This devil volcano is understood by Shi Feng’s, because the magic power in the entire area is very thin, so players and NPCs in Meteorite City and the surrounding main city are seldom willing to come here to practice and take risks.

One is because it is difficult for players to perform Magic Skill effects there, which is very disadvantageous when playing against monsters.

The second is to fight here, not at all, to improve the control of magic power, because the magic power here is too crazy to control.

The third is also the most important. The monsters here are all Elements Lifeform Fire Demon and Fire Element monster. The battle strength here is stronger than the outside world by a great length, plus the number is very large, even if it is The Thousand-member group of Tier 3 profession can’t eat and walk around here, not to mention leveling, it’s not bad if you can save your life exclusively.

But this is Shi Feng’s best practice place.

“It’s really amazing here, there are so many High Lords and Peak High Lords.” Shi Feng, who was floating in the air, looked at the monsters wandering around on the ground, with a surge of excitement in his heart, “I don’t have to worry about Soul now. Crystal.”

Volcano giant beast, magic beast, 1Level 39, Peak High Lord, HP 3.6 million.

Fire Demon Warlord, Elements Lifeform, 1Level 37, High Lord, HP 1.320 million.

Fire Demon Chieftain, Elements Lifeform, 1Level 38, Peak High Lord, HP 3100 million.

I have to say that the monsters here are amazing. High Lord Rank monsters can be seen everywhere, and they are all in groups. You have to face at least hundreds of monsters at a time, plus the distance between these monsters Not far away, the battle is too loud, and it is easy to attract monsters from other places.

But this is a good place for Tier 4 profession farm level, especially for Tier 4 experts who master the domain.

Immediately, Shi Feng rushed to the strongest volcano giant beast in this area without saying anything further.

When Shi Feng approached 300 yards, the volcanic giant beast discovered Shi Feng’s existence. The volcanic giant beast was more than 30 meters in size and covered with flame scales. The angry roar was sent directly, and the volcanic beasts all around wandering and resting for a while surrounded the past. There were more than 3,000 Lord monsters, each of which was a Lord monster above Level 135, and some of them were High Lord Rank. Volcanic beast.

With so many monsters, even a Tier 3 team with a thousand people feels scalp tingling, because these monsters are not only very organized, but even the magic power emitted from their bodies is faintly integrated. Make the released magic formidable power multiply.

Thousands of fire lights flew out on the ground for a while, each and everyone moved towards Shi Feng in midair.

Thousands of fires together, the combined formidable power is not complete, but it also has the power of Tier 4, which is enough to make Common Tier 4 profession dodge quickly and dare not directly respond.

“Good come!”

Shi Feng looked at the thousands of incoming fires, not only did not have the slightest fear, but was excited.

I saw Shi Feng wave his hand and began to mobilize the strength of the magic power body.

Suddenly, a wave of waves spread out instantly with Shi Feng as the center. At the same time as this wave spread, the space all around also took up a storm, causing the entire space to tremble.

hōng hōng hōng!

For a time, there was a burst of explosions in the sky, the sky turned into a fire sea, and thousands of fire lights were all annihilated in this storm.

Then I saw that all the volcanic beasts covered by the storm each and everyone knelt to the ground, basically impossible to move for half a minute. Only the volcanic beasts of High Lord Rank can barely stand, but they want to move. It was extremely difficult, and the volcano giant beast as the leader was also swaying, not at all much better than the volcanic beast of High Lord Rank.

“Is this the Magic Domain with 110% magic power?” Shi Feng looked at the thousands of volcanic beasts kneeling on the ground, and the difficult volcanic giant beast. Amazed.

Too strong!

Compared to the previous Magic Domain simply a heaven and a earth, even Peak High Lord was suppressed so hard. It’s good to have half as much mobility as before, and this is still based on Strength If it were the magic beast of the Agility System, I am afraid it would be suppressed even harder.

However, after feeling for a while, Shi Feng was not polite to these volcanic beasts, and directly used the blade Domain, and seven Magic swords were slaughter all sides in the volcanic beast.

A random strike has a damage of 10 million, a critical strike is hundreds of millions, and a Lord monster with only a few hundred million HP is simply a matter of two or three swords.

In less than half an hour, more than 3,000 volcanic beasts have been wiped out. Even the giant beast of the volcano has died in Shi Feng’s hands. He can’t even escape…

And Shi Feng’s Experience Point has skyrocketed because of the fighting with the Exceeding level, and of course, because of the rise to the Tier 4 profession, the experience points below the Lord, including the experience points brought by the Lord, are much less than the Tier 3 profession. Only by killing monsters above the High Lord, will the normal Experience Point be given.

This can be considered to be promoted to Tier 4 profession is not a good place.

But even so, Shi Feng rises to 1Level 27 34%, and the level up speed is just as fast as flying. I am afraid that he can easily rise to Level 2 in less than a day.

It’s just that Shi Feng was not surprised by this.

Because in God’s Domain, after rise to Tier 4, level up can be said to be a very easy thing, as long as you can find places with many monsters.

That’s why those Tier 4 professions who go to Former Life often complain that God’s Domain has too few places to grind mobs, and it is more troublesome to find monsters than to kill monsters, and the most tiring thing is to sort out the monsters. The drops, which are many times longer than to kill monster, or even ten times longer…

“Sure enough, sorting drops is more tiring than leveling up.” Shi Feng looked at the 1,000-yard radius One of the drops is also a headache.

Only then did he fully understand the pain of those Tier 4 experts.

If you don’t pick up these drops, it is definitely a huge waste, because the items of these monster drops are quite good, including Mana Crystal, and various Rare ores.

Especially the Mana Crystal of Fire Attribute, which is much more valuable than the simple Mana Crystal. When manufacturing Epic Weapon equipment, Mana Crystal with attribute is very useful, and many Top Grade buildings have Need some Mana Crystal with attributes, these are things that God’s Domain is extremely lacking.

After that, Shi Feng took another two hours to quickly pick up all the items…

But I have to say that the gains are great, it is indeed an ancient God’s Domain, not counting Those drops of Bronze and Mysterious-Iron Rank’s Level 130 weapon equipment, as well as drops’ Level 130 Adamantite Rank weapons, there are more than 4,000 Mana Crystals picked up exclusively, and Fire Attribute’s Mana Crystals totaling 300 Multiple.

It can be said that it is really picking up money, picking up soft hands…

However, Shi Feng is still very happy about this. After all, it feels really good to pick up money to pick up soft hands.

After that, Shi Feng killed several waves of monsters on the devil volcano. The level also increased from 1Level 27 to 1Level 28. The number of Mana Crystals picked up reached more than 30,000, Mana of Fire Attribute There are more than 1,500 crystals.

Whether it is level up speed or money-making speed, it is not what Common Tier 4 profession can imagine.

Seeing that it was getting late, Shi Feng couldn’t help looking for a safe cave and directly clicked on the System column.

“Let’s do it today. As long as you practice here for a few days, I believe you should be able to surpass the Peak expert Level here, and then go to the Punitive Tier 4 young dragon, you should not be weak at the level. “Shi Feng took a look and saw that today his level has reached 1Level 28 19%, and he is still very satisfied with this level up speed.

Even in this day, he has accumulated seven Soul Crystals, and the accumulation speed is much faster than that of God’s Domain.

After that, Shi Feng chose to log out and rest. After all, he has been online for more than 24 hours. Even if he is using a fearless Virtual Reality Capsule, it is not good to stay in God’s Domain for a long time. .

After going offline, Shi Feng had not had time to get out of the Virtual Reality Capsule, and the Virtual Reality Capsule heard a burst of message prompts.

The news is not someone else, it is Liang Jing who now manages the Zero Wing headquarters on his behalf.

“Guild Master, I can finally contact you!” Liang Jing said speechlessly, “You said before that I would bring two Vice-Guild Masters to the source sky market. I have brought both of them. What are you going to do now?”

“Already here?” Shi Feng didn’t expect Liang Jing to act quite fast, laughed and said, “Okay, you will bring them to the upper zone now At the gate, where will I be waiting for you.”

“The gate of the upper zone?” Liang Jing was excited when she heard, “Okay! We will be there in three hours!”

Shi Feng looked at Liang Jing’s excited expression, but also became silent and laughed, but he did not understand Liang Jing’s mood. After all, this is a place where countless people want to come in.

“However, except for the one hundred points that I redeemed yesterday, I don’t have any extra credit points to redeem. If two people come, I’m afraid I can’t even afford to eat. It seems that I must now The five thousand units of Seven Luminaries Crystal Stone were exchanged for a part.” Shi Feng felt a headache when he thought of the meal money here.

Fortunately, he made a lot of money from the fantasy myth, otherwise he would go to beg even if he took the two of them…

After that, Shi Feng cleaned up and went straight Rushed to the Green God Building.

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