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“Finally gone.”

Fei Ye looked at Shi Feng and the others who had left a long way, and was deeply sighed in relief.

Before, she almost thought that Shi Feng would do something to them. Although they are not afraid of being killed, the equipment of drops still feels very distressed.

“Black Flame!” Qi Yuan looked at the distant sky, his eyes full of coldness, “Wait, I will make you look good!”

Shi Feng’s is undoubtedly powerful, but also not Invincible.

Especially in the world battle, let alone the Tier 4 peerless Overlord, even the Tier 5 profession NPCs can’t stop their offensive, otherwise the God’s Domain continent will not fall into that many Kingdom.

At present, it seems that both sides have reached a balance. They are just accumulating strength that’s all.

Now it’s already not far from the next big attack.

“Qiyuan, don’t mess around, the Black Flame’s strength is more terrifying than expected. If it affects the alliance’s plan, even if you are a peerless genius cultivated by Guild, when the time comes Fengying Elder cannot protect you You.” Feiye shook her head helplessly when she heard it, “The most urgent thing now is to inform Elder of Black Flame’s.”

The battle between the two worlds, although a peerless Overlord can’t change much, it still has some influence in some local War Zones.

“I understand.” Qi Yuan nodded, “After this time, I will go back to the headquarters to apply for a trial place.”

“Are you applying for the trial now? Is it too early?” Feiye surprisedly said.

Their God’s Domain world is not comparable to the God’s Domain continent here, but there is a lot of inheritance. Among them, there are some ancient trials left by Guild for peerless genius, which can help Guild’s peerless genius to grow substantially.

But this kind of trial is accompanied by certain risks. If you fail, your soul will be weak for a long time, and every peerless genius cultivated by Guild’s will only have one chance.

“Now from the Great War General, if my strength can go further, when the time comes, I can earn more contribution points. As long as I accumulate enough contribution points, it is not difficult to redeem an inheritance quota. “

Qi Yuan had thought about this a long time ago.

This time the alliance is bound to win God’s Domain East Continent, so the resources are also extremely rich. The inheritance trial is certainly precious, but for him, the lonely peerless genius, he wants to win one. It’s not difficult.

The only problem at the moment is that must have achieved a sense of success in the trial of inheritance.

He had only heard of one thought becoming a realm before, and he didn’t know the true terrifying of a thought becoming a realm. Now watching Shi Feng’s battle, he really understands the strength of a thought becoming a realm. This is why he made up his mind.

Great valley of Jibing, Zero Wing City.

As the Teleportation Array in the Teleportation Hall flashed a few rays of light, Shi Feng and the others seven also appeared in the Teleportation Hall.

“Is this Zero Wing City?”

Smoke Cloud Sixteen Dreams looked at the Zero Wing City Teleportation Hall in front of him, and was amazed.

magic power!

Extremely rich magic power!

Although the outside world has long heard that Zero Wing City’s magic power is extraordinary, now I really came to Zero Wing City to understand that Zero Wing City is even more powerful than the rumors.

In addition to the extremely rich magic power of Zero Wing City, the busy traffic outside Teleportation Hall is full of bustling and bustling, with various NPC Merchants and NPC nobles, and even Tier 4 NPCs.

If not this time, she would represent Tiger Flash and Zero Wing to reach a further strategic alliance and come to Zero Wing City to sign a cooperation contract. She would not know that Zero Wing City, which has not been fully open to the outside world, would be so powerful.

After the three of Fithaliyah arrived at Zero Wing City, they were also surprised by the situation of Zero Wing City’s.

Compared to the Star Fortress, it has terrifying magic power. Even in the patrol guards on the street, you can see Tier 4 NPC patrolling. This kind of Strength is something you can’t even think of in Big Guild towns.

Tier 4 NPCs are not unavailable in all Great Influences, but they are all Personal Guards cultivated. Each of them is Guild’s most precious battle strength and can oversee the existence of a town.

But on the Zero Wing side, Tier 4 NPCs actually led patrols on the street. You can see such a patrol on a few streets along the way. The precious Tier 4 NPC simply is like a Chinese cabbage on the road Same…

Shi Feng was not surprised by this.

Zero Wing City is currently the only main city of Guild in the God’s Domain continent, and it is located in an area like the great valley of Jibing. There are definitely not a few Tier 4 NPCs coming to develop, so Zero Wing City wants to recruit a group of Tiers. 4 NPC guards are not an impossible thing.

Especially when the current magic power and environment of Zero Wing City are comparable to the ancient God’s Domain, the attraction for those Tier 4 NPCs is great. After all, if you want to go further, you must control the operating rules of Magic Element. Very understanding.

But Shi Feng also had to admit.

It’s just that I haven’t been to Zero Wing City for a while, and Zero Wing City has really changed a lot.

Not only the strength of the NPC guards patrolling the streets, but also the strength of the players on the streets. They are all Tier 3 professions. Not to mention, the Levels are also above 1Level 36. All the experts of Tier 4 professions can be seen on the street. To a point.

Just walking these distances from Teleportation Hall to Guild Encampment, Shi Feng found more than ten Tier 4 profession experts, which is much stronger than Xinghui Fortress.

You must know that now that anyone who can enter Zero Wing City’s player is a member of Zero Wing Guild, or a member of a force that has a cooperative relationship with Zero Wing, or they are not allowed to enter Zero Wing City’s.

Apart from this, there are too many Zero Wing Members on the street.

According to the Zero Wing City information provided by Guild Encampment, compared to the tens of thousands of people when it was first built, it is now roughly estimated that the number of people on Zero Wing City is more than 500,000.

To be aware of activities around Zero Wing City, you must be a Tier 3 profession. Also in other words, the current Tier 3 expert of Zero Wing Guild is at least 500,000 people…

This number of Tier 3 experts is definitely beyond the great length of those Common Super Organizations. That is, those great Super-Guild, I am afraid it is only this.

“Guild Master, this is all the current data of our Zero Wing Guild.”

Liang Jing smiled and gave Guild’s current data to Shi Feng, with unspeakable pride in her heart.

Although Shi Feng has been away for a long time, such a big thing has happened on East Continent, even their Zero Wing has been greatly affected.

But because of the existence of the Three Major City and the mobile fortress, the development may be insufficient, but there is definitely more than self-preservation, especially the existence of major cities like Zero Wing City. In this world war, simply became the battle for all players. She wanted to enter the refuge.

Because of this, many Guilds that were wiped out, and some wandering Adventure Groups, each and everyone came to join Zero Wing, which increased the number of members of Zero Wing Guild for a while.

If it weren’t for resource constraints, Guild’s currently available player resources are limited, and the conditions for joining Zero Wing’s have been further improved. I am afraid that the number of Guilds can now double.


Shi Feng was surprised after reading all aspects of Guild’s data given by Liang Jing.

Currently, the total number of Guild Tier 3 experts has broken through 800,000, of which more than 500,000 Tier 3 experts are active in Zero Wing City, and the remaining less than 300,000 Tier 3 experts are in Stone Forest City and silver wing. Guild town activities such as city and mobile fortress.

But this is not the most amazing.

The number of experts in the Tier 4 profession is the key point. There are a total of 73 experts in the Tier 4 profession, which are more than those of the Common Super-Guild.

Shi Feng himself is a little doubtful whether he has come to the wrong place.

Currently, the general Super Organization, Tier 4 profession has more than ten people, and more than 20 people will die. These are those Super-Guild with deep background, which is the appearance of thirty-forty people, and they are better than the five Super-Guild. I am afraid there are not so many Tier 4 professions.

Furthermore, according to Liang Jing’s report, there are more than forty people in Tier 4 inheritance. It is estimated that half of them can be promoted successfully. Also in other words, after a while, the number of Zero Wing’s Tier 4 experts is still To add one more section, breaking one hundred in the future will not be a problem at all.

Of course, there are such terrifying numbers. Thanks to Zero Wing City’s environment, Tier 3 player’s knowledge of Magic Element operation and strength control are continuously improved.

Liang Jing looked at Shi Feng with a surprised look, and could not help but suggest: “Guild Master, during this time, because of the outside world, several Super Organizations have emerged. Some East Continent Super Organizations have been destroyed for this reason, and now there are more A group of powerful Tier 3 experts and Tier 4 experts, can I absorb them all?”

“In addition, our Guild’s resources have reached bottleneck. At present, we can only support the development of so many Guild Members. So I want to further open Zero Wing City, so that with Zero Wing City’s huge advantages, we can also get more resources to come in. The time comes can also gather more experts to join Zero Wing.”

Shi Feng is also nodded and agrees.

The battle of the world is terrifying, but it is not a chance for development. After all, after the world channel is opened, the players of the two worlds are already complete enemies. Not only can the players of the two worlds not be able to add friends, but even send messages. Or the Guild who joins the other party can’t do it. Both parties will not get any Evil Value when they fight. On the contrary, if you kill some players in the outside world, you can get gifts from the world and get the Experience Point, which is just compared to the Experience Point. For those NPCs and monsters, it’s much less.

So the disbanded members of the God’s Domain mainland cannot join the outer world Guild’s, and can only join the Guild of the God’s Domain mainland mainland.

“We should indeed further open Zero Wing City.” Shi Feng said with a smile, “But before that, we still need to do something.”

“There are still things to do?” Liang Jing was puzzled.

At present, she feels that Zero Wing has done everything that Zero Wing can do, and the development has reached its limit. If you want a breakthrough, you can only start with Zero Wing City. Other places are impossible.

“Yes.” Shi Feng nodded, directly took out a list, “You prepare all the materials above, I need it now.”

It is certain to open Zero Wing City further, but before that, we still need to get the cross-border Teleportation Array well, so that opening Zero Wing’s will have a better effect.

If you are interested in the biography of some characters in this book, or other accidents in God’s Domain world, you can add the public x number Tianyun Lao Mao, and you can see some content that cannot be shown in the book.

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