Meteor City.

Human lives in the gathering place in the Xingyun Mountain range. It is not only the place where people live and trade, but also the safest place for Human in the Xingyun Mountain range.

As the Knight group registered Shi Feng and the others’ information, Liang Yun also took Shi Feng and the others directly into the Meteorite City.

When entering Meteorite City, because Shi Feng and the others are not residents of Meteorite City, they need to pay five Mana Crystals per person. The price is not to mention Dormant Thorn. Feng scolded him secretly.

Today’s major kingdom and Empire cities in God’s Domain, even if they receive city fees, it’s just a meaning, but it’s more than ten times darker than the Big Guild cities.

Be aware that the price of a Mana Crystal on the market has risen to 40 silver coins, and five coins are equivalent to two gold coins.

The entrance fee of this price, unless the magic power in the city can form a liquid form, otherwise only fools will enter.

But the NPCs and players here seem to be very used to it. Even Yuluo directly paid five Mana Crystals without hesitation.

“Guild Master Black Flame, this is the price here.” Yuluo naturally saw the thoughts of Shi Feng and the others, and whispered with a smile, “But please believe that the price is absolute! “

When she first came, she was almost taken aback by the price.

Be aware that she is no better than a Guild Guild Master like Shi Feng. She is just a Team Leader of the Adventure Group. The number of Mana Crystals in her hand is not much, and the total number is only two to three hundred.

And the entrance fee is five, and she is about to hurt her to death.

However, after entering Meteorite City, she realized that all these flowers are very valuable. A Human capital city like Meteorite City is not comparable to those NPC major cities on the God’s Domain mainland, called Holy City is not too much.

Of course, Shi Feng wouldn’t mind that much. After all, five Mana Crystals were drizzle to him, but he was surprised by the terrifying entrance fee.

After that, Shi Feng rescued and paid the entrance fee of five people, and followed Liangyun and Yuluo into the Meteorite City completely wrapped by Magic Array.

“Is this the main human city of Ancient Era?”

After stepping into the Meteorite City, Shi Feng and the others instantly felt their whole body relaxed.

This comfort is different from the richness of magic power, but it is a clearer perception of the world, especially the clarity of Magic Element, which is completely different from the outside world. More than double…

When Shi Feng and the others first entered Ancient Era, they felt that not only the magic power here is extremely strong, but even the affinity of Magic Element is stronger than that of God’s Domain mainland. Too much.

Whether it is to further improve the body of magic power, let the body of magic power break through 100% limit, or learn Magic Array, or learn Magic Skill, the effect is two or three of God’s Domain mainland Times can be said to be a sacred land to enhance its own capabilities.

But the outside environment is a great length difference compared to the city.

Even Shi Feng has a feeling, so using inheritance guidance here, in less than two or three days, maybe he can break through the 100% limit of magic power.

“The Magic Array here is arranged by Saint in Human. It not only has a strong Defense, but even the magic power Perception in Magic Array can be improved a lot, but I want to maintain this The operation of Magic Array requires a lot of Mana Crystal, so the entrance fee in the main city of Human is generally very high.” Yuluo explained with a smile, “There is a big trading market in Meteorite City, and the population flow It’s relatively large, and the charge is low. Some cities even charge seven or even eight Mana Crystals.”

“It’s no wonder that your strength control of magic power can be improved so much.” Shi Feng looked at Yuluo was also suddenly taken aback.

At this time, Yuluo has not only reached 100% magic power, but also has reached the Magic Master level. As long as the Vitality level reaches Tier 4, it can form its own magic power domain and become Cream of the crop expert in the Tier 3 profession.

You must know that magic power control reaches the Magic Master level, that is, those Control of Domain experts can’t do it. Although Yuluo’s innate talent is excellent, it’s only one difference compared to Aqua Rose and Gentle Snow. great length.

With his help, the two are still half a step away from becoming a Magic Master. How could Yuluo get there first?

The only explanation is the environment here.

“Well, after I came here, the improvement was great.” Yuluo was very confident and nodded.

“Yes, during the time when Yuluo came, he made rapid progress. Now he can be ranked into Healer Top-5 level in the Knight regiment.” Liang Yun also nodded, for Yuluo’s innate Talent is still very recognized.

“Actually, thanks to Angelica Teresa’s teaching well.” Yuluo said Angelica Teresa was also grateful and admired, “It’s a pity that this Quest has not been completed. This time it’s successful, Angelica Teresa may become the High Lord of Meteorite City, when the time comes, the entire Meteorite City can also prosper under the leadership of Lord Angelica Teresa , Even let Meteor City be promoted to a High Grade main city.”

“Become a High Lord? What Quest is she going to do?” Shi Feng also suddenly said curiously.

His Myth level Quest has been very clear, helping Angelica Teresa become the High Lord. Now that there is news in this regard, it can be said that it is better.

“It’s nothing, everyone in the city knows about this.” Liang Yun looked at Shi Feng and was very interested in it. He slowly said, “Meteor City has been developing for hundreds of years, and the population and scale are also It is getting bigger and bigger. It can be said that it has now developed into a bottleneck. The old City Lord has now abdicated. As one of the replacement High Lords, Lord Angelica Teresa wants to make Meteor City go further.”

“There are two ways to go further in Meteorite City. The first is to expand the city, but the Magic Array is set by Saint himself. It is almost impossible to modify the Magic Array unless you go to Holy City to see Saint and rearrange it. A new Magic Array, but the probability of this kind of thing is extremely low, let alone the long journey to Holy City, it is difficult to meet Saint alone as heavenly ascension.”

“So I can only use it. The second method is to strengthen the core of Magic Array to increase Magic Array. Recently we received news that a Tier 4 young dragon appeared on the Nether Fire hills. If you can Punitive this Tier 4 young dragon, you will get Longan and Dragon Crystal can strengthen the core of Magic Array, but…”

Speaking of this, Liang Yun couldn’t help but sighed.

Not to mention the Punitive Tier 4 young dragons, they were attacked by the demon army not long after they walked out of Meteorite City. Shi Feng also clearly saw the next thing.

“Go to Holy City to see Saint, or kill the Tier 4 young dragon?” Shi Feng couldn’t help but shook his head and laughed.

He doesn’t know where Holy City is, but judging from the lack of Teleportation Array between this NPC city, it’s a trivial matter to run this distance for a few months, and you may not see the rumors in the end. Human Saint in.

The killing of another Tier 4 young dragon is even more exaggerated.

What is the concept of Tier 4 young dragon?

That is the existence that the Demon Lord can’t match, and it can truly match the existence of Tier 5.

Before in the land of inheritance, with Tier 4 profession and Tier 4 Skill, he was only able to fight against Tier 3 young dragons that’s all. Even with Heavenly Dragon’s Sacred Breath, he could not kill the Tier 3 young. Long.

Now Angelica Teresa has the idea of ​​Tier 4 young dragon, and she simply doesn’t know how to write the dead word.

Moreover, among these two conditions, killing young dragons may have to be done as soon as possible, because Great Dragon Clan lives everywhere, not at all fixed a long-term life habit, so this is A time limit selection condition.

If this condition cannot be fulfilled, then you have to look for the mysterious Human Saint of Nothingness.

“Sure enough, it is not so easy to complete the Quest.”

However, Shi Feng is not very surprised. Legendary Level Quests are extremely difficult to complete, let alone Asia. Quest of Myth level, I have to say that Angelica Teresa fits well with the characters in mythology, the brave fighting the dragon.

If the Tier 4 profession can really kill Tier 4 young dragons, then it is a miracle like legend.

The only thing he can do now is to look for chance, or to further improve his own strength and team strength, or else he will be helpless with Tier 4 young dragon.

After that, Shi Feng led the way through Liangyun and Yuluo to the trading market of Meteorite City.

After Shi Feng and the others saw a dazzling array of products, the eyes of the four Dormant Thorn were straightened, because in the trading market, the base currency turned out to be Mana Crystal, and there was simply no coin.

But I have to say that Ancient Era is Ancient Era. The Epic Weapon equipment used by the player is all sold, but the price is a bit expensive. Any piece of Epic Equipment that can be used with Level 150 costs 20,000 A Mana Crystal……

The gold coins that are converted into God’s Domain mainland are 8000gold coins.

Don’t say this price, I am afraid that many Super-Guild will grab it, but the 20,000 Mana Crystal is a different matter.

Even on the auction of Meteorite City, the Lesser Legendary Item used by players is occasionally sold. That is the goal of many player forces in Meteorite City, but the deposit for participation is only 300,000 pieces. Mana Crystal, the final transaction price is generally more than 400,000 Mana Crystal…

Whether it is Dormant Thorn or Shi Feng, after entering the Meteorite City, there is an instant feeling of being a beggar. Although Shi Feng also brought some Mana Crystals on his body, the number was only 50,000. Here, I just bought two Epic Equipment.

Of course, I have to say that earning Mana Crystal here is much easier than God’s Domain mainland, because the transaction currency here is Mana Crystal. No matter what Quest or trading materials are used, finally All you can get is Mana Crystal, so for locals, these prices are very reasonable.

After walking around for a few hours, Liang Yun, as the team leader of the Knight group, took a step forward with other things. Yuluo stayed and then served as a tour guide for Shi Feng and the others. .

A High Grade hotel in Meteor City.

Common rooms charge 50 Mana Crystals a day, High Grade rooms even reach 200 Mana Crystals, and Shi Feng booked a High Grade room without the slightest hesitation.

For a while, Shi Feng and Yu Luo were left sitting quietly in the room.

“Let’s talk, how long have you been here?” Shi Feng looked at Yuluo and asked seriously, “What’s the matter with the players here?”

PS: Hit The reward owed has all been filled!

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