As Shi Feng asked questions in the High Grade room, the whole room was surprisingly silent. Whether it was Solitary Nine Extreme or Dormant Thorn, each and everyone turned their eyes to Yuluo.

Since they came here, there are too many unknown and surprising places.

Just considering all possibilities, the only thing they can do is to be silent and observe everything quietly, including the so-called NPCs and players.

Because in their opinion, no matter those NPCs, monsters, players, simply are like a Variation Type, especially those players, obviously they should be players, but they feel like They are completely different.

It gives people the feeling that these players are not like players at all, they are more like residents of this World. They have completely accepted this virtual world.


To be correct, these players have already regarded this World as a real world, and they have lived for a long time, to the point where they can’t even imagine, otherwise the sense of strangeness would not be so. obvious.

Especially Shi Feng is very familiar with this strange feeling, just like seeing the original Thousand Rain Phoenix, but Thousand Rain Phoenix is ​​much more powerful than these people, it belongs to the kind of look The player is not like a player. In short, it feels weird, but he can’t tell.

At this time, the player here gave him a similar feeling. The surprise in his heart was far more shocking than Dormant Thorn and the others.

It’s just that he’s not easy to say clearly. After all, Thousand Rain Phoenix has too much involvement, and when they noticed the strangeness of these players, these players also noticed their strangeness. Obviously, these players This kind of player is also very strange.

In addition to the previous conversation and understanding, Shi Feng always feels that the two of them are living in a completely different world.

Elderly in the cave has already said that this World is the God’s Domain continent of Ancient Era. According to theory, there should be basically impossible players, and there are a lot of players here.

Preliminarily estimated that the number of players in Meteorite City is more than 5 million. This number is not much worse than Kingdom’s Royal City. According to Liangyun, the number of such main human cities is extremely large. , More than 500 seats.

A simple calculation of the number of players has exceeded 2.5 billion people.

With such a large population, in the real world, Great Influence has almost never heard of it. Who knows the ancient God’s Domain world, this is simply incredible.

“Yes, everything is just as you guessed it.” Yuluo looked at everyone’s gaze, and the relaxed and happy expression on his face disappeared in an instant, replaced by a serious and serious look.” Whether it’s this God’s Domain world or the players here, it’s not a world with us!”

“Not a world?” Solitary Nine Extreme’s breath became heavy, “How is this possible?” !”

Although he had some speculations in his mind, he still found it incredible when he got Yuluo’s confirmation, even if they understood the more God’s Domain, the various problems in God’s Domain, and the Great The intervention of the World class consortium is not comparable to the previous Virtual Game.

But it is incredible to say that it is not a human of the world.

“No! I can’t say that it’s not a world.” Yuluo shook the head, said with a smile, “It’s just these people. The root of our lives is not a world.”

“What do you mean?” Shi Feng asked strangely.

“You should all know the immigration plan a hundred years ago.” Yu Luo couldn’t help asking.

“Of course I knew that because of Earth’s insufficient resources and environmental pollution, it was becoming increasingly unsuitable for Human life. So I started the immigration plan. I heard that many people were sent to Space exploration can live on the planet.” Solitary Nine Extreme nodded, some can’t believe it, “Could it be…you mean these people are the ones who were sent out?”

“Yes, they are those The descendants of the explorers.” Yuluo said slowly, “At that time, Earth had discovered several planets suitable for life, but the distance was too far and too far, and it took too long in the middle of the journey, so it gathered the strengths of the whole world. , Built hundreds of interstellar spaceships, with various resources and Peak skill talents, a recyclable living environment, and hundreds of millions of outstanding personnel at that time, went to these planets suitable for life.”

“In the past hundred years, these people have been living on interstellar spaceship, but on the road, the time they experienced is much longer than the time we experienced in Earth. I heard that they are already in the universe. I have lived for more than 600 years, and some of the spaceships on some routes have lived for more than 900 years…”

“The population on spaceship has also grown over time, and the population has already broken through tens of billions. , The original interstellar spaceship, after continuous acquisition of the resources of the major planets, continuous transformation and improvement, has long been called spaceship, more like an interstellar continent, and is still on the way to the planet of life.”

“However, because of the limited resources on these interstellar continents, most people can only live in the virtual world, and only a very small number of people can be active outside, so their familiarity with the virtual world is that Profession players are also far behind, because that is what they live in.”

“Especially the opening of God’s Domain has become everything in their lives, which is not comparable to us.”

As Yuluo finished speaking, the whole room was silent for a long time, and Solitary Nine Extreme and the others listened to a big mouth. Didn’t expect this amazing thing happened outside of Earth. Things, and they didn’t even know.

They can’t even imagine what kind of life it is to live in the universe for hundreds of years.

“so that’s how it is.” Shi Feng was also a little surprised.

On Former Life Before he was Reincarnated, God’s Domain also suddenly released an expansion in advance, which is also the most special expansion of God’s Domain.

Normal expansions are leveled up directly in God’s Domain, and then the player is notified, but this expansion first spread in the real world.

Even the name of the expansion piece came out in advance.

The battle for the world!

This piece of information is very clear. There will be several worlds hitting the God’s Domain continent. For their own survival, several worlds will start unprecedented wars and battles.

called a king if successful, called a bandit if defeated!

The winner lives, the loser dies!

At that time, countless people in God’s Domain were very excited, because the God’s Domain land market was basically fixed at that time, and there were fewer and fewer disputes, tending to be flat.

Suddenly there are several worlds to fight for and fight, how can it not make people feel excited?

Especially, Great Influence has already started gearing up. Just waiting for the data update to start, they are ready to rush to those worlds and start a new journey.

He was also fired because of this…

As everyone present suddenly came to a sudden, Yuluo also said with a bitter smile: “It was an accident that I came here. I When I was exploring the underground space of Dragon Heart City by myself, I was suddenly involved in a Space-Time storm. I woke up and came here directly. I have been here for 20 days. I want to go back, but whether it’s death, I still jump into other Space-Time storms and I can’t go back. The most helpless thing is that I can’t log out at all here……”

“Can’t log out?” Solitary Nine Extreme and the others shivered, quickly See if you can log out.

If you can’t log out, then things will be a big deal.

Although the current Virtual Reality Capsule has Nutrient Solution supply, there is no problem for a month or even two months. The latest model can even be raised to God’s Domain Stealth for three months, even if Nutrient If the Solution is really unable to support it, the System will alarm in advance, and professionals will come to deal with it, so don’t worry about starving to death.

But this is not a good thing after all.

“No way! I really can’t log out!” Solitary Nine Extreme is also anxious.

If you can’t log out, it’s very inconvenient for them. After all, real life also needs a lot of things to deal with. Not being able to log out will be extremely inconvenient, not to mention, it will have a certain impact on the body. , Which means that they are impossible to stay here for too long.

“Can’t log out?”

Shi Feng looked at the log out button displayed in the System column. At this time, the log out button is still lit, indicating that he can log out at any time. It is not like others, unable to log out.

“Is it because of the stone of the world in my inventory?” Shi Feng thought for a while, the only possibility is the stone of the world, which can stabilize the law of everything, representing the rules of this World, he It should also be passable, “It seems that I don’t have to be too rushed.”

The ancient God’s Domain is great, but he also has a lot of things to do offline, which is basically impossible. .

But now he can rest assured.

After that, Shi Feng and Yuluo talked about the basic information about God’s Domain world, especially the information about inheritance.

After the chat, Dormant Thorn and the others who were present were also sighed.

I have to say that world and world are really different.

In this ancient God’s Domain world, player promotion is much easier than God’s Domain continent. As long as there is a team, if you want to get the complete inheritance of Tier 3, there is no problem at all, even as long as there is With sufficient Rare Material, you can even find a Tier 3 instructor to directly exchange for a complete inheritance. The only drawback is that it can only be exchanged three times.

As for the promotion of Tier 4 profession, it is a lot more difficult, but compared to God’s Domain mainland, it is much easier. At least there is no need to find any inheritance place. You can go directly to the Tier 4 mentor. Take Tier 4 Class Change Quest and go directly to the Tier 4 inheritance space.

It’s just that the price is not low. One inheritance costs 15,000 Mana Crystals. As for inheritance, the difficulty is the same. You must learn Tier 4 Magic Skill within the specified time. Otherwise, you will fail. Wait twenty days to challenge again.

For the entire Meteorite City, only three people have successfully passed it so far.

Hearing this, Shi Feng can’t wait to bring Zero Wing’s all Tier 3 experts that reach Realm of Flowing Water, even if it costs a lot of Mana Crystal, it’s better than finding a place for inheritance. That’s a lot, after all, finding a place of inheritance really takes time, to a large extent it depends on luck.

If this is to let the Great Influences of God’s Domain know that Mana Crystal alone can solve the problem of finding a place of inheritance, I am afraid that all the forces of God’s Domain will break their heads.

“Group Leader, I don’t know if I can lend you 10,000 Mana Crystals first.” Dormant Thorn couldn’t help but looked towards Shi Feng and asked, “After I go back, I will return them twice. “

“Group Leader, you can’t favor one another!” Solitary Nine Extreme also said quickly.

He knows that Shi Feng came to the ancient God’s Domain this time to carry not many Mana Crystals. He borrowed ten thousand less ten thousand.

Yanya and Mu Xiaoxiao on the side are also looking straight at Shi Feng, as if you can figure it out.

“Don’t worry, I don’t have many Mana Crystals.” Shi Feng saw that he became silent and laughed. “But I still have a way for you, everyone can challenge once, even Yuluo You can also challenge it once.”

“Me?” Yuluo was also taken aback, “but I don’t have that many Mana Crystal……”

For Tier 4 Class Change, she I am also envious, but Mana Crystal is not that easy to accumulate in Meteorite City, and Mana Crystal is needed every day, so one in and out, there is not much left.

Up to now, the number of Mana Crystals in her hand is only more than 4,000, which is far from 15,000.

“As long as you do one thing for me, how about 15,000 Mana Crystals, even if I pay you?” Shi Feng said, looking at Yuluo.

The ancient God’s Domain is a huge treasure mountain, even more than billions of times more precious than the Ore Vein of the first sequence. It is no wonder that the three Super-Guild of the five major Super-Guilds in the former life Secret Realm was directly blocked.

If such a secret is made known to outsiders, simply can’t imagine what will happen.

Of course, it is not easy to obtain various resources and items from the ancient God’s Domain. After all, the basic currency here is Mana Crystal. It is very scarce in this God’s Domain continent, but the ancient God’s Domain does not. Not to mention that all aspects of God’s Domain, such as weapon equipment and even Profession Class, are lagging behind Ancient Era.

Only relying on the current God’s Domain mainland skills and items, it is impossible to earn resources here. It is like a stone age man who came to the modern age. Apart from doing hard work, it is really difficult to accumulate a little bit. Get the resources of ancient God’s Domain.

Fortunately, it is not that there is no way to make money, that is, the ancient God’s Domain is not very good at Vitality soul, especially the restore of Vitality, which is much weaker than God’s Domain mainland. .

This point can be seen solely from the Vitality Health Potion made by Master Alchemist such as Liangyun and Potion on the market. Vitality restore methods here are extremely scarce, and because of the death penalty, each and Everyone Vitality is also in the long-term sub-Weakened State, each and everyone can’t play at all. The original magic power control level, if it can be restored, each and everyone battle strength can be improved a lot.

“Yes!” Yuluo also understood that Shi Feng wanted to help her, and directly agreed, “What do I need to do?”

Shi Feng took out one from inventory A Soul Crystal, looked towards Yuluo and said: “This Soul Crystal, you take it to Auction House for consignment first. You are a member of the Knight group. It should be easy to spread the news. It is said that this Soul Crystal rescued Angeli Ka Teresa, and even Soul Crystal has a strong spirit transformation effect, which greatly increases the chance of being promoted to Tier 4. Isn’t that okay?”

“No problem, if it’s just a message I’m afraid it will spread throughout the city in a few hours.” Yuluo took Soul Crystal, nodded.

She has seen the effect of Soul Crystal with her own eyes. What Shi Feng said is indeed a fact. As for the issue of being promoted to Tier 4, a stronger soul can be considered as an improvement in learning ability, and it is not considered lied. To spread the news throughout the city, it was simply too simple for her Knight group.

Then Yuluo left the guest room to spread the news, and the Dormant Thorn four went back to their room, ready to organize their thoughts and prepare for the next challenge to Tier 4.

Shi Feng looked at the empty guest room, and also took out a memory crystal from inventory. This crystal was obtained by killing Todella, a complete inheritance guide crystal.

“The effect of this room is really good. Perception is 30% better than the outside world. Now there is still some time to give it a try.”

Shi Feng immediately took out One hundred magic crystals began to drive the inheritance memory crystal in hand.

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