With Shi Feng as the center, it covers a dark space with a radius of a thousand yards. The surging flow of magic power in the space can be clearly felt even by the Common player.

And the oppression from the space is like a world Doomsday, Heaven and Earth change color, Gale whizzes, even everyone in the audience can’t help swallowing saliva, with horror in their eyes And fear.

“How can there be such a strong Magic Domain?”

“The Magic Domains of the upper Legendary monsters, I am afraid they will not be so strong!”

“The High Grade Magic Formation world is broken. Isn’t Magic Domain inferior to the Magic Formation world?”

For Magic Domain, many forces in the VIP viewing room know about it, and even experience it firsthand Yes, but the Magic Domain used by Shi Feng and the Magic Domain they have seen are completely two things.

“Is this his Magic Domain?”

Muxin looked at Shi Feng not far away, he was stunned, looking at Shi Feng’s as if This is the first time I met Shi Feng.

Although I have already known from foreign aid, the Magic Domain shown by Shi Feng is very powerful.

But the Magic Domain in front of me is no longer powerful. Simply is Variation Type. Simply is like a space in its own right. In this moment of space, everything is controlled by Shi Feng.

What Tier 3 experts are simply ants in this space!

After seeing this amazing Magic Domain in the sandstorm standing in midair, the whole person felt incredible.

“Can a player’s Magic Domain be so strong?” Bakusha felt the strong repulsion from all directions, and his heart was full of doubts.

Because the Magic Domain simply used by Shi Feng at this time is much stronger than the upper Legendary monster, even if he transforms into a semi-Draconian, has Tier 4 physique and Tier 4 attributes, he still feels in The action has been quite suppressed.

At least the attribute has dropped by about 20%, and the reaction speed and speed have also dropped by 30%. Now it can barely maintain the Tier 4 level.

“Let’s get started then.”

Shi Feng glanced at Lena and the others in midair, pulled out Abyssal Blade directly, and vanish was there when he took a step forward. In situ.

“Where’s the person?”

The member of the Sword of Frost Sky looked at the suddenly vanish Shi Feng in the field of vision, each and everyone looked at a loss.


At this time, not only the members of the Sword of Frost, but also everyone in the audience were shocked.

A big living person turned out to be vanish from their perspective of God.

However, before everyone could react, there was a bang in midair.


I saw a black shadow crashing to the ground, and the earth was shattered every inch, and it spread to twenty yards away. The terrifying wave almost overturned the surrounding Frost Sky Sword member……

“What the hell is this?”

Everyone looked at the black shadows falling on the ground, each and everyone was wide open, their eyes full of disbelief.

I don’t know when, Black Flame was already standing among the half-Draconian crowd, with the long sword dripping with bright red blood.

The one that fell on the ground turned out to be a half-Draconian. At this time, half-Draconian’s armor left a deep-bone sword mark. Not to mention, half-Draconian’s HP bar is also a full eighth less. What one looks like.

This Attack Speed ​​is so fast, simply unheard-of!

However, compared to the surprise and surprise of everyone on the battlefield, the illusion mythology member watching the battle from a distance is complexion is gloomy, even with a trace of puzzlement in his eyes, especially in midair. Shi Feng’s sand burst.

“After turning into a half-Draconian, there is Battle Array blessing. Even if it is hit by a Tier 4 Legendary monster, the loss of HP is only 23%. How could that Black Flame’s Strength? So strong?” There was a deep fear in the two eyes of sand and blood red.

They are all genuine Tier 4 battle strengths, but in this case, they are still not as good as Shi Feng. Simply can’t imagine how strong Shi Feng’s Strength is now.

“It is indeed a half-Draconian bloodline, with the help of High Grade Battle Array, it is really difficult to kill it.” Shi Feng glanced at the half-Draconian that fell on the ground, and felt slightly There was an accident.

Although he didn’t use any Magic Skill for this move, he used the Lesser Legendary Item, and there are several Lesser Legendary Items on his body. The Strength is no less than the upper Legendary monster of the same level.

This is also the reason why he can easily Insta-kill Tier 3 player.

But under such circumstances, a sword cut off half Draconian and one eighth of HP, and half Draconian’s Defense Power was so high that it was simply as high as those upper Legendary monsters.

“Everyone should not be in love with him, he is stronger and faster than us in attributes and speed. In this arena, we only need to consume his Stamina and Vitality!” Lina seemed to remain unmoved at all, watching Shi Feng calmly and commanded, “Healer keep your distance, Jack, you go to Guard Healer, as long as the fighting time is long, he will definitely not be able to support it!”


After hearing Lena’s order, the half Draconian present also acted immediately.

Suddenly, seeing the imposing manner completely falling into the illusion and half Draconian, each and everyone began to be full of fighting spirit.

I saw a full five and a half Draconians headed by Lena, who directly besieged Shi Feng, not to mention, an Oracle in the back row was also chanting one after another Defense Magic, not to mention, returned to everyone With the gain Magic, everyone’s attributes have been improved.

The five people relied on the idea of ​​not being afraid of damage, and worked hard against Shi Feng, completely intending to replace the injury with the injury, and the five cooperated well, just like one person.

For a while, the in midair roars constantly and Heaven and Earth shatters.

Countless afterimages are flying all over the sky, I don’t know which is which.

The Tier 3 experts in the audience looked stupid for a while, because they simply didn’t see what happened on both sides, at most they could barely see some collisions.

In the VIPBattle Room, you can watch the battle in slow motion mode, and the members of each Great Influence can see the specific situation clearly.

Each move of the five people combines Magic Skill and Combat Technique very well. Even if one person is unstable due to the collision of Strength, others will immediately attack Shi Feng makes it too late for Shi Feng to give Fatal Strike.

As the fighting time gets longer and longer, Muxin and the others are also getting more and more gloomy.

The two sides seem to be you and me, but Shi Feng faces the back and forth offensive of seven people alone, and there is no time to rest at all. The consumption of Stamina and Vitality can be said to be more than the seven of the fantasy myth. There are too many people.

If this continues, Stamina and Vitality will definitely be consumed before Lena and the others.

“Black Flame, you lose this time! We are indeed not your opponents alone, but how long can your Stamina and Vitality support under our joint hands?” Bursting sand is also getting more and more excited.

Although Shi Feng did not miss a shot in the middle, which caused a lot of HP to drop, but Healer in the back row returned blood, and the lost HP was quickly restored.

“Black Flame, don’t blame us, there are too many people bullying and few people, who will let you behind, simply no one can fight.” The tall man on the side also said with a big smile.

The people of the Sword of Frost Sky bowed their heads in shame.

In the face of such a Strength, these Tier 3 experts are simply a joke, and they don’t even have the qualifications to entangle them, because they simply can’t keep up with the speed of these people.

“It seems that this is the limit of Zero Wing’s.”

“Able to do this step is also considered a very difficult to deal with, but unfortunately there is nothing on the Sword of Frost. The battle strength that can be obtained can be matched with the fantasy myth.”

The Great Influence who was watching the battle also couldn’t help but sympathize with Shi Feng, who is obviously a strong inhuman, and even makes the fantasy myth impossible. Treat it carelessly.

Unfortunately, the gap between the Super Organization and the five Super-Guilds is too great. At this time, even the entire Frost Sky Sword is present, and it is impossible to shake the absolute Strength of Lena and the others.

“But this time, Black Flame is also a glorious defeat. It alone fights seven Tier 4 monsters. The Sword King deserves its name!”

“It’s not just Sword King! In the name, I think he is strong enough to rank among the top six on the Wind and Clouds List, and he can compete with those Old Monsters in the top five Super-Guild.”

Many Tier 3 experts were present. I can’t help but admire Shi Feng, the Tier 3 experts who were skeptical of the name Sword King before, there is no doubt in their hearts at this time.

Seeing the passage of time every minute and every second, when everyone was unwilling to Shi Feng’s battle, Shi Feng in midair suddenly jumped and drove away from the five Lena in an instant. .

“Want to escape? It’s not that easy! We have wings, but we are definitely not slower than you in flight.” Bakusha looked at Shi Feng, who was moving away, and couldn’t help speeding up his speed.

After mastering the Magic Domain, the player can be able to Imperial Flight, but the flight speed is still worse than the flight mount, but the half-Draconian flight speed is close to those of the flight mount.

“Escape?” Shi Feng shook the head, “It’s just that the time is almost up, so I plan to end this battle.”

“I will be so arrogant when I die, I want Take a look at how you ended this battle!” Bakusha couldn’t help speeding up a bit.

“Time is coming?” Lina looked at Shi Feng with a plain expression, and felt something was wrong, “What does he mean?”

However, she didn’t wait for Lina to think about it. Shi Feng also took the Abyssal Blade in his hand.

“You said before, don’t blame you for bullying too many people. I agree with this point.” Shi Feng glanced at the explosive sand and the others, and pulled out another long sword from his waist, slowly said, “Then now, don’t blame me. There are too many people and fewer people!”

Speaking of the Twilight Blade in Shi Feng’s hand, the Magic Light suddenly shined, lighting up thousands of yards.

Twilight Shadow!

Dusk of the Gods!

I saw Shi Feng instantly differentiated into eight entities Phantom, each entity Phantom is the same as Shi Feng…

PS: Thank you Chifeng Mengjie Home Textile for rewarding 10,000! Book friends 160912180850352 rewarded 10,000!

(There will be a third update later o(╥﹏╥)o)

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