“What Magic is this?”

Shi Feng found that Anna’s coercion was getting stronger and stronger, as if she was in front of Tier 3 NPC. This is the first time Shi Feng has seen this kind of Magic To.

Tier 3 NPC can guard the existence of a city. When placed in a city like White River City, it is also a top-level figure. It is difficult to see it.

Immediately, Shi Feng called up Anna’s Skill Menu.

“No way, I mastered Tier 2 Forbidden Spell so soon!” Shi Feng looked at the list on the Skill Menu and was shocked.

Anna’s potential is too terrifying.

Before Shi Feng adjusted the Skill Menu of the checked Kite. Although there are many Tier 2 Skills for learning, only one Tier 2 Forbidden Technique was learned. This is still learned after completing a lot of Quests, but Anna I have already learned two Tier 2 Forbidden Spell.

And he has not heard of one of the Forbidden Spell.

Sound of Summoning!

Not only allows the chanting person to forcefully raise to Tier 3, but also summon a Tier 3 living creature Golden Giant.

I saw golden Magic Array begin to gather endless magic power.

In just two or three seconds, the endless magic power has condensed into a golden giant more than ten meters tall, wearing golden armor all over, and carrying a golden giant axe behind him.

Golden Giant, Elements Lifeform, High Lord, Level Level 60, HP 30 million.

Seeing the appearance of Golden Giant, Shi Feng was ecstatic.

Anna’s demonstrated strength is really amazing. Only Tier 2 NPC can summon Tier 3 living creature, and it has reached Tier 3 level, and wants to deal with a similar one. Tier 3 monster with no difficulty.

I saw the Golden Giant that appeared there was an axe at the Crystal Wolf King, but the speed of this axe was not fast, and was greeted by the Crystal Wolf King.


Crystal Wolf King flew out and lay heavily on the ground. The sharp claw trembled, and the eyes of Golden Giant were full of look of dreading.

Just a direct counterattack, it shocked the Crystal Wolf King. Not to mention, it also caused more than 5,000 points of damage. If it were not blocked by the sharp claw, the damage caused would definitely far exceed Kite.

A Golden Giant could have fought with the Crystal Wolf King, and Kite attacked the weakness of the Crystal Wolf King from the side to assist the Golden Giant’s attack, which immediately plunged the Crystal Wolf King into To be absolutely vulnerable, only to be beaten.

“It seems that my plan is superfluous.” Shi Feng couldn’t help but shook his head and laughed at the Crystal Wolf King whose HP was slowly decreasing.

He finally realized what the player felt when he was protected by Dark Gold. Originally, he was going to do it himself, but now it seems to be purely redundant. If he is rushing up, it would be too bullying for Crystal Wolf King is out.

I have to say that having Dark Gold Level guards is great!

You can level up even while lying down.

There is no need to do anything at all, even if the player can’t fight, everything can be done by Personal Guard.

“It’s no wonder those players spend all their money on the growth of these Dark Gold Level guards.” Shi Feng couldn’t help thinking of the players who got Dark Gold Level guards on the former life Luck. “It turns out that there are such big players. The strength gap.”

It stands to reason that with such a powerful guard, leveling up is easy to make money.

After all, in the wild BOSS are those cash machines with Dark Gold Level guard players. There is no need to organize a large number of members like Big Guilds, and finally you have to risk the wiped out crisis to solve it hard. Drop in the wild BOSS, the only problem for these players is to find in the wild BOSS.

Even if you can find one in the wild BOSS every two or three days, but after killing the BOSS, selling those drop items you don’t use is enough to make any player live very well, and the income is far more than God’s Domain Those experts come a lot.

But in God’s Domain, every player who gets a good Personal Guard, each and everyone is terribly poor.

Because these Personal Guards are themselves a bottomless pit, if the equipment and skills of the Personal Guard do not increase with the level of the Personal Guard, the risk of killing in the wild BOSS will also increase. After all, monster has no equipment. As long as the level is increased, the attribute will be mentioned frantically. However, the strength of Personal Guard depends not only on its own attributes, but also on equipment and skills. It needs continuous improvement to force the same level BOSS. strength.

The death of a player is nothing more than Level 1, but the death of these guards is different. Not only does the level drop a lot, it also takes a long time to resurrect, not to mention the cost of resurrection can make Top Grade expert players all feel pain, so they think of ways to improve the strength of the guards and reduce the probability of death of the guards.

Time is passing slowly, in the gaze of Shi Feng and the others.

Crystal Wolf King was dispelled by Green Bamboo because of the gain state, HP quickly dropped to 30%, which made the two eyes of Crystal Wolf King become extremely bloody red, and the translucent crystal body gradually turned into crimson.

“Green Bamboo, use Scroll! Gentle, you and I also join the battle.” Shi Feng said repeatedly.

As long as the HP of Crystal Wolf King drops below 30%, the Tier 2 gain skill will no longer be used, all will be replaced with Tier 3 gain skill, and the sole 1st floor increase will enable the Crystal Wolf King’s Strength And speed increased by 10%, and then each stack of layers, Strength and speed increased by 10%, can stack up to 30 layers, also in other words Strength and speed can be increased by 300%, so much, even the same level of Peak High Lord It’s not comparable.

So you must kill the Crystal Wolf King before the number of stacks reaches the number of times.

It’s just that the number of states stacks up very quickly, with one layer every 10 seconds. If no one clears these states, it only takes two minutes to make the Crystal Wolf King as powerful as Peak High Lord. .

“I see.” Green Bamboo took out the magic scroll at this time and started to disperse the gain state.

After being expelled from the 1st floor status, Shi Feng directly turned on the Power of Dragon and started a side attack.

Thundering Flash!


Earth Splitting Slash!

Flame Thunderstorm!


Skill output time after time, each and everyone ten-twenty thousand damage keeps coming out of the head of Crystal Wolf King.

In contrast, Gentle Thoughtful Rain is not ideal here. As Elements Lifeform, the natural Magic Resistance is higher. With the original Defense Power, Gentle Thoughtful Rain’s Element attack is very rare breakthrough 3000 points The damage.

Seeing that Crystal Wolf King HP was less than 3 million, Kite used the Tier 2 Forbidden Technique, and Anna did not keep it, using Tier 2 Forbidden Spell.

Suddenly in midair, a gray whirlwind turned into a sharp sword, stabling the Crystal Wolf King directly, and the Judgment of Light also summoned a Battle Angel with a pair of white wings. He threw a Golden Holy Spear with the Crystal Wolf King.




In an instant, two huge damages caused the Crystal Wolf King to let out a scream, Motionless on the ground, he was obviously seriously injured and fell into a brief Weakened State.

With such a high amount of damage, even Gentle Thoughtful Rain was stunned.

“Good chance.” Shi Feng naturally won’t let it go, and directly turned on Flame Burst and Divine Grace Bestowed by the Heaven.

With the constant attacks of Kite and Anna, after Shi Feng went on for fifteen consecutive swords, Crystal Wolf King also fell completely motionless on the ground.

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