As another eight Shi Feng appeared on the battlefield standing in the air, the audience also became deadly silent.


“Crap! Is this all right?”

Everyone looked at the nine Shi Feng in the sky, and the shock in their hearts was gone In words.

If other people use doppelganger, they will not care, but a person who can compete with the seven true Tier 4 battle strength Peak experts of the fantasy myth.

Now there are eight more doppelgangers…

How dare you believe this?

Compared with the crowd in the audience, facing nine Shi Feng’s Lena and the others are also complexion ashen, the whole heart sank to the bottom.

They tried their best to deal with one Shi Feng, and there were eight more Shi Fengs at once. Even if each Shi Feng’s attribute dropped a lot, it was definitely enough for them.

“Let’s start the second round now!” Shi Feng glanced at Lena and the others, lightly said with a smile.

I saw that as Shi Feng finished speaking, eight doppelgangers rushed towards Lena and the others, the speed is not much worse than the real Shi Feng.

“doppelganger that’s all, really thought it could scare me?”

Blasting sand looked at the incoming Shi Feng doppelganger, with a dagger stabbed in his hand, it instantly turned into more than ten Snake Shadow bites Shi Feng’s doppelganger.

Advanced Combat Technique group bites and attacks!

Seeing that more than a dozen Snake Shadows were about to meet Shi Feng doppelganger, Shi Feng doppelganger’s sword turned.

Six Extreme Swordlight Slash!

I saw six sword light Tearing Space, which directly dissipated more than ten Snake Shadows. Not to mention, one of the sword light also passed through the Snake Shadow and landed directly on the shoulder of the sand burst.

Sword light crossed, and there was also a bone-bearing sword wound on the shoulder of Blast Sand. The whole person was like a meteor fiercely hitting the ground, and the HP instantly lost more than one-eighth…

At this time, it was not only the blasting sand that was cut to the ground by Shi Feng doppelganger. Except for Lena, each and everyone was hit hard. It can even be said that there was no power to fight back. HP keeps dropping.

Lina turned on the Tier 3 life-saving skill and reduced the damage sharply by half to make it better. But facing two Shi Feng doppelgangers, the HP continued to drop, and it was only time to get killed. problem.


“These doppelgangers are too strong! I feel Black Flame’s a doppelganger can kill a Tier 4 Legendary monster!”

The crowd in the audience looked at Lena and the others, who was completely suppressed by Shi Feng doppelganger. Each and everyone couldn’t help but their eyelids jumped.

It’s not that everyone has seen doppelganger this thing, but the doppelganger whose ability is overwhelming Tier 4 Legendary battle strength, this is definitely the first time they have seen it since they entered God’s Domain.

“No wonder! It turns out that this is the real confidence that Black Flame dares to fight the fantasy myth!” Indestructible War Heart looked at Lena and the others who were completely suppressed, and admired Shi Feng in his heart.

In the entire Virtual Game industry, no one knows how long it has been, and no one dares to challenge the five Super-Guild.

Now Shi Feng is not only fighting the seven Tier 4 Legendary battle strengths, but then relying on Shi Feng’s strength to win the Advanced resource is simply a matter of course.

On the battlefield, seeing Lena and the others’ HP is getting lower and lower, has fallen to the red line level, only need to compete for three or four rounds, will be completely killed by Shi Feng doppelganger, One after another, the extremely dazzling blade glow rushed directly to Shi Feng’s doppelganger.

hōng hōng hōng!

Shi Feng doppelganger resisted continuously, the sky was blown apart, and several huge spatial rifts appeared.

“Vice-Group Leader?”

Lina and the others couldn’t help but looked towards the place where blade glow flew, each and everyone couldn’t help but ecstasy.

Yes, it was not someone else who shot just now, it was Vice-Group Leader Breshut of Legion, the ace of fantasy mythology.

It’s just that Brexit’s appearance has completely changed at this time. The dark armor on his body shows one after another divine mark, and the forehead and two eyes also show each and everyone a complex Magic Array, all over the body. The breath is as stalwart as Demon God, even the Magic Domain launched by Shi Feng cannot be suppressed for a while.

“Bronze Rank Battle Array?” Shi Feng looked at Brexit whose aura changed drastically, his eyes were full of surprise, and then he shook the head again, “No, Bronze Rank Battle Array should be impossible. Tier 3 player can display something, and now the Bronze Rank Battle Array is also impossible.”

However, before Shi Feng could think for a while, Brexit also carried a purple thunder Warblade, a flash. Appearing in front of Shi Feng’s, the terrifying breath simply made the real Tier 4 Legendary monsters afraid.

“no! impossible! Is this person really a Tier 3 player?”

“So powerful, those high-ranking Legendary monsters don’t care about it…”

Everyone on the scene saw Breschout’s astonishing changes, each and everyone couldn’t help being sucked in a breath of cold air, and Muxin on the battlefield was staring at Breschout, his eyes full of horror and surprise. I can’t believe this is true.

Lina and the others before are as strong as monsters, didn’t expect Brexit to be more terrifying.

Where is Brexit still a Tier 3 player? Simply a Humanoid Great Dragon. The terrifying power even makes the Tier 3 experts present can’t help but step back and dare not face it.

And such a terrifying breath, Muxin once only felt it on a Tier 4 Great Dragon.

“Guild Master Black Flame, you really surprised me.” Brexit looked at Shi Feng and said in a fighting intent tone, “You are still the first, if I have to use Those who came out of this form, as a thank you, I will be your opponent next!”

As Brexit spoke, the audience in the arena couldn’t help but cheer.

“Crap! no way! Brexit can’t help it, I am planning to make a move!”

“Such a powerful Brexit, and that strength is invisible At the bottom of the Black Flame, these two people will fight against each other. It will definitely be the Peak battle in God’s Domain.”

“It’s more than the Peak battle! You didn’t see that before the two of them just collided and made the sky full Broken? If the two really fight, I’m afraid the entire island will be destroyed!”

“monster! The battle between two real monsters, the battle of these two people, is worth the return. It’s the price!”


At this time, because Brexit announced that he would take a shot, not only the players in the audience, but also the Great Influences in the VIP viewing room were shocked. They asked their subordinates to focus all their attention on the two of them, and must record the battle between the two. After all, such information is basically impossible to see if it is placed outside, so this arena can have a chance. see.

However, Shi Feng glanced at the distant sky in response to Brexit’s declaration.

“Aren’t you two going together?” Shi Feng looked at the empty space and asked loudly.

Shi Feng’s words made everyone present look puzzled.

“Is he talking to himself?”

“Is there anything in that sky?”

“Impossible! What’s on my screen It didn’t show up, it should be that Black Flame was wrong.”

However, before everyone could react from their doubts, a deep and vigorous voice emanated from in the sky, echoing the entire sky.

“Awesome! As expected, I am the one who is interested in both Brexit and the little girl in cold glint.”

I saw in midair slowly emerging a black shadow.

As the black shadow gradually becomes clear, it can be seen that it is a man with a white cloak all over his body, and he can’t tell his age at all, and this man is standing in the air, but in the subconscious mind of everyone It seemed like it didn’t exist, and soon couldn’t help but ignore it.

“Crap! This should not be the existence of the fantasy myth!”

“Crazy! It’s crazy! The fantasy myth actually let this person come out to participate, Does the fantasy myth want to win the championship?”

For this man in the white cloak, the player in the audience is very strange, but in the VIP viewing room, it caused a wave of waves and exclamations.

That’s right!

The man wearing the white cloak in front of him is the terrifying existence of the fantasy myth reaching above the realm. No one knows his true age. The only thing he knows is that this man is called Odin by everyone, and is the Guild of the fantasy myth. The Master obeyed this statement, one of the true three Elders of the fantasy myth.

“My lord! Why are you here?” After Brexit saw the man, the expression on his face was indescribable, as if he had seen the real Spiritual God.

“I just came here to deal with some things, but now it seems impossible.” Odin, the man in the white cloak, glanced at Shi Feng, and didn’t seem to see Shi Feng, and said flatly, “You pack it up. Well, we don’t want this Advanced resource place.”

“No more?” Brexit suddenly became confused and couldn’t help asking, “But…is…why?”


Now it is time for him to clean up Shi Feng’s. How can he be willing to give up like this.

Don’t say Brexit was puzzled at this time, the entire arena audience was shocked.

An Advanced resource says don’t just don’t, why is the wave of fantasy myth so generous?

“Not why.” The man in the white cloak glanced at Shi Feng, shook his head and said with a smile, “Just because he is already Tier 4 Sword Emperor!”

PS: Thanks PL sauce rewarded 10,000!

(Today is over 50000 plus more, the old cat will make up tomorrow o(╥﹏╥)o)

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