As Liang Jing spoke in the corridor, Melancholic Smile and Mu Lingsha were also on the spot for a moment, and they didn’t react for a while.

“Have you contacted the Guild Master?” Melancholic Smile looked at Liang Jing took a deep breath and couldn’t help but asked excitedly.

Today’s Zero Wing is surrounded by enemies, and Guild’s Peak battle strength is not present, and these are not the most important ones. The key is that Zero Wing is now the human’s heart is weakened, and morale is also unprecedentedly low.

Shi Feng has always been the backbone of Zero Wing’s. Shi Feng’s return may solve the current status quo, but it can bring everyone in Zero Wing’s together.

And not only for Zero Wing, but also for the Great Influence of the Alliance. After all, these forces joined Zero Wing because of Shi Feng. Now that Shi Feng returns, the Great Influence of the Alliance Influence will also become more confident.

Not to mention Melancholic Smile at this time, even Mu Lingsha on the side could not help but look towards Liang Jing, wondering if Shi Feng really came back.

If Shi Feng does come back, many problems can be solved by relying on past deterrence. After all, the super organizations and Star Ring formed a tacit understanding at the beginning, largely because of Shi Feng and the others Passed away, now that Shi Feng is back, then the major Super Organizations naturally have to reconsider, and they are absolutely impossible to unite as before.

“Not yet.” Liang Jing shook the head, “I just received the news. Now the Guild Master is in Silver Wing Small Town.”

The news was sent to Melancholic Smile and let Melancholic Smile check it out.

However, after reading the message from Liang Jing in Melancholic Smile and Mu Lingsha, the expression on his face was very excited at first, but then the expression on his face became unspeakably solemn.

“How could this be?” Melancholic Smile looked at the displayed message and couldn’t help but said anxiously, “Quick! Organize the elite Personal Guard team and contact Hell to scream at them, we must rush to Silver Wing Small as soon as possible Town can do it!”

Those who can kill the Legendary Level sacred Devour are amazing, and it can even be said to be good news for invigorating the human’s heart.

But then the revenge of facing several millions Sacred Plastic Monster is not cracking a joke, not to mention that the Hand of the Sacred Heart will not look at it, and it will definitely move.

When the time comes, not only have to face several millions Sacred Plastic Monster, but also face the hand of the Sacred Heart, simply relying on the defense of Silver Wing Small Town is impossible to stop it.

If Shi Feng is caught by those Sacred Plastic Monster Devour, then the consequences will simply be unimaginable…

“Don’t worry, the actions of the Sacred Plastic Monster and the Hand of Sacred Heart It shouldn’t be so fast, they still need a certain amount of time to gather and prepare. I will contact Indestructible War Heart and ask them to lead the team immediately.” Mu Lingsha looked at the anxious Melancholic Smile and soothed.

“Thank you.”

Melancholic Smile thanked the nodded, and took a deep breath to calm himself down, and then began to arrange manpower to Silver Wing Small Town in an orderly manner.

While Zero Wing’s Melancholic Smile and the others rushed to Silver Wing Small Town with a large army, the major Super Organizations that received the news of Shi Feng’s return were also shocked.

Shi Feng, who didn’t expect vanish for so long, turned up again.

Or the former Sword King is back!

Moreover, the personal battle strength has reached the point of unimaginable. The incarnation Great Dragon can slaughter the Legendary Level sacred Devour at will. It has become more terrifying than before, let alone, it also makes Zero Wing change. It gets trickier.

After all, a Guild with a broken human heart and a Guild with strong cohesion have completely different battle strengths.

Fire Dragon Empire, Fire Dragon City.

The top floor of the Flaming Roar restaurant in the city center is 30 stories high. A female Knight with a level of 11Level 6 and wearing a black and gold armor walked in slowly. This female Knight The terrifying power exuding all over the body even suppressed the Magic Element all around, but when I walked to a beautiful woman who was dining, facing this beautiful woman, the female Knight was indescribably respectful.

“cold glint Vice-Guild Master, Black Flame has returned from the Western Continent.” Yu Bai looked at the dining woman and carefully put a piece of information on the table, slowly said, “Follow As expected, he is much stronger than before, and the alliance forces of Zero Wing and Zero Wing have become more confident, and even Heavenly Secret Pavilion has sent more people to Stone Forest City. The major Super Organizations have responded to this. All of them discussed spiritedly, which caused a lot of fluctuations. Do we continue to hold alliance meetings as originally planned?”

“Of course, it was just that’s all who killed a Legendary Level sacred Devour. There won’t be any changes to the overall situation at all, everything goes according to the original plan.” Cold glint Shiying glanced at Yu Bai, smiled lightly and gave people an indescribable temptation, “Those Super Organizations are not fools, they should understand the current situation. The times are different. If you want to survive in this era, you have to grab more resources! Not to mention that Black Flame and Silver Wing Small Town will not survive long!”

Although the news of Shi Feng’s return shocked the major Super Organizations, it only shocked that’s all.

It seems that Shi Feng vanish’s time is very short, and it only took more than ten days to leave East Continent, but for East Continent, which is changing rapidly and developing rapidly, it will feel very uncomfortable to leave for two or three days. , Let alone leave for more than ten days, the opening of data update and the explosion of Sacred Plastic Monster.

The current East Continent is no longer the previous East Continent.

It can be said that Shi Feng has become a thing of the past, and the threat to the major Super Organizations is not as severe as before.

Now God’s Domain Tier 3 experts have exploded in large numbers. Even Peak Adventure Group has more than 100 Tier 3 experts, let alone those First-Rate Guilds and those Super Organizations.

Tier 3’s expertise is no longer as scarce as it used to be. With strength of oneself, the battle can be changed. There are fewer and fewer things you can do with your personal strength. And those Tier 3’s Personal Guard It can no longer suppress players as much as before. It has become an era dominated by a large number of Tier 3 players. Shi Feng alone cannot change anything at all.

“Yes! Then I will notify the major Super Organizations.”

Nodded, Yu Bai silently turned and left the Flaming Roar restaurant and started contacting the major Super Organizations.

In the East Continent’s major Super Organizations, Shi Feng’s news appeared spiritedly, and the myth of fantasy was also organizing the Holy Plastic Alliance meeting in an orderly manner. Shi Feng also returned to Silver Wing Small Town. Rest at Zero Wing Residence.

“Guild Master, according to what you said, the disabled NPCs and elite Tier 3 guards that were secretly collected before are all on the road. It will not take long to reach Silver Wing Small Town. In addition, I have asked Keep your hands next to the Vice-Guild Master and their Virtual Reality Capsule. As long as they leave that special space, we can get news for the first time.” Nether Orchid looked at Shi Feng, who was constantly checking East Continent’s latest news, and whispered.

“Well, I think they should be able to get out of it in a few days. If they are in the area of ​​Sacred Plastic Monster, they will send someone to the rescue as soon as possible.” Shi Feng nodded.

Although he does not think that the strength of Zero Wing’s current main group member will not be the opponent of those Sacred Plastic Monsters, but if he is surrounded by a large number of sacred plastic destroyers, or encounters sacred plastic Devour, That would be troublesome.

“Guild Master, your current situation is really okay, right?” Nether Orchid looked at Shi Feng who was not resting, and said with some worry.

I haven’t been able to contact for such a long time. I have been lying in the Virtual Reality Capsule, completely relying on nutrients for maintenance. Impossible has no effect on the body, let alone experienced such a fierce battle not long ago. The strange Soul Seal mark was imprinted by the sacred Devourer. The ghost knew which Soul Seal mark would have other side effects. If it falls at this time, it will have any impact on the future, then it will not be worth the loss.

“Don’t worry, I’m really fine.” Shi Feng looked at the worried Nether Orchid and lost said with a smile, “Or my current Vitality is surprisingly good, and it even pops up in my head from time to time. Some novel thoughts make me want to start training as soon as possible.”

“It’s fine, but Guild Master, if you really feel unwell, then you must log out and rest as soon as possible, and leave everything else to you. Let’s do it.” Nether Orchid looked at Vitality’s surprisingly good Shi Feng and stopped persuading him, and then left the Guild Master room to do other things that Shi Feng arranged.

After the departure of Nether Orchid, Shi Feng also stopped to check the latest news of East Continent, instead focusing Vitality on the few silver fog left by the death of the Devourer .

Soul Seal remembers this thing, it’s not that he has never won.

Generally speaking, the Soul Seal player doesn’t feel anything, but the Soul Seal memory left by the death of the Devourer can clearly feel it in his brain, even slowly The lingering movement in his brain made him unable to resist all kinds of strange thoughts.

As Shi Feng gradually focused all his attention on the few silver mists running in his brain, his face suddenly changed.

“No! This is simply not Soul Seal, this is Soul Magic Array!”

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