
Gentle Thoughtful Rain and Green Bamboo were shocked when they saw the sudden emergence of Kite and Anna.

Whether it is Kite or Anna, the power exudes from them is very strong.

Standing alone, there is a sense of suffocation.

“I haven’t seen it for a while, and it really improved a lot.” Shi Feng glanced at the handsome Kite and enchanting Anna, and was very satisfied, “It is now Level 60, and it is indeed Dark Gold Level. Guard, the growth speed is really fast.”

Especially Anna’s speed increase, she obviously became Personal Guard later than Kite, but now she has reached Level 60, and she is also the Summoner of Tier 2. , The speed is really staggering.

In God’s Domain, it is not so easy to cultivate a powerful Personal Guard.

First of all, the first point is that a lot of money is needed!

Because it is an NPC, there are a lot of Experience Points required for level up, far more than the players. Often taking Personal Guard to fight in the wild will only slow down Personal Guard Growth speed.

If you want to increase the level of Personal Guard quickly, you must let Personal Guard go to the Adventurers Guild to pick up the Quest, but Personal Guard needs to spend money to pick up the Quest. This money is not ordinary and will vary according to the Quest Level. Different fees are charged. Although you will get gold coins, Experience Point, and other rewards after Personal Guard Quest Completed, these gold coins and other rewards have nothing to do with the player.

Because the money obtained by the Personal Guard can be used to purchase their own equipment items, it’s not like players who need to download Dungeon to get them. You can buy them directly in the Adventurers Guild or weapon equipment stores. You can’t buy those things with gold coins.

So the 1st Step of training is to make Personal Guard rich and let them do Quest in large numbers.

In the Adventurers Guild, Quest is also divided into Bronze, Mysterious-Iron, Mithril, Adamantite, Dark Gold, Epic Level, the higher the Quest Reward of High Grade, the more generous it is, and the same player costs The money is also very much.

Solely now Bronze Rank Quest of Level 60 requires players to spend 5 gold to apply, Mysterious-Iron Rank needs 10 gold, Mithril Rank 20 gold, Adamantite Rank 40 gold, Dark Gold Level 80 gold, Epic Level 200 gold.

As for whether the Personal Guard can be completed, it still needs the strength of the guard itself, just like the Bronze Rank guard picks up the Bronze Rank Quest. The success rate is huge. It is almost 70% possible to complete, but it is Mysterious- The Iron Rank may only be 40%, and the Mithril Rank may only be 10%.

But you can increase the battle strength by increasing the equipment of the Personal Guard, and indirectly increase the success rate of the Quest, but this requires a certain amount of time to accumulate.

And Anna and Kite are different, their own potential is Dark Gold Level, even if it is just the initial equipment, the success rate for completing Dark Gold Level Quest is 50%. As long as the equipment can keep up, Dark Gold Level Quest The success rate can exceed 80%, reaching a certain level can even challenge Epic Level Quest.

It’s just that the Epic Level Quest does not mean that there is it. It depends on the Quest respawn of the Adventurers Guild every day.

Because of the gap between Personal Guard and Quest, the level up speed is so fast.

“Ye Feng, we won’t really have to deal with Crystal Wolf King.” Gentle Thoughtful Rain looked at Shi Feng, who was fighting spirit, and said something worriedly.

Although two Tier 2 NPCs with Level 60 are very difficult to deal with, the Crystal Wolf King is another boss of Tier 3 High Lord Rank.

“Don’t worry, I checked the Crystal Wolf King. The skill of this BOSS is mainly based on blessing. As long as the Green Bamboo is properly dispersed, our battle strength is enough.” Shi Feng laughed and explained .

He has not dealt with the Crystal Wolf King once. The reason why the Crystal Wolf King is great is its speed. Even the Top Grade MT of the same level can hardly resist the attack of the Crystal Wolf King. The upper gain status can continue to stack, which will make Crystal Wolf King the more fought the more stronger.

If the gain status is not cleared in time, it will take a long time and the final result will only be wiped out.

As long as you deal with the gain status, with the strength of two Dark Gold Level guards, it should not be a problem to win the Crystal Wolf King.

Immediately, Shi Feng took Gentle Thoughtful Rain and the others to the entrance of the cave.

The real Storm was blown in front of the cave entrance, before entering the cave, I heard a sound of wolf howling, resounding through the cave, making the whole cave tremble.

I saw a majestic silhouette in the wide and dark cave.

It is more than ten meters high, like a tall building, looking down at Shi Feng and the others entering the cave, with blood glow in the blood-red eyes, showing snow-white sharp teeth, the whole body They are all made of crystal, with a faint green glow shining in the heart.

Crystal Wolf King, Elements Lifeform, High Lord, Level Level 50, HP 21 million.

“Kite, you go to pester Wolf King, Anna, you help, Green Bamboo, you pay attention to Kite Healer.” Shi Feng immediately instructed.

Following Shi Feng’s death, the tall Kite suddenly turned into a gale and headed straight to the Crystal Wolf King.

Kite’s HP is only 750,000. Facing the 21 million High Lord, this HP is not worth mentioning at all, but with a wave of Crystal Wolf King sharp claw, several silver glows flew towards Kite, this speed Common Players can’t respond.

But Kite didn’t dodge, he drew out his swords and slashed.

pēng pēng pēng ……

The silver light that flew in the air was all shattered.

Following Kite’s low shouts, the two swords in his hand bloomed with dazzling azure glow, facing fiercely for a while.

Tier 2 Skill Wind Fang!

Two huge azure fangs turned into a flash, and they passed through the body of Crystal Wolf King in an instant.


Crystal Wolf King could not help but screamed, took two steps back, two more than one hundred thousand damage appeared on his head, but Kite’s attack was still far away There is no end, and immediately appeared in front of Crystal Wolf King.

Crystal Wolf King was furious, the corner of his mouth snapped, and the huge paw fiercely slapped Kite. The speed was so fast that only a dark shadow could be seen passing by, and the huge paw was not clear at all. Sharp claw slammed On Kite’s body.


The ground vibrates.

But the sharp claw’s attack, not at all hitting Kite, was blocked by Kite with one hand, and then another sword struck the joint of the huge sharp claw.

A azure glow slashed the sharp claw of the Crystal Wolf King directly, and suddenly more than 20,000 damage appeared on the body of the Crystal Wolf King.

“Ye Feng big brother, your Personal Guard is too strong!” Green Bamboo saw this scene, his eyes widened.

She has also seen a lot of powerful Personal Guards, but the previous Tier 2 guards are very difficult to deal with Lord Rank and other bosses, and they need the player’s assistance.

But Kite was able to withstand the attack of Tier 3 High Lord Rank BOSS with one hand. The two are simply not the same order of magnitude, but they did it, which is simply incredible.

Shi Feng was also very surprised at this time.

He didn’t expect Kite to be so powerful, he has grown to the point where he can directly resist Tier 3 High Lord, and even suppress the Crystal Wolf King on Strength……

Shi Feng only understands now, it’s no wonder that those Super-Guilds are drooling against Dark Gold Level guards. Solely now is so strong. If they really grow to Tier 5, how strong will they be?

Just when Shi Feng was surprised, Anna, who was not far away, also acted, and saw the end of Magic’s chanting.

Suddenly the entire dark cave was illuminated, as if daylight.

The huge golden Magic Array enveloped most of the cave, and the pressure on Anna’s body also increased several times. Even Shi Feng in the distance felt a little hard breathing.

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