In front of the magnificent stone statue in the City of Lightcasting, Shi Feng step by step keeps moving towards the stone statue.

Every step taken, the Vitality oppression caused by the stone statues is also stronger, but for Shi Feng, it seems to be completely Perception.

80 yards…

70 yards…

60 yards…

In just a moment, Aqua Rose saw Shi Feng came to Violet Cloud and stood fifty yards away from the stone statue. Although Shi Feng’s expression was a bit low at this time, he obviously felt a lot of pressure compared to before, but everyone understood that this was not Shi Feng’s. limit.

“Is he a monster? I just caught up with Violet Cloud!” Yi Luofei looked at Shi Feng who hadn’t stopped in the distance, his eyes were full of astonishment, “And this is not the limit. , How much has he improved during this period of time?”

For players who have not condensed Vitality, you may not know how big the gap is, but for those who have been concentrating on Vitality and fighting against the impact of Vitality, It is clear how difficult it is.

Although Shi Feng smashed the Vitality impact very difficult to deal with in the 85-yard range before, the Vitality impact emitted by the stone statue, the farther the distance, the more obvious the effect decreases, the distance of 85 yards Compared to the distance of fifty yards, it is more than one level behind, or the difference between a heaven and a earth.

Even Shi Feng, who she didn’t realize before, can reach a range of fifty yards against the impact of Vitality.

And Violet Cloud innate talent is obvious to all, it can be said to be challenging her nerves.

For Shi Feng’s previous Vitality condensing that Violet Cloud was not better than Violet Cloud, she is not surprised at all. After all, Violet Cloud is not only a very high innate talent, but also a Magic based Class, which is inherently better than Close Combat physics profession. Good at condensing Vitality, which can be seen from the exercise during this period of time, Magic based Class is much higher than the physical profession.

So it is normal that Shi Feng can’t compare to Violet Cloud.

But at this time, Shi Feng can surpass Violet Cloud, which is really surprising.

Be aware that Shi Feng not at all condensed Vitality within a hundred yards of the stone statue. It is definitely much more difficult than them to improve the Vitality condensate. This has been tried when they were resting.

But in this case, Shi Feng has surpassed Violet Cloud. This innate talent simply doesn’t know what to say…

It’s here at Yi Luofei stare blankly In a little while, Shi Feng also slowly came to a distance of thirty yards.

Faced with another wave of Vitality impact from the stone statue, Shi Feng’s footsteps also suddenly stopped, his face paled, and he took a step directly.

“It’s really hard to break through this distance. The formidable power of Vitality’s impact will increase a lot. When it reaches the range of 30 yards, the impact is several times that of the range of 50 yards. No wonder there are not many people in Former Life. You can step into the range within 30 yards.” Shi Feng felt the impact of Vitality just now, and a single confrontation consumed one-fifteenth of his Vitality. This is no longer within the range of consumption that he can bear. It is a pity. Tao.

The thirty-yard range is called the Taboo Domain in the former life!

It is rumored that anyone who reaches this domain will experience a qualitative change in Vitality’s refinement.

Although the player’s battle strength cannot be substantially improved, it can make the player reach an inhuman level in terms of magic power Perception, which can better allow the player to form their own in Tier 4 Magic Domain, even rumored to have a lot of help for players to promote to Tier 5 profession.

The failure of Shi Feng’s finally made Aqua Rose and the others sighed in relief.

Because if Shi Feng can get close to the stone statue, they really have to wonder if their innate talent is bad.

“Although the distance of thirty yards is not good, the distance of thirty-five yards is also very good. This way, I should be able to reach Tier 4 in Vitality without two days.”

Shi Feng looked at the Taboo Domain that was only one step away from him, and didn’t feel much lost, so he turned and sat back thirty-five yards away.

The move of God is incomplete after all, it can be said to be a semifinished product.

Originally, he thought that it would be great to reach a distance of fifty yards. After all, he can truly unify the muscles of strength, only 15%. There are still many places where Strength cannot be concentrated. Place.

He is very satisfied with what he has achieved now.

As for the taboo Domain of Spiritual God’s will, as long as he can perfect this move, it is not a problem to step into it in the future.

After that, Shi Feng began to absorb the Spiritual God will from the stone statue with ease, and began to continuously improve his Vitality.

However, when Shi Feng and the others continuously absorbed Spiritual God’s will in front of the stone statues and raised their Vitality ceiling, more and more players were resurrected and entered the City of Lightforged.

Many members of the Violet Sword and Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce who entered the city of Lightforged saw Shi Feng and the others sitting still in front of the stone statue. They were all puzzled, even the silent red star. Peak expert also doesn’t know much.

“Zero Wing’s people really don’t know what they’re thinking about. It’s this time that they are wasting time in front of the stone statue. Don’t they know that the tranquility outside has been completely broken, and now the entire God’s Domain is Has it changed drastically?” Silent Chixing looked at the information sent by Shi Feng and the others, his eyes full of surprise.

Now whether it is their Violet Sword or the members of the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce, they are trying their best to improve their battle strength, trying to improve themselves from the city of light forged.

However, it has been two days since entering the city of light forged. Shi Feng and the others have been sitting in front of the stone statue like this. They have no idea what they are doing. It’s just that when Vitality runs out, they will Eating and resting in the restaurant of the city of Lightcasting, and sitting in front of the stone statue all other time. It seems like coming to the city of Lightcasting to improve the team’s battle strength, simply is here to play.

“Maybe Zero Wing has its own ideas, after all, the level of Zero Wing’s Peak expert is not comparable to Common’s Super Organization.” The wildfire wars on the side said, “And through this time cooperation, I heard that The Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce has already planned to become an alliance with Zero Wing. After that, Zero Wing will have a much easier path.”

“Alliance? Now even if Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce becomes an alliance with them, there will be What’s the use, let alone the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce, even some Super-Guilds may be overwhelmed now, so how can there be time to help Zero Wing?” Silent Akastar said with disdain, “As for the current Peak expert, I am afraid it will be difficult The previous effects have been exerted on the battlefield. After all, the current era is really different. All Great Influences have researched many war weapons, and the effectiveness of Tier 3 player is getting lower and lower. Only by relying on a huge number OK.”

Now the NPC guards are not in Guard Guild towns, which means that the towns of Big Guilds will not have the greatest protection in the future, and players don’t have to worry about those NPC guards with super battle strength. , You can fight wantonly in the town of Guild, especially for those powerful experts and those forces that have developed but do not have much territory.

There will be only two words in the future.


Moreover, there is an unprecedented chaos, and even the major Super Organizations are not immune.

Even now, many forces have taken action. There are more than two hundred Guild towns that are only known to be transposed. There is nothing wrong with the major Super Organizations. It is entirely because of the huge size of the major Super Organizations. The number of Tier 3 experts and the number of Peak experts stabilized each Guild area, but Zero Wing is far worse in this respect…

“This is not what we have to worry about, please Lei Instructor just sent a message that those secretly concealed Super Organizations will have big moves recently, so Guild asked us to lead the trump card Legion to the two Guild cities closest to the 100-level map immediately after training, just in case.” Huang Huo Zhan said.

“I understand, as soon as the time here is over, I will lead the team to rush over.” Silent Akastar nodded.

However, while chatting on the side of Silent Red Star, Shi Feng, who was sitting still in front of the huge stone statue on the other side, suddenly opened his eyes, and a wave of invisible fluctuations emanated from his body, which faintly pressured the impact of Vitality. All weakened a lot.

“It’s done!”

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