“Why is it so fast?”

The hall seemed to explode, and everyone and everyone couldn’t believe it was true.

Battle Tower 1st floor level clear record has not been broken for a long time.

The time it takes most people to deal with 1st floor monster is at least several times the record. Even the three geniuses of Heavenly Secret Pavilion are quite far away from the level clear record, but Shi Feng easily It broke this record.

37 minutes and 24 seconds!

Everyone looked at this new record of Battle Tower, and they were all very curious about what happened in the Battle Tower to make the level clear time pass so fast.

“Wen Hua, who is this person?” Leng Qiu couldn’t help asking as he looked at the new record.

The record of Battle Tower has not been broken for many years. Even if it can be broken, it is definitely not something young people can do. However, a newcomer to Guild’s from outside has directly improved by as much as ten minutes. He usually can More than ten seconds more will make you feel that you have made a lot of progress. Now that there are so many breakthrough records, the gap can be imagined.

“You should have seen this person.” Wen Hua smiled and said.

“I have seen?” Leng Qiu was surprised, not at all thinking of seeing Shi Feng there.

“He is Ye Feng, who defeated the Peak Swordsman of the Battle Wolf Guild Wolf King.” Wen Hua while speaking carries a strong fighting intent. If I saw Shi Feng’s fighting video before, I just wanted to To fight Shi Feng, what she wants to do now is to surpass Shi Feng, but she must first defeat Gale Sword Hero of One of Eight Sword Heroes.

“He is Ye Feng?” Leng Qiu looked at Shi Feng’s young and shameless appearance, his mouth widened.

Originally, he thought Ye Feng looks young, but the actual age should be 25 or 6 years old. Now it seems to be 21-22 years old. Compared with Wen Hua not at all, he has defeated legendary. North Star Sirius, although it mainly relies on equipment advantage and skill advantage, victory means victory.

“Sister Wen Hua, you are too interesting, since you know that he is the Ye Feng, and don’t tell me, I almost missed a great opportunity to watch from the side.” Leng Qiu Wei Wei I complained, but I was very excited. It only costs 300 points to watch from the side. Such a good thing can’t be found with a lantern.

“Everyone has their own opportunity. If you miss it, you can only say that you are out of luck. It’s like Brilliant Lion vs. Asura Team. Who would have thought that battle would evolve into Dark Arena? What about one of the classic battles?” Wen Hua shook the head sighed, “Okay, let’s not talk about it, let’s just concentrate on watching it, the next battle will be difficult.”

It’s in Wen Hua and Leng When Qiu was talking, many members of Heavenly Secret Pavilion in the hall gritted their teeth and decided to spend 300 points to watch Shi Feng’s battle.

Being able to break the 1st floor record, there must be something out of the ordinary.

In just a short while, there were eleven people in the lobby who chose to watch, and Shi Feng’s points directly raised to 3,500 points, which is enough to get close to the expert of Control of Domain Two days.


Battle Tower 2nd floor, as soon as Shi Feng appeared, he came to a dark lair. The visibility of all around was very low, and at most he could only see all Around a distance of about 10 yards, a whistling sound came from my ear, which was very permeating.

“Although there are not many monsters on the 2nd floor, there are only 20, but in this dark vision, it is difficult to dodge these monsters. I have also tried and practiced many times. I got used to the environment here.” Leng Qiu looked at the motionless Shi Feng, slightly smiled.

Although he is not in the battlefield, his angle of view is not far from Shi Feng, and his observation angle is very clear. The field of view is two or three times longer than the player on the battlefield.

At this time, only nineteen Elite Level Nightwalker Tarantula and one Special Elite Shadow Ghost Tarantula have already surrounded Shi Feng.

Nightwalker Tarantula, Elite, Level Level 30, HP 70,000.

Shadow Ghost Tarantula, Special Elite, Level Level 30, HP 240,000.

Kill each Nightwalker Tarantula to get 2 points of combat index. Shadow Ghost Tarantula has a full 40 points, which is much higher than the monster on the 1st floor.

The visibility of 10 yards, this distance is very short for the monster, the reaction time given to the player is very, very short, so short that you may be hit by the monster if you do not grasp it well in a breath.

Even monsters of the same level are much more dangerous, so there are very few experts that can pass the 2nd floor, and even micro experts like Violent Bear cannot pass.

But this is nothing for Shi Feng.

To reach Realm of Vacuum, it will not be easy to unilaterally weaken the vision and affect the battle strength. Although Shi Feng is invisible to the 10-yard accident, the fluctuations and sounds from the air make Shi Feng All the monsters in the nest are clear, and before these monsters enter the 10-yard range, Shi Feng can already respond appropriately.

Compared to the 1st floor lion, the 2nd floor giant tarantula is easier to deal with because the strength of these tarantulas is smaller, but the speed is faster.

Until the end of the battle, none of these tarantulas touched Shi Feng, just because Shi Feng faced the Shadow Ghost Tarantula’s quick attack and had to resist, causing a small amount of damage, but it was insignificant.

The people who watched the game were completely attracted by Shi Feng’s dodge and attack. Everything was as easy and natural as walking in a leisurely courtyard.

In addition to these.

The 2nd floor record was also broken. The original record of 32 minutes and 54 seconds was respawned by Shi Feng at 27 minutes and 35 seconds.

Subsequently, the number of people watching Shi Feng’s battle increased by 15 people, allowing Shi Feng to directly earn 3000 points.

In the third floor is a flame Hell, everywhere is burnt red to the ground, as long as you hit your foot, you will be burned, only those areas that become scorched black can settle down, but this area is rare , Completely restrict the player’s moving area.

The opponent is also very different at this time. Although there are only 10 monsters, nine Elite Level Fiery Hunting Birds and a Chieftain-rank Raging Flame Vulture hovering in the sky, people can’t help but feel chills.

Fiery Hunting Bird, Elite Level, Level Level 30, HP 60,000.

Raging Flame Vulture, Chieftain-rank, Level Level 30, HP 900,000.

“The third floor is a threshold. Up to now, the experts that can pass the third floor are that many. I don’t know which step he can do?” Everyone looked at the motionless Shi Feng and thought. How should Shi Feng dodge the attack of Raging Flame Vulture.

Chieftain-rank’s monster is a great length stronger than Elite Level. Originally it is very difficult to dodge, not to mention the various restrictions on the ground under your feet. If there is no way to deal with it, you will soon die here.

“This is interesting. It is no wonder that the Battle Tower is the key to guiding the realm.” Shi Feng looked all around, then looked at the Raging Flame Vulture hovering in the sky, and suddenly understood what the Battle Tower was. It’s up.

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