The VIP viewing room above the arena.

“Not good, Gentle Snow’s team was discovered by God’s Vestige’s Boundless Distance.” Wearing a dark purple leather suit with eyes like stars, Liu Qianqian looked at the jungle on Island 3 and couldn’t help feeling nervous. I got up, “Gentle Snow is not easy now. Boundless Distance is a group of thousands.”

“The expert on Boundless Distance is really amazing. I am afraid there are more than a dozen sole Peak Experts. There are even two Peak Experts from Control of Domain.” Guild Master Past Galactic from Galactic Alliance on the side also looks at browse tightly knit.

As the Star-Moon Kingdom’s Guild, even the Galactic Alliance Primary Stage does not deal less with Gentle Snow’s Ouroboros, and even Past Galactic treats Gentle Snow as a competitor. For this participation in the seat competition Zero Wing and Past Galactic are very concerned.

Especially the former opponent Gentle Snow, the attention is very high, even directly set the focus on the console, as long as Gentle Snow fights, it will prompt the first time.

“The power gap between the two sides is too great.” Purple Eye, who has reached Level 1 Level 17 Tier 3 Great Mage, can’t help hooking the head. It’s a pity, “If Zero Wing’s main team is the main force, there will be a battle, but it’s simple With the strength of Gentle Snow alone, it is completely impossible to win, and I am afraid it is impossible to even escape…”

Although Galactic Alliance and Ouroboros, and even the current Zero Wing have some friction in the past, However, Guild, who came out of Star-Moon Kingdom, is also a Kingdom Peak expert of the same era, and hopes Gentle Snow and Zero Wing can perform well.

“Damn it, if only we can join the battle.”

The other Guild leaders present at the Galactic Alliance couldn’t help sighing and resent, didn’t expect Gentle Snow over there. With such bad luck, at first ran into a group of thousand people, and there was no chance at all.

“God’s Vestige has started!”

“Gentle Snow! Why haven’t you found them yet?”

Liu Qianqian pointed to the holographic picture already Starting to surround the God’s Vestige member of Gentle Snow and the others, the small hands couldn’t help holding them together, their faces full of anxiety.

One 100-Man was originally an overwhelming disadvantage to a thousand people, and God’s Vestige’s team is even more expert, like the cloud. The members on the Sword of Frost are obviously not good at first sight, the strongest It’s only reaching micro, most of them don’t even reach micro for half a step.

The Tier 3 expert of these Frost Sky Swords, let alone facing God’s Vestige Guild’s expert, even the main force of their Galactic Alliance can be killed.

In the entire VIP viewing room, no matter what the Galactic Alliance people think or even shout, the God’s Vestige expert in the screen has quietly arrived at a position less than a hundred yards away from Gentle Snow and the others.

It can be said that with a single order, a distance of 100 yards can reach Tier 3 profession in just a few steps, and it is completely impossible to escape.

“Okay! The Magic team starts chanting!” After the Boundless Distance reached the limit of Perception distance, he couldn’t help but turn to the two Elderly on the side. “Old Peng and Old Yu, Gentle Snow will be given to you two, but 10 Million don’t let her run away.”

“Vice-Guild Master, don’t worry, the little girl will leave it to the old man.” A white beard, holding two black short swords, wearing black clothed Old Peng said with a smile.

“Let’s take it, she is impossible to have a chance to escape.” Another old man wearing dark gray leather armor, carrying a white wing feather bow, and pale-gold pupils also smiled.

“Of course, I can rest assured of this. Both of them are our Guild’s top ambush experts, but Gentle Snow is not simple, and the battle strength is so strong that it can catch up with the Control of Domain expert. Killing it is definitely a huge loss to Zero Wing.” Boundless Distance also said with a smile.

Of course, he can rest assured of Peng Lao and Yu Lao, because the two can fight against peerless monsters together, which is why Guild let these two Elders into the Thousand People Group.

It’s just that the lion fights the rabbit with all his strength, he doesn’t want to make the previous mistake.

Just as Boundless Distance was talking, several Magic teams secretly chanting Spell were also fully prepared.

“Vice-Guild Master, all preparations are complete, just wait for your order, you can let them vanish from the island.” A 1Level 18 Tier 3 Peak Great Mage whispered a report.


Boundless Distance does not doubt this at all. There are a total of eight Destruction Spells that can be used jointly by twenty Magic based Classes, namely Tier of Level 120. 4 Legendary monsters can’t eat and walk around, let alone Tier 3 profession players.

This God’s Vestige Magic System team is also very excited, because this kind of Magic can be used very few times. Generally, in the dungeon team, the BOSS will not give this chance at all, so it is a siege. It is possible to use.

Now I can experiment with Gentle Snow and the others, naturally each and everyone is very happy.

Then Boundless Distance turned and looked towards Gentle Snow and the others.


Boundless Distance At the moment of turning his head, the whole person trembled.

Because I don’t know when, Gentle Snow actually stood in front of the Magic System team, and the Tier 3 Peak Great Mage was still laughing, as if simply didn’t notice the arrival of Gentle Snow.

“Not good! I was found!” Boundless Distance could not help but yelled instinctively.

At this time, it’s not just Boundless Distance. Everyone at God’s Vestige saw Gentle Snow, but they didn’t react for a while.

It’s just that Blink Light’s Gentle Snow is used at this time. It seems that not at all means time for everyone to react. The Radiant Will replica, which has already been promoted to Lesser Legendary Item, is facing the Team Leader’s Tier 3 Peak Great Mage is a sword.

This sword is simple and unpretentious, without any fancy.

Even the Great Mage of Tier 3 Peak watched this Broadsword cut down. The Great Mage of Tier 3 Peak didn’t have time to use the teleport to escape.

I saw this Tier 3 Peak’s Great Mage was divided into two, and the HP was directly zeroed out…

“What a quick sword!”

Boundless Distance looked at the Tier 3 Peak Great Mage that had been killed, and couldn’t help taking a breath.

This Tier 3 Great Mage is not a Common expert, and the combat level has reached Realm of Vacuum. As long as the opponent acts, they can detect the opponent’s intentions. In addition, Magic based Class has a teleport one. Magic Skill of the class.

If you want Ambush Execution, even the Expert of the Control of Domain must do it at an instant that the other party can’t notice, or you can’t strike a certain kill at all.

But Gentle Snow’s sword, forcibly made this Tier 3 Peak Great Mage unresponsive…

“little girl, you are so courageous, you dare to go directly into the enemy line I’m not afraid of going back and forth.” Mr. Yu looked at Gentle Snow with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, but his eyes were very cautious. He whispered to Mrs. Peng sound transmission, “It seems that this little girl is much stronger than expected, wait In a moment, Lao Peng will make you a chance here!”

“Leave it to me.” The black clothed old Peng also knew that Gentle Snow with white eyes should not be underestimated, hiding behind him His dagger also bloomed with pitch-black brilliance. As long as Yu Lao started his hand, he would use the strongest killing strike.

However, before Yu Lao and Peng Lao acted, Gentle Snow seemed to have seen their intentions a long time ago.

I saw in midair and didn’t know when sixteen Sword of Light appeared, and they fell directly on the two old Yu and Peng, making them feel completely unprepared for a while.

Because in their Perception range, they did not even have 16 Sword of Light from Perception to in midair.

“Damn it!”

At this time, both Mr. Yu and Mr. Peng used their life-saving tricks.

I saw Old Zhou, a Tier 3 Ranger, whipped up a storm, making all around attacks start to deflect. As for Tier 3 Assassin’s Peng Lao, his steps were blurred, instantly turning into six steps. silhouette, to capture the true and false at all.

The Boundless Distance who was on the side reacted extremely quickly, holding the skeleton Holy Shield in one hand and the dark red battle axe in the other, turning into an afterimage and rushing towards Gentle Snow.

Tier 3 Skill three flashes of purgatory!

I saw Boundless Distance turned into three black moons, appearing next to Gentle Snow from three directions, which was simply overwhelming. Even the expert of Control of Domain had to take it seriously and he had no time to take care of it. .

But Boundless Distance not at all Gentle Snow saw the slightest attention to him, as if seeing an ant on the side of the road, directly ignoring his existence.


Boundless Distance feels extremely ashamed of Gentle Snow’s attitude. I can’t help but roar in my heart. The formidable power of the three black moons has also been strengthened. Divide, let the space directly burst open.

But then Boundless Distance felt desperate.

Because Gentle Snow still did not look at him, but the Broadsword in his hand voluntarily ran into the black moon in front of him, and then the black moon was like a weak novice rabbit, following Gentle Snow’s Broadsword Leaning to the side and hitting the other two black moons.

After the two black moons were collided, it seemed as if all control was taken away, and a deflection fell on Boundless Distance itself.

“How is this possible!”

Boundless Distance The whole person is dull, and he wants to resist these two black moons, but he can’t react at all.

Boom! boom!

Two muffled collisions, Boundless Distance stepped back two steps in a row, each step caused the Boundless Distance HP to drop sharply, the armor on the body shattered two axe marks, and the HP was only less than half. .

Just as Boundless Distance was fortunate, when I felt it could take a breath, there was deathly silence in the distance.

“What’s wrong with you…?”

The outside light of Boundless Distance saw the shocked eyes and expressions of the surrounding people, and was extremely puzzled.

However, before Boundless Distance could react, a black moon wiped Boundless Distance’s neck, leaving a black line and flying head in midair…

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