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As Liang Jing prepares materials in the lobby, Shi Feng finally relaxes and can sort out the drop items of Yingzhun and others.

Ying Zhun and others each and everyone have Tier 4 battle strength the last time. An equipment can be said to be gorgeous, especially those Tier 3 profession equipment. If you can get the set equipment in them, you can undoubtedly make Zero Wing has a Tier 4 battle strength.

As Shi Feng started to check each and everyone, the more I watched, the more I was impressed by the equipment of the world expert.

Not to mention those Tier 3 experts, each and everyone wears Tier 3 Mana armor sets. Any set is worth ten thousand gold. I am afraid that there will be people rushing to ask for it in the entire God’s Domain continent.

However, compared with the weapon equipment of Tier 4 expert drops, it is a great length difference. Any one is Epic Equipment of Level 150, and some even drops the armor set parts of Epic Equipment. You can see these external Tier 4 expert of the world definitely wears set Epic Equipment.

Epic Level armor set can’t even think about it even now Zero Wing.

Let’s not mention that Epic Level armor set is extremely rare originally. Just wanting to get a set is not just to kill one kind of BOSS, it needs to kill a variety of different BOSS, and it is only a chance to drop. , Not necessarily dropped.

Also in other words, if you don’t kill all kinds of BOSS in large numbers, it is impossible to get the set together.

To kill a large number of Tier 4 Legendary BOSS of various Level 150, a large number of Tier 4 professions are absolutely essential.

Of course, just seeing an Epic Level part cannot prove anything.

But the Epic Level armor set in Shi Feng’s hands has as many as five pieces, and this is only the Tier 4 expert equipment of a Tier 4 mercenary group outside the world. Just think of the Tier outside the world Super Organization. How good the expert equipment is, and how terrifying the number of Tier 4 professions is. Otherwise, simply relying on a Tier 4 mercenary group, it is impossible to get so many Epic Level armor sets.

“It’s no wonder God’s Domain’s major Super Organizations in mainland China have nothing to fight back. They are more than half a year ahead of the current stage in weapon equipment, not to mention the gap in the number of Tier 4 experts.” Shi Feng looked at one. A drop item is also a headache.

I thought it was just the difference in the number of Tier 4 experts and the difference in combat skills. Now even weapon equipment is so different.

I have to say that the player power of the foreign world is more threatening than he expected.

Because even the current Zero Wing can only produce Epic Equipment parts, and the number is very small, so the people who can produce can be counted on one’s fingers.

Even Shi Feng has seen some details of Tier 4 Guild Member.

With more than 70% of Tier 4 experts, there are not even five six pieces of Level 150 Epic Equipment in a single piece of equipment, and generally only about three pieces of Level 150 Epic Equipment.

Epic Level armor set?


Now Zero Wing’s Tier 4 expert can have so many Level 150 Epic Equipment, thanks to the development of the great valley in Jibing during this period, and Yanya and others brought back a large number of Level 150 Epic Equipment from the ancient God’s Domain. , Otherwise the equipment of Zero Wing Tier 4 expert is even worse.

However, the equipment of the Zero Wing Tier 4 expert is poor. In fact, it is not. At least it is better than the local Super Organization Tier 4 expert equipment, but it is not comparable to the Tier 4 expert of the world.

“It seems that after the opening of the cross-border Teleportation Array, it is necessary to get some Top Grade Epic Weapon equipment. Otherwise, if there are enough Tier 4 experts, I am afraid that it will not be able to compete with the major Super Organizations in the world. .”

After arriving in the Tier 4 profession, inheritance guidance and improvement of magic power control are important, but weapon equipment cannot be left behind. After all, the difference between an Epic Level component and a complete set of Epic Equipment in Basic Attribute is rare. About 20%, after the amplification controlled by Magic Skill and Magic Power, the difference in battle strength will be even greater.

When Shi Feng inspected a broken crystal stone sculpture, he was taken aback.

“The Eternal Thing?”

Obviously, the crystal stone sculpture is only an item that is not available in Common, but Shi Feng can’t find any information, showing that it’s all unknown, but if you feel it carefully, you will find that the instinct of life even wants the Devour crystal stone sculpture. simply is exactly the same as the eternal thing Thousand Rain Phoenix gave him.

Immediately, Shi Feng also began to use All-knowing Eye to explore with all his strength.

At this time, All-knowing Eye is guaranteed by liquid magic power after the body of magic power reaches 120%, but in less than 30 seconds, some data of the crystal stone sculpture is displayed in front of Shi Feng’s eyes.

From the Source Gemstone image, the eternal thing, the concrete effect, the guiding principle of all things, the indestructible thing.

“The principle of guiding everything?”

Shi Feng was stunned for a while, and didn’t understand what this meant.

Before relying on the effect of the stone of the world to stabilize the law of all things, he can log out at will on the ancient God’s Domain, but what the hell is that?

Just when Shi Feng was curious about the specific effect of guiding the principle of everything, Liang Jing also contacted him.

“Guild Master, I have prepared all the materials you want, and you can send it to the Teleportation Hall now.”

“Okay, I’ll be over right away.”

When Shi Feng heard it, he stopped studying the Source Gemstone image in his hand, but just put it in the inventory at hand, and rushed directly to the Teleportation Hall, ready to make the existing Teleportation Array more powerful.

Only in this way can it drive enough magic power to connect with the Space Node erected on the West Continent to form a stable Transmission Passage.

In this way, the two continents can form a stable Teleportation Array in the future. You can go back and forth between the two continents at will. You don’t have to worry about finding any ancient Teleportation Array, and you don’t have to wait for the Cooldown Period of the ancient Teleportation Array, and there is no restriction on the number of people. .

As long as there are enough Magic Crystal Stones, you can go back and forth between the two places, completely connecting the two continents!

Zero Wing City, Fighting Arena.

The Fighting Arena, which occupies the size of several stadiums, is full of player experts at this time. Among these experts, you can even see Tier 4 professions lining up to reserve the Battle Room there. The lively scene is simply better than Imperial Capital’s. Auction House is also exaggerated.

Feithaliyah looked at Macafre and Crimson Witch who had just walked out, and couldn’t help but curiously asked: “Frey, how did your battle in the Battle Room effect?”

Originally, they just came here to help Zero Wing and deepen their relationship with Zero Wing’s.

However, they personally experienced Zero Wing City’s magic power, and they couldn’t help but wonder how effective the magic power here is for their training, so they came here to try it out. After all, in the entire Zero Wing City, Also here is Fighting Arena, but let go of hands and feet.

“How do you say it.” Macafrey thought for a while, and reorganized his language. “If the training effect in Xinghui Fortress can reach 10, then the training improvement effect here is more than 30. “

“Is there such an exaggeration?” Feithaliyah didn’t believe it.

Although Macafrey is a very rigorous person, she also knows that Zero Wing City’s environment is extraordinary, but the improvement effect is a bit too exaggerated. You must know that every time the effect is improved, the environmental requirements are The higher it is, the effect is directly increased by three times, which is incredible no matter how you look at it.

“no! It is not an exaggeration. Although the magic power of Fett Group Leader here is not foggy, but when you really start to guide the outside magic power, you will find that the induced magic power is even more exaggerated than the normal foggy magic power. “Crimson Witch also seriously said with emotion,” In this environment, fighting with experts of the same level can bring insights, especially the control of Magic Element, which is not a level at all. I really don’t know what Zero Wing is. How can it be done? A Guild can have such terrifying magic power and Magic Element operation rules with such high definition!”

“Yes, if I can train here for a long time without two weeks, I have the confidence to take the magic power body further.” Macafrey also nodded, looking at the Zero Wing Member present, his eyes full Is envy.

They came this time because they followed Shi Feng. If Shi Feng hadn’t opened up the permission to enter Zero Wing City’s, they would not be able to enter Zero Wing City and enjoy such an amazing environment.

While members of the Zero Wing Guild can enjoy the magic power environment here every day, how can he not be envious?

After all, at his level, it is extremely difficult for the body of magic power to increase by 1%, but here he sees the possibility of rapid improvement.

Crimson Witch also had golden light in his eyes, and said with great certainty: “Fetter Group Leader, this time we go back and we must suggest that Elder and Guild Master set up a temporary station in Zero Wing City, even if they pay more The price is also worth it. The effect may not be obvious in a short time, but over time, the improvement brought to Guild is absolutely unimaginable. When the time comes surpasses the five Super-Guild, I am afraid it is not difficult.”

When Fetthaliyah heard it, a wry smile appeared on her face.

“I think, but when the Teleportation Arrays of the two continents are opened, our Shenyi tribe wants to get Zero Wing City’s temporary residence, I am afraid it will be difficult…”

As long as the Teleportation Array of the two continents is turned on, as long as the power of the two continents is not stupid, you will understand how valuable and terrifying Zero Wing City’s is, let alone the magic power environment here.

When the time comes, you can foresee how many forces will want to enter Zero Wing City without thinking about it.

“No! Fett Group Leader can’t say that!” Macafrey looked at Fett Hariyah, and suddenly said with a smile, “I heard that Black Flame lives in the upper level of Yuantian City now. District, with the influence and relationship of your family as the Fett Group Leader, if you personally invite and cooperate and let Black Flame agree, is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain?”

Fetter Group Leader is one of the heirs of a Giant level Great Family in the upper area, plus the devastatingly beautiful appearance of the Fetter Group Leader in reality, as well as a devil-like body, I sincerely invite who to expand in the upper area Cooperation, I am afraid that few people in the entire upper zone will refuse.

The crimson Witch on the side is also nodded.

“You…men!” Feithaliyah was speechless.

But before Feithaliyah said anything, I heard a sudden noise outside Fighting Arena, and then the entire Zero Wing City’s magic power was also violent and violent.

Go out of the hall and watch a heaven-shaking beam of light rise up from the Teleportation Hall.

If you are interested in the biography of some characters in this book, or other accidents in God’s Domain world, you can add the public x number Tianyun Lao Mao, and you can see some content that cannot be shown in the book.

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