“It’s started! The war is finally on!”

“Crap! This is the auditorium, this is too cool!”


As the audience took their seats, the players who came to watch the game boiled. Each and everyone looked at the sight of all around in disbelief, marveling and excited.

Because everyone is on Heaven’s Vault at this time, like an incomparable gigantic ancient Roman Arena, towering above all the islands, the whole arena is like a chessboard, and the islands are like On a small board, the participating players are like chess pieces.

In aspect nineteen, the world is mine!

The audience can choose the island at will on the seat to watch, not to mention, they can also zoom in directly. The battlefield of the entire island is unobstructed. The only pity is that the distance is limited, at most the island is thirty At the height of meters, it is impossible to observe carefully.

If you want to be immersive, you can only watch the battle in the VIP viewing room. There are even battle reminders in the VIP viewing room. You can watch it as soon as possible. Too big and miss some exciting battles.

When the audience over the arena screamed and exclaimed for it, the Big Guilds from random to eighteen islands also acted immediately.

“Whether Guild can reach the top and become a God’s Domain giant this time is in this battle, and as long as those who perform well in this competition, they can be trained by Guild afterwards.”

“Listen well, our Thousand-member Group has only two goals, that is, to occupy medium or above resource land for the first time, and to hold it firmly.”

” We are lucky. On this island, we have five three 100-Man teams in Guild. The above has already ordered that we must get the Top-5 points on this island. As long as they are reached, everyone can get two thousand Guild contributions. Click!”

For a time, the Big Guilds on the island all acted frantically. The tense atmosphere is the excitement and excitement of those watching the battle in the sky.

In a VIPBattle Room.

“It is indeed the five Super-Guilds. The background is so deep that it is much stronger than other Guilds.” Mu Lingsha looked at the Top-10 eight islands, and all the data was unobstructed. Is an indescribable sigh.

At this time, the five Big Guild Super-Guilds have the least, 53 teams, and the largest number of teams is 61, among which each Guild of 100-man has more than six , Every 100-man Team Leader is a well-known Legendary character in the Virtual Game industry.

Compared with other Guilds, it is not a bit higher than 1-Star.

It can be said that the start is sole, and other Guilds have no chance.

There are a total of 18 islands, and the other Guilds generally have five or six islands. These Super-Guilds have eleven less, and more than thirteen. The other Guilds lost half of the start.

Of course, it is not that there are eight or nine Guilds who are very Luck, but it is good that the number of Guilds on the island can protect themselves. It is simply a dream to want to occupy resources.

Unlike the five Super-Guild, the people are more evenly divided, that is, there are one or two islands. Guild has a small number of people, but it does not hinder the overall situation, because the five Super-Guild have more than half of the islands. There are quite a lot of them, and it is not a problem for Guild Point to enter the Top-5.

Five Super-Guild has become the twelve candidate Guild, it is already a certainty.

“Now in terms of distribution alone, God’s Vestige and Saint Law Palace have the most chance to win the sixth place. These two Guilds have people on the nine islands, and they are equally divided. Other Guilds are obviously still worse.” Indestructible War Heart also analyzed.

“no!” Mu Lingsha paid attention to the Sword of Frost with the assistance of Zero Wing, and slightly surprisedly said, “That Sword of Frost is also good, there are people on seven islands.”

There are people on seven islands. This is also ranked 12th among the 30 Super Organizations. It is only two short of God’s Vestige and Saint Law Palace.

“No, two of the seven islands of the Sword of Heavenly Frost have fewer than five 100-Man, and…” After reading Indestructible War Heart carefully, he couldn’t bear it. He sighed and shook his head.

When Mu Lingsha and Indestructible War Heart were talking about the Sword of Frost, many forces in the VIPBattle Room were also talking about the Sword of Frost. Each and everyone took pleasure in other people’s misfortune, and some sympathized. Endless.

Because Black Flame, which was originally thought to be the great help of Sword One of Frost, was so immortal that it came to the Ranked 3rd Great Island. Not to mention, the only one who assisted the Black Flame team was another 100. -man.

You should know that there are more than sixteen Super Organizations gathered on this No. 3 Great Island. Not to mention, there are five Super-Guild. The competition here is simply a nightmare difficulty, think To seize resources, simply dream.

On the other medium island No. 7, there are only two teams, one is Aqua Rose’s 100-man team, and the other is the three 100-man team led by Frost Sky Sword Elder. Strength is fundamental. It cannot be compared with those Guilds with thousands or even two thousand people, and there are as many as eight such Guilds…

On the contrary, they are the Guild Master of the Sword of Frost, the Dragon Qijue and Hong Xin. The team of the Ape Team Leader and a total of 2500 people led by five other Elders all followed to a small island No. 17.

“Guild Master Black Flame, what should I do now?” After Muxin received the news from the various islands, the whole person was anxious. “There is no problem with Guild Master, but we and Gentle Snow The leading 100-man……”

This news is definitely the worst news for Frost Sky Sword.

I originally expected Shi Feng to be able to randomize to a small island. As long as the number of Guilds on that island reaches thousands of people, there will be basically no problem in occupying two resource areas. The Guild Point of a resource site is enough for the Sword of Frost Sky to get the top 5 of the island’s Guild Point. After all, there are less than 20 resource sites on a medium island. That many Guilds grabbed it, and on average it couldn’t reach one.

Now it’s better. Shi Feng has two 100-Man in total. The most he can do is occupy a resource land, and a resource land is useless on a large island, and the resource points are still Only half.

Looking at the Guild Master and the ichthyosaur Guild Master, there is no problem in occupying two resource lands, and there are even a lot more people. It’s just that the more resource lands on an island, the harder the fish. Dragon Guild Master and the others are okay to compete for two.

But it is very difficult to compete for the third one, especially for small islands, where there are only twelve resources. If they occupy more, other Super Organizations will not mind teaming up to deal with the Sword of Frost.

“This start is okay.” Shi Feng glanced at the information related to the distribution of the islands, and said flatly, “Let’s go with Gentle Snow and the others first.”

” Did you start badly?” Muxin felt speechless for a while.

In today’s situation, the possibility that their Frost Sky Sword wants to compete for a seat is very slim.

However, Muxin didn’t know, Shi Feng wanted to be random to medium and large islands from the very beginning.

Because only the medium and large islands have Advanced resource land, he is a foreign aid, and he obtains Guild Point, only half of the official Guild Member, Advanced resource land can be said to be a must.

Nowadays, luck is not bad if you are random to large islands. If you are really random to small islands, then luck is really bad.

In a jungle on the large island No. 3, a team of 1,000 people walked slowly in the tree Ling Zhongxing. The headed one was staring at a 100 yard away. -man, with scorching flames in his eyes.

“travel far and wide looking for something, only to return and find it easily, Black Flame, don’t you blame me, who made you arrange the team like this, now I’ll let you know about it, and fight me before What is the end of the game?” Boundless Distance looked at the Zero Wing Vice-Guild Master Gentle Snow of the Team Leader in the distance, full of excitement.

“Wuya Vice-Guild Master, our people have checked all around, not at all teams from other forces.” A Tier 3 Ranger of 1Level 18 whispered in the group chat. Tao.

“Okay!” When Boundless Distance heard it, my heart became more excited, and he whispered in the group chat, “Since there is no other team and Guild, then we don’t have to be polite, everyone, Get rid of this Zero Wing’s Vice-Guild Master first and get a little interest back!”


As Boundless Distance finished, everyone present at the God’s Vestige Guild was also excited. Conceal In the past, I am going to give Gentle Snow and the others a surprise attack, so that Gentle Snow and the others can’t escape.

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