After Shi Feng closed his two eyes, the System mechanical beep sounded quietly in his ear.

“Confirm that the access password is correct, the Vitality link is stable, and everything in the System is normal. Are you logging in?”


The default connection in Shi Feng’s mind Afterwards, I only felt black in front of my eyes, as if the whole person had fallen into the bottomless pit.

But for a moment, Shi Feng felt his body sink, and there were a lot of carriage running sounds in his ears, in addition to many voices.

“This is…God’s Domain?” Shi Feng opened two eyes and started.

Western European style of architecture, all kinds of houses stand in great numbers all around, there is a lot of traffic on the street, you can see many pedestrians wearing armor and carrying weapons walking on the street, as if you are in God’s General in Domain.

The only difference is his current appearance, wearing a civilian clothing made of linen, without a half-weapon on his body, and his appearance is exactly the same as in reality without any modification.

In addition, the status of the System bar is different. Although the method to call up the System bar is still the same, there are only logout, pain adjustment, and real time display in the System bar. In addition, there are no other things. There is no player HP bar in God’s Domain, and no name.

Moreover, the Constitution is very weak, so I replaced it with the Basic Attribute in God’s Domain, which looks like around 100 points.

In addition to these, what does Shi Feng not at all feel is different from staying in God’s Domain.

“Look, there are new people here.”

“There are so many new people in the past few days.”

“We Heavenly Secret Pavilion heard that there is a big plan. Recently, it is crazy to absorb other Guilds. These newcomers should be the training places promised by the top to other Guilds.”

“Ai, it’s a waste. It’s a natural kill for us to compete for a place internally. In addition to eating and sleeping, there are all kinds of training, in order to finally get a training place. These people have a good life. Without any effort, they easily got the place.”

“That’s right, it’s not that messy in the Training Simulation System. These people are of no use when they come here, they are just a waste of resources.”

Several people sitting in the bar pavilion looked at Shi Feng Talking with a smile, these people are not very old, about 20 years old, but the clothes they wear are more luxurious, not made of linen, but exquisite silk.

The voice of the chat in the past few days was not small, as if it was deliberately told to Shi Feng, and the words were very contemptuous to other Guild’s like Shi Feng.

“I don’t know where Fire Dance and the others are. Let’s go and study the Training Simulation System first.” Shi Feng didn’t care about the contempt of these people, but found that there was no communication function in the system. somewhat headache.

It seems to be similar to the city of God’s Domain, but the area is much smaller, about the size of a town. In the center of the city stands a large castle, even on the periphery of the city. See it clearly.

Just as Shi Feng was about to turn around to take a look at the castle in the center, a thick voice came from behind him.

“Are you the newcomer who just came today”

Shi Feng turned his head and found three people in linen clothes came by, two men and one woman. They were all around twenty years old, and the one who stopped him was a strong, strong, uncommon martial heroism, tall man with a smile on his face, giving people a strong affinity.

“Yes, I don’t know what’s the matter?” Shi Feng nodded.

“Hello, my name is Kong Haoran, and these two people are also my friends Huo Zhengyang and Du Xin.” The man named Kong Haoran laughed and introduced, “We are from other people like you Guild is here, unlike the people from Heavenly Secret Pavilion, who have been here for more than a month. You are a newcomer. If you are not careful, you will probably suffer a lot here.”

” Suffer a big loss?” Shi Feng strangely said, “Isn’t this a place to increase combat experience and improve combat skills?”

“At the beginning, we thought so too.” Kong Haoran shook his head, “but wait for you to contact here After a while, I learned that it’s not as simple as those of Heavenly Secret Pavilion said. You can fight with Top Grade experts at will.”

“This system is made by simulating God’s Domain and is simulated in battle. The more powerful the expert, the more energy it consumes. You also know that the energy that Heavenly Secret Pavilion can get is limited. It’s okay if you don’t compete with the first-class experts in the Data Bank, as long as the energy consumption is greatly increased. The energy is that many, which is not enough for everyone. Besides, the Heavenly Secret Pavilion has expanded a lot, and the number of places has increased, which has made energy even more tense. Therefore, a battle point has been created, and the opponent can be selected by consuming these points. Of course The stronger the opponent, the more combat points are needed.”

“Many newcomers who have just arrived just don’t understand this. As a result, they were pitted by the old people of Heavenly Secret Pavilion, even the first improved combat points. Not at all. If you want to earn combat points later, you will become even harder.”

When Shi Feng heard Kong Haojie say this, his heart suddenly became clear.

“It’s no wonder Yuan Tiexin took out ten places so simply, it turns out that there is still this hand.” Shi Feng secretly scolded the Guild Master of Heavenly Secret Pavilion as a treacherous old fox.

But think about it carefully.

Let them play against the monster experts in the Data Bank without restrictions, so as to gain a lot of rich combat experience to improve themselves, in addition to the guidance from Realm of Micro to Control of Domain , How is such a good thing possible.

“Many thanks to remind.” Shi Feng looked towards Kong Haoran, self-introduced, “My name is Shi Feng.”

“No thanks, we are all from other Guild’s, naturally We should take care of each other, or we will be bullied to death by the people of Heavenly Secret Pavilion.” Kong Haoran shook his hand and said, “These people of Heavenly Secret Pavilion came more than a month earlier than us, and they have been accepting the inside of Heavenly Secret Pavilion. The training is much better than us in terms of combat level.”

” Newcomers who have just come here will generally give 100 combat points, which can allow newcomers to go to the castle to buy newcomer battle packs. Fight against ten experts who are out of the ordinary to get familiar with the battle here. You can fight with these experts for three days, otherwise you can only practice with the free opponents in the castle, and you won’t learn anything at all.”

“There are two ways to get battle points here, one is daily battle qualifying, and the other is players use battle points as a bet for battle. Many newcomers don’t understand, they are The old man tricked into the battle, and as a result, the 100 battle points were gone.”

While Kong Haoran explained the simulation exercise system, Kong Haoran also brought Shi Feng to the battle castle.

But when Shi Feng and the others walked into the castle, they heard a loud noise in the hall.

“Come and see, today there is a newcomer to challenge the elderly!”

“This shot is too fast, why didn’t I meet such a newcomer!”


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