Upper zone, base layer.

Walking on the streets in the upper area, admiring the streets and scenery of the base layer, Shi Feng is not at all, and there are rumors of flowers blooming along the way. On the contrary, there are many high-rise buildings in the residential area. , Other places are not at all high-rise buildings, it is more of a kind of leisurely environment, those restaurants, training halls, gyms and other exercise places are very numerous.

Compared with the happy and happy outside, people here always have a very busy feeling. Each and everyone has a tight Vitality, without a trace of relaxation.

Because the competition in the upper zone is simply beyond the imagination of the outside world, it is simply not a paradise.

According to Shi Feng’s understanding, the total population of the upper zone of Yuantian City is less than 300,000.

Nearly one-quarter of the people are all kinds of employees of Green God Corporation. Most of them are major consortiums. The primary stage is established in the upper area, and relatives and friends are obtained through various means. Friends, in addition to those who were born in the upper zone at first, only a small number of people enter the upper zone through special selection or reserved places.

After entering the upper zone, it is not as free as everyone thinks. On the contrary, the pressure is great, much greater than the outside world.

Because the consumption in the upper area is really too high, even Shi Feng feels a headache for eating exclusively.

The Common package is only 30 points, which is simply unimaginable in the outside world, but here is the most basic and worst kind…

And these are only the upper level A small problem in the district. The real trouble is all kinds of exercise resources. Longevity is not just enough to live in the upper zone. It also needs to cooperate with various exercises and potions. These all are extremely expensive. If there are not enough Financial and resources are simply impossible to live here.

As for people who were born in the upper zone at first, they can live easily until they are 12 years old. After that, they will go through a series of assessments until they are fifteen years old. If the assessment fails, they will go straight Was driven out of the upper zone.

And even if you pass the basic assessment of Green God Corporation, you can only work daily at the lowest level of Green God Corporation, unless you can pass the Vitality Road before the age of 20, or for Green God Corporation Only by making a great contribution can you gain the authority, and then you can truly become a Common person in the upper zone.

If you want to live longer, live better in the upper zone, live in a luxurious mansion, have a lot of power, be free, and become the object of compliments by the Great Influence, you must go to the middle zone. OK, otherwise it’s just an ant living in the basic layer.

It should be understood that the average lifespan of the Dao Foundation is 150 years old. Not everyone can live to one hundred and fifty years old. The most important point is youth and physical vitality, even in the upper zone. The supply of various resources can maintain a vigorous body, which is only fifty years old at most. After that, the vitality of the body continues to decline, until after the age of 100, it is completely like an old man.

Only living in the middle area will qualitatively change. You can maintain your youthful vigor at the age of eighty. It looks almost the same as the thirty-year-old. Until the age of 120, it can be maintained at the middle age of about forty. , Reaching is equivalent to saying that youth has nearly doubled the number of people at the basic level.

Such a temptation?

Who can not be crazy about this?

After walking around Shi Feng for a while, I also took the free smart suspension vehicle in the upper area and spent nearly 20 minutes in front of the Green God Building.

I have to say that the upper zone is the upper zone. Various transportation facilities are completely free, and the car is fully intelligently navigated. You only need a word to drive over where you want to go.

After that, Shi Feng went all the way to the 7th floor of the Green God Building, which is also the place where the Green God Building is on the base floor and Exchange Office has resource items.

Whether you use credit points to redeem points, or use the resources needed by the Green God Group to redeem contributions and points, or redeem various Potion Items of the Green God Group, people at the basic level will come here .

As soon as I came to the 7th floor, I found that there was a hall the size of eight basketball courts. At this time, thousands of people were already standing. Compared to the first time I came to the registration room, I don’t know how lively.

And most of these people come to exchange credit points for points rich children.

Although the major consortiums can get a lot of resources, but the group or consortium that has been in business for hundreds of years.

There are quite a few clansmans, and many of them are not easy to get women to the upper zone alone. In addition, the resources needed by the Green God Group are all very Rare resources, and the major consortiums In order to consider the future in the upper zone, He Group will not let the family children use these resources to exchange points at will.

So all the consortium children who enter the upper zone, except those who have been determined to be inherited, others can only obtain other resources through themselves in the upper zone, and because most of these people have nothing Powerful ability, you can get points and contributions from the upper zone.

each and everyone can only come here everyday all, exchange credit points for points, so that the credit points exchange of the entire Green God Group has always been very lively. There are several exchange windows, and people come over almost 24 hours. Exchange…

It can be said that the Green God Group, every day in the Exchange Office in the upper area, can count the money softly. Everyday all, a large number of rich children come to queue to send money.

If this scene spreads outside, it can definitely shock everyone’s jaws.

Because the wealthy children who line up here are all Young Master and Princess from major consortiums, don’t say let them wait in line, as long as a word, there will be countless people doing things for them .

But here they can only be like Common people, and even among them, no one feels anything wrong or makes a big fuss here.

In contrast, there is only one redemption window in the contribution area. This redemption window can be said that almost no one queues up, so you can redeem directly as long as you go.

However, when Shi Feng walked over, there were already two people at the redemption window in the contribution area, and these two people turned out to be people he knew.

And these two people are no one else. One person is Han Yifeng, the heir of the Wuzhou Consortium, and among the heirs of many consortiums Shi Feng has seen, the body Constitution is the most exaggerated, and he is also the least wealthy. Young and old feel good, and the other is Steward Zhuo Linqiu.

“Young Master, this time we have completed the Quest given by the Green God Group. I believe that after the evaluation, your contribution point for Young Master can reach 60,000, and then you can directly rank in the Top-10 In addition, the consortium has decided to fully support Young Master this time. I believe Young Master you will be able to rank in the top three in this contribution competition.” Chief Steward Zhuo Linqiu, standing behind Han Yifeng, said with some excitement. .

Contribution matches once every three months. As long as you can be in the top three, you can live in the middle area afterwards.

Although it can only live for a short period of three months, this is also the way for major consortiums. Rare can enter the middle area. As long as you can enter the middle area, the resources you can obtain are not the basic layer at all. It is conceivable that when the time comes, status and status are immediately as the tide rises, the boat floats.

However, Han Yifeng is still indifferent to this, shook the head said: “I am very sure about entering Top-5 this time, but it is still dangerous to enter the top three because those three control , Those three positions have been there for two years.”

“It is rumored that the three people are not far behind obtaining High Grade permissions. They will definitely try to maintain the top three positions and want to surpass them Contributions, not at all, are as simple as not at all. Even now, they have not made any effort. The contribution points of each and everyone have exceeded 100,000. If we really fight, the contribution points will definitely be two or three times higher than now. Not impossible.”

As Han Yifeng finished speaking, Steward Zhuo Linqiu was also silent.

I have to say that those three people are indeed different from them, because those people have been in the top three positions for two years and have been in the middle area for two years. The resources obtained in the middle area are not fundamental at all. The layers are comparable, and it is too difficult to surpass these three in terms of contribution points.

But as long as it becomes, Carp Leaping Through a Dragon Gate will follow.

While Han Yifeng and Zhuo Linqiu were chatting, the staff in front of the exchange window also settled Han Yifeng’s contribution.

“Hello, according to this Quest contribution point, your contribution points have accumulated to 62,425 points, and the current contribution game is ranked seventh.”

“Is it seventh?”

For the seventh place, Han Yifeng is not at all happy, like a, everything should be normal, nodded just turned and left.

The moment they turned around, Han Yifeng and Zhuo Linqiu saw Shi Feng who had already walked over.

“Why is he here?” Zhuo Linqiu looked at Shi Feng in a casual white clothed suit. He couldn’t help rubbing his eyes and couldn’t believe it was true.

The upper zone is a place where countless people from the outside world want to enter, but they can’t get in. Shi Feng is just a Guild Master of Quasi Super Influence. You must know that many Guild Masters of Super Organization are not eligible until now. Come in, and a self-made Shi Feng can come in, simply incredible.

In fact, it is not just Zhuo Linqiu, but also Han Yifeng on the side. For the first time, a surprised expression appeared on his face.

The last time he met Shi Feng at the Redstone Pavilion, Shi Feng is nothing but a minor character not worth mentioning in his eyes, because Shi Feng and the others simply cannot reach their level. , Can only be used as a pawn to contain his opponent.

Even if Zero Wing rises wildly afterwards, it will become an enemy of many Super Organizations. In his opinion, it is just that, because the real consortium is not really competing for God’s Domain, but the upper zone. Those resources.

But now Shi Feng, a minor character, has stepped into the upper zone, and it’s simply like a fantasy story.

“Is it because Jushida consortium gave him the reserved quota?” Han Yifeng seemed to think of something.

“It should be, otherwise, with a person without the slightest background, it is impossible to walk into the upper zone.” Zhuo Linqiu also nodded in agreement, thinking it must be so.

In this battle for the seat of God’s Domain, the Sword of Frost Sky is definitely a big hit. It has become the real giant of God’s Domain. It can be said that it has exceeded everyone’s expectations. The biggest help is Mo Too much assistance from Zero Wing’s, for which it is not impossible to thank the upper-level area.

Thinking of this, Han Yifeng and Zhuo Linqiu calmed down.

Shi Feng, who came over, just glanced at Han Yifeng and Zhuo Linqiu, not at all, and took the initiative to say hello. After all, he is not familiar with the two, and he is also in a hurry.

In this regard, Zhuo Linqiu’s face is very bad. Didn’t expect Shi Feng so much that he didn’t put Han Yifeng in his eyes. He didn’t even say hello, and walked over like a stranger. simply don’t take their five continent consortium too much.

However, before Zhuo Linqiu became angry, Shi Feng came to the redemption window in the contribution area, which made Zhuo Linqiu stunned.

“What exactly does he want to do?” Han Yifeng looked at Shi Feng who was talking to the staff, and was puzzled. “That’s the redemption window in the contribution area. Could it be that he saw credit? There is a long line in the points exchange window. When you see no one here, just come to exchange points?”

“Sure enough, it is a minor character. If there is a cheap one, I can go where I think I can hurry, but I don’t know. The rules here.” Zhuo Linqiu looked at Shi Feng who was still talking, his eyes full of disdain.

And when Zhuo Linqiu finished speaking, he heard the staff suddenly speak not far away.

“Congratulations, Mr. Shi Feng, you have earned 50,000 contribution points this time and 5 million points. At present, your contribution is ranked tenth!”

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