In the lobby of gold and jade in glorious splendour, a full 100-Man is surrounded by a large screen suspended in the air.

“This newcomer is really bad luck.”

“It should be said that he is young and vigorous, but I dare to challenge the elderly without training.”

“This is the case for newcomers. With his own level of Guild, he thinks he can defeat Violent Bear. He really thinks that battle points are so profitable?”

Everyone looked at the screen and started talking, talking and laughing, it seems that such things have become a spice in their lives.

As for the newcomers to beat them these old people?

Their answer is only hehe.

“Sure enough, Violent Bear is bullying the newcomer again. The last time Violent Bear pitted a newcomer, this time he came.” Kong Haoran could not help but sighed then said as he watched the battle that was about to begin.

“It’s not that the newcomer took the initiative to challenge the Violent Bear, why did he become a newcomer again?” Shi Feng asked strangely.

“You don’t know, the last time Violent Bear was like this. The newcomer had 100 combat points, but this Violent Bear was willing to use 500 combat points to bet against. Newcomers who can come here are usually in Guild. First-class experts, otherwise they have great potential and are naturally very confident in their own strength.” Kong Haoran explained, “but these people also forgot that the experts cultivated by Heavenly Secret Pavilion are also not simple, and there are only some well- Only known figures can be obtained.”

“These people are very likely to become the mainstays of the Heavenly Secret Pavilion in the future, and before they enter this training system, they are all placed in the First-Rate Guild. Wait for an expert, not to mention that after more than a month of fighting here, the level of combat has already been greatly improved.”

“The Violent Bear is very strong and trained with 350 members. In, his ranking reached 141, which is not an expert that newcomers can provoke.”

Shi Feng also deeply agrees.

In God’s Domain, First-Rate Guild and Super-Guild are completely two worlds. Maybe there is a player who can dominate the First-Rate Guild, but it doesn’t count in Super-Guild. What, and among the outstanding newcomers every year, the overwhelming majority are from Super-Guild and half-Super Guild.

Even if there is a newcomer, it’s an amazing reason, just like Gentle Snow. For example, Aqua Rose is a newcomer cultivated in Super-Guild. Of course, Aqua Rose is only in Super-Guild after all. The outer layer of Guild, not at all, has been trained by Super-Guild’s internal core. If Aqua Rose continues to stay in Super-Guild and signs a series of contracts, it may have been trained and improved in the Training Simulation System.

“This is quite interesting.” Shi Feng looked at the picture on the big screen with a smile on his mouth.

On the big screen, one side is a robust man who is taller than Cola, the profession chosen by giant axe is also Berserker, and the other side is Elementalist Scarlet Feather from Galactic Alliance, an acquaintance Shi Feng knew. Scarlet Feather at this time is no different from the time in God’s Domain. Obviously, after entering God’s Domain, not at all adjusted its appearance. Unlike Shi Feng’s adjustment, there is no small difference between its current appearance and God’s Domain.

Scarlet Feather recently ranked 934th on the Wind and Clouds Master List. It’s just that there are a lot more experts that have emerged recently, and the ranking has dropped a bit. The level of combat cannot be underestimated.

The training system simulates God’s Domain profession very well, almost exactly the same, except that the Basic Attributes of the two sides are all professions without any weapon equipment innate talent bonus, and the Level is also set at Level 30 , The skills you master are also the Basic Skills of each profession, not at all any special skills, it can be said that it is a pure skill battle.

Fighting at first, Scarlet Feather launched a fierce attack at the first time, while using Ice Arrow to attack, while using Ice Wall or ice ball to create obstacles, two-pronged, Common expert can not deal with it.

However, Berserker, known as Violent Bear, remains unmoved at all. In the face of a large number of Ice Arrow attacks, he can easily dodge, not to mention, he also took the opportunity to get closer and keep getting closer to Scarlet Feather, making Scarlet Feather. There is no way but to keep moving back.

After fighting for more than ten seconds, Scarlet Feather’s HP dropped by half. On the other hand, the side of Violent Bear was only frozen by the Ice Ring, resisting Ice Arrow and Fireball several times, and the HP dropped by 10%. Around, but Scarlet Feather handed over Blink Skill, completely at a disadvantage.

In Shi Feng’s view, Scarlet Feather did a good job. If Common expert player had been defeated by Scarlet Feather’s continuous attacks and Ice Wall, it’s a pity that Violent Bear is not simple.

Common expert is completely incapable of controlling the body. Faced with Scarlet Feather’s attack, he must be busy dodge and resist, but Violent Bear has very good control of the body. It’s easy to dodge at the critical moment. With Scarlet Feather’s sophisticated attack, Scarlet Feather was driven to a dead end step by step.

It can be said that the two sides have not yet started fighting, and the outcome of the battle has already been decided.

Scarlet Feather has not yet reached the half-step micro level. There is no way for the close Violent Bear, but the Violent Bear has entered the Realm of Micro. In the battle skill, it is simply as different as heaven and Earth, in the case of the same attributes, without special skills and items, Scarlet Feather has no chance of winning at all.

Sure enough, after less than one minute of the battle, Scarlet Feather was chased by Violent Bear with a charge and a Whirlwind Strike took away.

“hahaha, little newbie, the 100points you lost this time will be used as tuition fees. You are welcome to challenge me next time.” After the youth called Violent Bear teleported out, looked towards and looked angry. Scarlet Feather cast a disdainful look, then turned and left, “It’s so cool, one hundred points can find a decent opponent to practice for a day.”


Scarlet Feather wanted to rush up, but was pulled by the Purple Eye on the side.

“Scarlet Feather, you are not his opponent yet, this person has obviously stepped into that realm.” Purple Eye sternly persuades, there is both helplessness and excitement in the words.

Although her strength is stronger than Scarlet Feather, but her strength is very limited, and there is still a considerable gap with the Violent Bear who left.

In the past few years, she has been following Past Galactic to fight in the South and North, defeating that many well-known experts. She believes that she has improved a lot since she left Super-Guild, and didn’t expect that in the end. God’s Domain Great Influence is an internal expert carefully cultivated.

In God’s Domain, super Rare micro experts are everywhere…

And micro experts like Violent Bear can only rank 141, Purple Eye. It was only then that I realized how terrifying the background of these giants in the Virtual Game world is. What she saw before was just a tip of the iceberg.

“Well, I haven’t seen you before. You just entered the training system. Are you interested in playing a game? If I win, you will give me 100 points. If you win, I will give you 500 points. How about? When Violent Bear walked to the exchange counter, his gaze scanned Shi Feng, and he immediately walked forward and said with a smile, “The battle points here are very precious. After ranking 300th, only 20 points will be given a day, 200th. One to three hundred is given 50 points, one hundred and 51 to two hundred are given 100 points, one hundred and one hundred and fifty are given 200 points, 51st to one hundred, One day is 300 points. As for the Top 50, you don’t have to think about it.”

“How to play? If you get 500 points, you can compete with those Top Grade experts all day. “

“Violent Bear, you have enough.” Kong Haoran stepped forward and said sharply.

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