Cold Spring Forest, Stone Forest City Free Hotel.

In the Conference Hall of gold and jade in glorious splendour, dozens of people out of the ordinary Tier 3 expert are surrounded by the round table, but the whole Conference Hall is silent.

If you carefully observe the breath of these people, you will find that many of these people exude a strong Blood Qi. The Dark Qi on their bodies is also extremely thick. They are not comparable to Common’s Dark Player at all, and these are not Others, it is the dark Fantasy high-level one of the three Dark Guilds of the Dark Great World and the Group Leader of the Peak Dark Adventure Group.

In addition to these experts who are famous in the dark Great World on the conference table, the other Tier 3 experts present are also each and everyone background is quite extraordinary, not the high-levels of half-Super Guild War Spirit Uprise. It is First-Rate Guild’s Guild Master, and the worst is also the Group Leader or Vice-Group Leader of Peak Adventure Group.

I saw these people each and everyone looking at a beautiful woman wearing a High Grade Master Blacksmith Emblem on the conference table. There is no power on her body, but this woman is the mainstay.

It’s just that the look on this woman’s face is indescribably haggard.

“In the face of the secret harassment of Star Ring and the major Super Organizations, I hope you can increase your manpower. As for compensation for our Zero Wing, there will be no shortage of them. Do you have anything else?” Melancholic Smile He glanced at everyone present and asked softly.

Since Shi Feng and the main group member left East Continent, Star Ring and the major Super Organizations have never stopped exploring Stone Forest City. Various economic consumption, material grabs, and in the wild Ambush It happens almost all the time, and with the increasing number of expert players in Tier 3, the range of the Knight regiment’s defense is getting smaller and smaller.

In addition, the Vice-Guild Master is not there, and it is impossible to contact her, so she can only brace oneself.

But with the increasing number of unstable factors in Stone Forest City all around, the number of players who dare to be active in Stone Forest City is also decreasing, which makes the economy of Stone Forest City worse. One day, the income of Stone Forest City is less than half of the peak period, and Zero Wing, in order to protect the safety of Stone Forest City all around, as well as the safety of Zero Wing City and Silver Wing Small Town, the daily expenditure is more More than a day…

“There are some things on our dark Great World side. Recently, due to the increasing number of Tier 3 experts, many dark Great World forces have joined forces to launch several attacks on Teleportation Gate. , The current impact of our Dark Fantasy can barely resist, but if things go on like this, I’m afraid we won’t be long.” Qinghong looked at Melancholic Smile and said helplessly, “In addition, there is also the overbearing world. Recently, the overbearing world has begun to be uneven. Now, according to the news we received, I am afraid there will be a big action. Guild hopes that Zero Wing can allocate more resources of the Free Hotel, so as to win over the great influence of the dark Great World, so as to stabilize the Transmission Passage.”

As Qinghong speaks, Liang Jing beside Melancholic Smile is also slightly frowned.

At present, Stone Forest City can still have the current economic income. A large part of the reason is because of the Free Hotel. In order to stabilize the safety of Stone Forest City, they have taken out many rooms of the Free Hotel for Great Influence and Adventure Group, so that the experts of these forces can oppose the Ambush of the major Super Organizations.

Now if they are taking out part of it, no matter if a branch of their Zero Wing is reduced, the income of the Free hotel will also decrease a lot. When the time comes, can it support the existing Zero Wing? Just talk about it.

The Teleportation Gate of the Dark Great World is also a considerable part of the income, especially the Mana Crystal, which is already their main source of Zero Wing’s, and the same shall not be lost…

” I know, I will find a solution as soon as possible about this matter.” Melancholic Smile pressed his temple, nodded said, “If there is nothing else, let’s go away today.”

With Melancholic After Smile finished speaking, everyone present also dispersed. Only Mu Lingsha of War Spirit Uprise walked towards Melancholic Smile who had already walked out the door.

“Miss Melancholic, if you have any financial difficulties, you can say that we, War Spirit Uprise and Zero Wing, are also old allies. We can’t help Zero Wing in our hands, but it’s okay to allocate some funds. “Mu Lingsha looked at Melancholic Smile with a worried look and whispered.

“Thank you.” Melancholic Smile thanked him, “Actually, what is the problem with funding at present? The key lies in the major Super Organizations that are the idea of ​​Stone Forest City, as well as Star-Moon Kingdom and Black Dragon. The Empire’s problem, if the members of the main group are still there, those Super Organizations will converge somewhat, and will not form a tacit understanding with Star Ring. Each and everyone secretly Ambush our Zero Wing’s member and let Zero Wing be in Star-Moon Kingdom and Black The development of Dragon Empire is getting more and more difficult…”

The problem of funding is a trivial matter for Zero Wing. The serious shortage of the Tier 3 expert is the key. This time is also thanks to War Spirit Uprise Many Tier 3 experts have been dispatched to cooperate with Guard Stone Forest City all around the safety, otherwise the current Stone Forest City does not know what will happen.

“By the way, Lingsha Vice-Guild Master, is there still no news from the Phoenix Pavilion Lord of the Dragon Phoenix Pavilion?” Melancholic Smile suddenly remembered and asked.

Zero Wing and Feng Qianyu of Dragon Phoenix Pavilion also have a lot of cooperation. The two sides are absolute alliances. She and Feng Qianyu also have a lot of contacts due to business issues. They are good friends. After the Organization began to target Stone Forest City, she wanted to contact Feng Qianyu to solve some Black Dragon Empire issues, but she couldn’t contact them anyway. It seemed that the whole person disappeared from the face of the earth, and the Dragon Phoenix Pavilion did not. Whether you hear it, it’s as if this person doesn’t exist.

“We have sent a lot of people to investigate, and it’s strange to say that, let alone Feng Qianyu, those trusted men of Feng Qianyu, even the Great Pavilion Lord of Dragon Phoenix Pavilion and Nine Dragon Emperor and the others have no news. At present, the entire Guild relies on the support of the Elders. According to the information we have received, even the Elders don’t know what happened…” Mu Lingsha slowly said.

“Vanish?” Melancholic Smile was stunned.

A half-Super Guild’s core high-level executives will be all vanish overnight, and there is not even a bit of news. Who can believe this?

“But I heard that the Dragon Phoenix Pavilion was also invited to the Fairyland Myth’s Plastic Alliance meeting in Fire Dragon Empire. After the alliance meeting, I might receive some Dragon Phoenix. News from Pavilion Phoenix Pavilion Lord.” Mu Lingsha said.

“Are there any alliance talks?” Melancholic Smile’s expression became more haggard after hearing this word, “It seems that we are really difficult to handle this time…”

On the surface, the talks held by Illusory Mythology are to solve the problem of sacred sculptures. In fact, they are simply preparing to join the major Super Organizations to capture Stone Forest City.

If all major Super Organizations have discussed how to divide Stone Forest City in this alliance meeting, then the next step is to attack Stone Forest City.

The current Defense of Stone Forest City may be able to stop it, but the economy of the entire Stone Forest City will also be destroyed…

In fact, Melancholic Smile doesn’t feel a headache solely, it’s Mu Lingsha’s side is not very good either. This time the alliance will not exclusively target Zero Wing, but also deal with War Spirit Uprise. It can be said that the current situation is getting more and more critical, but they have nothing to do.

Because in this alliance meeting, more than fifteen Super Organizations gathered together, and there are even three Super-Guild, which is definitely the biggest meeting held in East Continent. These Super Organizations joined forces, and simply couldn’t believe what would happen.

Just when Melancholic Smile and Mu Lingsha felt helpless about this, Liang Jing, who was checking the information, suddenly showed a rare smile.

“no! It is not us, but them that will be difficult to do afterwards!”

“What happened?”

For the sudden change of Liang Jing It was strange for Melancholic Smile and Mu Lingsha, and they didn’t understand why Liang Jing laughed.

“He is back!”


“It will be…long! Guild Master… is back!”

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