapon is better, and learn a few good skills, he can break the original record in minutes.

After that, Shi Feng came to the fourth floor of the Battle Tower, which is also the limit that the current batch of trainees can reach into the Battle Tower.

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