Silver Wing Small Town, the main entrance city wall.

The city wall, which is more than ten meters tall, is now surrounded by players who came to fight against the plastic army, but as these players each and everyone come to the city wall, each and everyone also I was deeply shocked by the sight in front of me.

The black Sacred Plastic Monster can be said to be completely out of sight. The weakest is the High Lord of Level 110, the strongest is even up to 12Level 2, and the Sacred Plastic Monster, which cannot be seen at a glance, is also Slowly surrounding Silver Wing Small Town, as if the night is falling on the earth, people fall into deep fear…

“So many Legendary Level Sacred Plastic Monsters, can we really stop them?”

The major adventurous group members present and the free player who came to help out looked at the scene in front of them with panic and despair in their hearts.

Originally relying on the more than 300,000 players left by Silver Wing Small Town and relying on the Defensive Magic Array of Silver Wing Small Town, they feel that there is still a possibility of battle. After all, they only need to find a way to hold the peak of 50,000 or 60,000. A High Lord-level sacred destroyer will do.

But the number of sacred destructors running right now not only exceeds one hundred thousand, there are even eight Devours of Legendary Level sacred sculptures, and there is no bottom in all human’s hearts.

At this time, let alone the major adventure group members and free players present, the Indestructible War Heart and Illusionary Speech and the others on the city wall are also eye-catching.

“Sacred Plastic Monsters with more than 100,000 sacred plastic destroyers and eight sacred Devours, these Sacred Plastic Monsters really look up to us.” The Indestructible War Heart who reached level 11 and level 6 looked around the Silver Wing Small The eight huge silhouettes of Town all around can’t help saying with a bitter smile.

In order to assist Zero Wing this time, War Spirit Uprise sent Guild’s ace Legion over, and even called two Tier 4 Summon Scrolls and hundreds of heavy ballistas.

Adding the Crimson Emperor and Zero Wing’s background to their forecast, it should not be a problem to guard the Silver Wing Small Town.

But he still underestimated the Strength of these Sacred Plastic Monsters. At this time, let alone the Devourists of the eight sacred plastic monsters, the 100,000 or more sacred plastic destroyers were enough to despair.

After all, facing the sacred plastic destroyers of Peak High Lord, Common’s Tier 3 expert is not good at all. It takes several people to join forces and the siege weapon to contain those sacred plastic destroyers from attacking Defensive Magic Array and city ​​wall.

And the Tier 4 Legendary monster that summon comes out can do nothing at all in the face of tens of thousands of sacred plastic destroyers. Its only use is to protect a part of the city wall from attack and reduce the defense pressure of their players that’s all .

As soon as the Devourists come out, there is no possibility of reducing the pressure…

The Illusionary Speech on the side is also nodded, and his eyes are complicated.

“It seems that I can only keep it for a while…” Illusionary Speech looked at the motionless who stood quietly a thousand yards away and commanded the other Sacred Plastic Monster’s Devourers, feeling a bit Deep weakness.

Although she has some confidence in Shi Feng, I am afraid that Shi Feng could not predict such a scene, not to mention Shi Feng, even the major Super Organizations did not expect the development speed of Sacred Plastic Monster to be so. terrifying.

How much time has passed since their Crimson Emperor got the Legendary Sacred Plastic Monster to the present, it has only been a day at most, and this has turned out to be eight sacred Devourers.

At this time, even if they can resist these Sacred Plastic Monsters for a day, I am afraid they will definitely not resist 2nd day.

As everyone sighed and felt helpless, a golden beam of light suddenly rose up in the woods in the distance of Silver Wing Small Town. This beam of light rose directly into the sky, even if it was thousands of yards away. It can be seen very clearly.

As this golden beam of light appeared, the entire sky was completely turned into daylight, and as the dim sky turned into daylight, the magic power of Heaven and Earth seemed to be sucked away by something Generally, magic power is getting thinner and thinner. Even players who are not very sensitive to magic power can obviously feel some discomfort.

“This is…the 6-layer curse!” Illusionary Speech looked at the magic power beam of light rising in the distance, and his face became more solemn than ever, “The hand of the Sacred Heart is crazy If it doesn’t work, I actually used this lock world Forbidden Spell!”

The 6-layer spell is a kind of super Rare lock world Magic Array in God’s Domain, which requires the sacrifice of thousands of Tiers forever. 2 Only the Magic System player and a hundred Tier 3 Magic System can be activated, so the Magic Array in the lock world is not as daring as the Super Organization.

The reason is very simple. This Magic Array can indeed block a world, disintegrate the magic power, and make it impossible for players to leave the area. As long as they are killed, they will not only be severely punished by death, but their souls will also be weakened. Five days, but the consequences of using this Magic Array player are very serious.

Permanent death!

Characters created only by equivalent to die permanently, and players can only rebuild their accounts.

However, when everyone in Silver Wing Small Town did not react, a huge Magic Mirror suddenly appeared in the sky above Silver Wing Small Town. The Magic Mirror showed the hand of the Sacred Heart who was casting a spell. Everyone, the head of them is not someone else, who was really Qianyan who was killed by Shi Feng not long ago.

“Black Flame, didn’t expect?” Thousand eyes said with a sneer in the screen, “I said you would regret it, aren’t you very difficult to deal with? Now you just keep your eyes open Seeing everyone in the entire Silver Wing Small Town have been delisted by the sacred army Devour, Zero Wing will be removed from it!”

The crazy gaze of Qianyan and the cold words echoing throughout the Silver Wing Small Town make All the players present felt that they had one’s hair stand on end and their backs were cold.

It’s crazy!

Thousands of Tier 2 Magic System players of 100 Tier 2 Magic System players are sacrificed, and hundreds of Tier 3 experts are sacrificed. Even Super-Guild may not be able to do this kind of thing. You must know that hundreds of Tier 3 experts are good for everyone. Super Organization is also a lot of battle strength.

“Zero Wing is really over now!”

“The Hand of the Sacred Heart is really a bunch of lunatics that can’t be provoked! Even these methods are used, now Zero Wing Alliance with Zero Wing’s will not only be punished by those Sacred Plastic Monster Devour, but also by Magic Array’s weak soul death penalty.”

The major Super Organizations hiding in Silver Wing Small Town are laughing wildly at Magic Mirror. Thousand eyes, each and everyone can feel this biting chill and fear even as a bystander.

When everyone in Silver Wing Small Town fell into despair, several silhouettes also appeared on the city wall of the main entrance of Silver Wing Small Town, and the head of these silhouettes was not someone else. It is Guild Master Shi Feng of Zero Wing Guild.

Faced with the sneer that echoed in Silver Wing Small Town, Shi Feng glanced at Magic Mirror in midair.

“It’s really noisy, but it’s the 6-layer curse that’s all, do you think this thing is of any use?” Shi Feng said carelessly.

Shi Feng’s voice is not loud, but for the silent Silver Wing Small Town, Shi Feng’s speech is very clear.

As Shi Feng’s voice fell, the entire Silver Wing Small Town suddenly became in an uproar. It was time that didn’t expect, Shi Feng even dared to ridicule Qianyan. This is just to die. Is it faster?

“courting death!”

“Pretend to be calm! When the time comes, he has a good show!”

“I guess there is no Black Flame It’s a way, it’s just a quick talk.”

The major Super Organizations looked at the indifferent Shi Feng in Magic Mirror, each and everyone was disdainful and sneered at Shi Feng’s words, maybe innocent. The Soul-killing 6-layer curse does not have any threat or effect, but with the black army of sacred plastics outside the city, it is definitely a nightmare for all players.

“It’s useless? Then let me take a look at your face after the attack of the plastic army, this 6-layer curse is useful or useless for you!” Qianyan was not angry at this. Instead, say with a smile low.

As Thousand Eyes finished speaking, the holy plastic army in the distance of Silver Wing Small Town suddenly rushed up.

Several millions of sacred plastic army swarmed up and swept Heaven and Earth like a tsunami. The earth shattered wherever it passed, the space exploded, and the roar shook the sky, making everyone in Silver Wing Small Town Seeing sucked in a breath of cold air, some Tier 3 experts even couldn’t help backing away.


Shi Feng looked at the endless army of sacred plastics, and then waved at the three sacred Devourers rushing into the pile of Sacred Plastic Monster in the distance. One finger.

The five Magic Towers scattered all around Silver Wing Small Town all around for a while shoot out red and white light beams at the same time, and five red white light columns condense the center and back of Silver Wing Small Town to the sky and shatter the sky.

Before everyone could react, a huge red white light column fell above the holy plastic army.

At the moment it fell, the earth shattered into a piece of Nothingness, and then this red white light column began to spread all around, and in the blink of an eye, Devour was within a radius of 300 yards including those in the sacred Devour. Everything, as if the entire area has been erased from somewhere, has never existed…

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