Outside the Silver Wing Small Town, as the red and white beams of light gradually disappear, the whole audience, whether it is the player in Silver Wing Small Town or the Sacred Plastic Monster who rushes, becomes extremely silent for a time, as if time has been stopped. In general, only the dissipated radiance and the shattered void remain.

Just one blow!

A space with a radius of 300 yards becomes a piece of Nothingness. In Nothingness, except for the Peak High Lord-level sacred sculpture destroyer and the Legendary Level sacred sculpture Devour are still alive, the other nearly ten thousand sacred sculptures There is no saboteur left, and the power of power is simply incredible…

As for the alive Destroyer and the Devour, it is obvious that the Devour is already in a state of severe damage, and only the Devour can barely move. , I was desperately trying to get out of in the sky, but the Peak High Lord-level sacred plastic destroyer couldn’t move half a step at all. He could only watch the void slowly close, and was finally exiled permanently in the sky waiting for death…


Illusionary Speech and Indestructible War Heart looked at this scene and didn’t know what to say for a while, their eyes were filled with indescribable surprise and excitement.

Too fierce!

As soon as they came up, they exiled nearly a thousand sacred plastic destroyers, not to mention, they also severely injured three sacred Devourers, this time reduced their defensive pressure a lot.

While the Sacred Heart member in the thousands of yards of woodland in Silver Wing Small Town looked at this scene in Magic Mirror, each and everyone was also surprised.

Didn’t expect that the Magic Tower of Silver Wing Small Town will have such a formidable power, which can hit the Devour sacred.

“It’s just that nearly a thousand sacred destructors were exiled, and the three sacred Devours severely inflicted that’s all, and the battle started. It’s too early!” Thousand eyes looked at the Silver Wing Small Town. The people with the color of joy did not take it seriously.

It can be said that the large-scale damage caused by the war weapon in the siege war is normal. The attack of the Silver Wing Small Town Magic Tower is stronger than they expected that’s all, and it can’t affect it at all. The whole war situation.

The tens of thousands of Sacred Plastic Monsters are simply not worth mentioning to the more than four million Sacred Plastic Army, not to mention that Magic Tower’s attack is not short on the Cooldown Period. When Magic Tower attacks again, Saint The plastic army has already rushed to Silver Wing Small Town.

For a moment, the Sacred Plastic Monster was completely mad because of the Magic Tower’s blow. With the roar of the Devourer’s roar, the other Sacred Plastic Monsters moved towards Silver. Wing Small Town rushed away, and the speed was 20-30% faster than before.

And everyone on the city wall of Silver Wing Small Town, facing the more powerful sacred army, each and everyone became nervous.

Magic Tower’s blow was amazing, but the scene where the ground was filled with a big pit was even more amazing and shocking, as if the previous blow did not exist…

“All Ballista Arrow Tower Defensive Turret prepare! It is possible to attack in a dense place of monsters!”

For the sacred plastic army that is getting closer and closer, like a tiger in an imposing manner, as a commander The Indestructible War Heart of dozens of battles immediately roared, allowing the talents of Silver Wing Small Town to come back to his senses from their previous fears and prepare to attack.

“All Magic System units start chanting Spell, remember not to let those sacred destructors approach the city wall!”

The Illusionary Speech in the distance also reacted and started to command The Magic System player on the city wall is ready to cast the spell, and at the same time chanting Tier 3 Forbidden Spell himself.

With each and everyone commanding the order, the nervous and frightened people in Silver Wing Small Town gradually stabilized their emotions.

For a moment, the sacred plastic army in the distance is getting closer and closer.

One thousand three hundred yards…One thousand two hundred yards…One thousand yards…

“Let!” Indestructible War Heart loudly roared.

Hundreds of siege machines, dozens of arrow towers and Defensive Turrets were launched simultaneously with a loud noise.

Hundreds of burning flares fell to the ground like meteors, the earth shook and dust rolled up, tens of thousands of Sacred Plastic Monsters flew up in midair, and the ground was blasted into each and Everyone Da Hang, the amazing scene is simply impossible to show in Epic Level masterpieces.

However, the pits that were blown out by arrows and shells were filled up by the endless army of holy plastics. The degree of madness is far beyond everyone’s imagination…

” Fill the arrows and ammunition! Prioritize the attack on the plastic army in the front row!” Indestructible War Heart looked at this scene and also blew tightly knit, could not help but yell.

Although I knew it would be such a result for a long time, I felt a little trembling and frightened to see such a scene.

As several rounds of attacks continued, although no plastic destroyer died on the battlefield, there were a lot of deaths and injuries among the plastic destroyers, especially the number of plastic destroyers who fell into serious injuries exceeded two. One hundred thousand, but compared to the more than four million sacred plastic army, it is not a big deal…

Seeing that the first wave of Sacred Plastic Monster came to the silver wing city wall less than a hundred, Magic based classes such as Illusionary Speech have also released their strongest Magic and Skill.

The Magic Skills of tens of thousands of players rushed towards the Sacred Plastic Monster.

Tens of thousands of Magic Skills fell to the front row of Sacred Plastic Monster. Just when everyone thought that these Sacred Plastic Monsters would stop, everyone was shocked in the next scene.

I saw that these Sacred Plastic Monsters are just like experienced Warriors. Each and everyone holds a weapon to block each and everyone Magic, and it is impossible to cause any damage to these Sacred Plastic Monsters…

“How is this possible!”

I used Magic’s Purple Eye on the city wall and suddenly stopped.

At this moment, let alone the attacks of those Tier 2 players, that is, the attacks of Tier 3 experts are resisted a lot by those Sacred Plastic Monsters, and only those Tier 3 experts above micro can hit these Sacred Plastics. Monster.

“Stupid! Do you think the plastic army in front of you is still the plastic army from a few days ago?” The silent Silver Wing Small Town crowd with a thousand eyes could not help saying with a sneer.

If you change to the Common monster, you might be able to fight with the Strength of the Silver Wing Small Town player, but the players of Silver Wing Small Town are facing the army of sacred plastics. A group of intelligence is far from the Common Monster. The monster above the thing.

The words of Thousand Eyes made everyone present feel heavy.

How can I fight this?

Except for the effective attacks of war weapon and a few Tier 3 experts, other people’s attacks are just like decorations, but they have to face several millions of attacks from Sacred Plastic Monsters…

For a while before everyone reacted, I saw that the five sacred Devours headed by them jumped to the sky above the city wall.

“Not good!”

“Block it!”

Indestructible War Heart, seeing the Devour attacker taking advantage of the chaos, his face was unprecedented dignified.

Although the Defense Magic of the town has been upgraded, the magic power of the entire area has become very thin due to the 6-layer curse of Soul Destruction, so the Defense Magic of Small Town will also be weakened. In this way, one plus one minus completely cancels out, and the normal Advanced Small Town Defensive Magic Array cannot stop the Tier 4 Legendary monster’s several attacks.

Before everyone reacts, just watch the long spear centralize in one point strikes of Wudao Tearing Space towards the Magic Defense wall.

“Combat Technique!”

Illusionary Speech Looking at the five sacred Devourers who launched the attack, they are also beautiful eyes wide open, I can’t believe this is true.

Sacred Plastic Monster’s use of Combat Technique is already incredible. Now even the combined Combat Technique that a player rarely can master is used. Simply is a nightmare…

” It’s a pity that Guild Master Black Flame, didn’t expect you will be finished so soon.” Qianyan looked at Shi Feng, who was always silent, said with a sneer proudly.

As long as the Small Town Defensive Magic Array is broken, the players in the entire Silver Wing Small Town are the lambs to be slaughtered. Even Tier 4 NPCoversee is useless. After all, the tiger is no match for the wolves.


A burst of space sounded, and the terrifying impact even made all around the plastic destroyers retreat.

“It seems that Zero Wing is over.”

The major Super Organization members who watched the battle looked at the dust flying over the broken city wall, each and everyone couldn’t help shaking their heads, sacred plastic The Devourer’s original Strength was extraordinary, but now using the Combat Technique, this power definitely has a Tier 4 Peak strike, which is not something that the town’s Defensive Magic Array can resist.

As the dust of in midair dissipated, each and everyone of the sacred Devour who showed excitement was also suddenly stunned.

I saw that in midair’s pale red Defense wall was all right, not even a broken crack…

“This…how is it possible!”

At this time, let alone members of the major Super Organizations, even Qianyan, who is thousands of yards away, was stunned, staring at the Magic Defense wall of in midair, and couldn’t believe it was true.

This is a hit from Tier 4 Peak!

Just as the entire battlefield fell into Silent, a voice suddenly echoed on the city wall.

“Is this over? If this is your strongest support, then all this can be over!”

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