“Advanced Bronze Rank Combat Technique?”

“How is this possible?”

Shi Feng looked at the System prompt bar in amazement.

The purpose of creating Combat Technique is just to better control one’s body, so that the effect of resisting the impact of Vitality will be stronger that’s all.

In his opinion, it is good to be able to create an Advanced Combat Technique. As for the Bronze Rank Combat Technique, he has never thought about it, but now he has created the Advanced Bronze Combat Technique surprisingly.

For Advanced Bronze Combat Technique this thing, he has never heard of it.

Because he knew that the Bronze Rank was above the silver level, and the middle was not at all excessive Combat Technique. At this time, he suddenly appeared to create the Advanced Bronze Rank Combat Technique, which really made him feel incredible.

And the most important point, the Combat Technique he created simply hasn’t been completed…

“The Combat Technique I created is far from being completed, it’s just pure After completing the skill that’s all of the muscles on the body, it can be said that the combo style can not be counted, at most it is a semifinished product, and I have never heard of the Advanced Bronze Rank Combat Technique in God’s Domain.”

“Is it because it is a semifinished product that System cannot give an accurate evaluation, but because the formidable power effect is between the Bronze Rank and the silver level, it gives the answer to Advanced Bronze Rank Combat Technique?”

Shi Feng thought about the punch that was involuntarily sitting cross-legged just now. The formidable power is indeed amazing. It can shake such a stable space in the City of Light.

Be aware that there is the blessing of Ancient Spiritual God in the city of light forged. The entire space is very stable. You can break the strength of the space from the outside world. Don’t even try to shake the space by half here. This is Tier 5 Peak powerhouse. Don’t even want to break the space in the City of Lightforge, you can imagine how stable the space of the City of Lightforge is.

But the punch he throws can make the space fluctuate. So the formidable power is indeed not comparable to Common’s Bronze Rank Combat Technique, at least his learned Bronze Rank secret technique Thunder Ray can’t do it.

“It seems that the Combat Technique, which uses the muscles of the whole body to apply force to one place, has considerable potential. At this time, it is obviously only a semifinished product. The muscles used throughout the body are at most about 15%. If you can use the remaining muscles Strength is all concentrated together, and the formidable power is probably comparable to the golden Combat Technique.” Shi Feng looked at the evaluation given by the System, and suddenly discovered a new idea to create a powerful Combat Technique.

Currently there are many Combat Techniques in God’s Domain, but the Combat Techniques above Bronze Rank are rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns, let alone the Combat Techniques above this, and these Combat Techniques The study is unusually Hard, even with inheritance flagstone.

If you can create silver-level and golden-level Combat Techniques, and you can learn from Guild core members at will, then the Guild expert level can definitely rise to a level.

And just as Shi Feng thought about it, System sounded the beep again.

System: Please name the Combat Technique by the player. If the player refuses to name it, the System will be named automatically after ten minutes.

“Name it?” Shi Feng thought for a while, “This Combat Technique is a Combat Technique created to exercise Vitality with Spiritual God’s will, so it’s called God change.”

As Shi Feng finished naming the new Combat Technique, his eyes soon moved to the stone statue in the distance.

At this time, Violet Cloud is already sitting sixty yards away from the stone statue, and others have improved a lot, such as Aqua Rose, Midsummer Allure, and Yi Luofei. The three have reached seventy-five yards. As for the distance, Fire Dance, Gentle Snow, Skywalk Overflow and other melee Classes are worse, but at a distance of 80 yards, it is much higher than his Guild Master.

And when Shi Feng didn’t look at it for a while, it was just as Violet Cloud got up and walked to a place fifty yards away from the stone statue. The speed of progress in Vitality’s condensing was so fast that it was simply inhuman…

“It seems that you have to try it. Although the Combat Technique created at present is only a semifinished product, the effect should be much stronger than before.” Shi Feng looked at the stone statue for fifty yards. Violet Cloud in the distance couldn’t help but walk towards the stone statue with a wry smile.

As the Leader of a Guild, he may not need to be the first in everything, but he must never go to the rear of the car, otherwise he will lose face.

As Shi Feng step by step stepped into the 100-yard range of the stone statue, everyone at Zero Wing sitting in front of the stone statue also noticed the arrival of Shi Feng’s, and everyone and everyone couldn’t help but turn their attention to Shi Feng’s body.

“Guild Master is finally ready to upgrade Vitality?” Aqua Rose looked at Shi Feng who walked in, full of curiosity.

Before, Shi Feng suddenly left a hundred yards of the stone statue and ran directly to a corner of the distance to sit quietly. This made her feel very surprised, and she didn’t understand what Shi Feng was going to do.

We must know that although they have obtained the permanent residency qualification in the city of lightforged, the Alchemy Magic Array on them can not keep them in the ancient Secret Realm for too long, so in the city of lightforged Every second is very precious.

But Shi Feng forcibly wasted ten hours of sitting in the distance.

“I really don’t know why Guild Master Snow has been sitting in the distance for so long, and even wasted nearly an hour of Vitality Health Potion before. If you want to condense Vitality, shouldn’t it be better to be in front of the stone statue? “Cola looked at Shi Feng as he walked into the impact range of Vitality, and his eyes were full of puzzlement.

They didn’t spend much time in the City of Lightforged. The next ten hours have passed, and the remaining time is less than two days, plus they have to rest every two hours. One hour to relieve my extremely tight Vitality, time can be said to be really tight.

If Shi Feng has been in front of the stone statue to improve the Vitality level like them at this time, I am afraid it is also in the range of seventy-eighty yards, and the Vitality improvement effect in this range is the number in the ninety yard range. Double, if they can go further, maybe their Vitality level can really rise to Tier 4 level in the remaining time.

When the people’s hearts were very curious and puzzled about Shi Feng’s behavior, Shi Feng also walked to a range of 85 yards from the stone statue and did not mean to sit down at all.

For a while, the Vitality impact of the stone statue struck once again, and it swept directly towards Shi Feng who was standing quietly.


In midair suddenly emitted a wave of Vitality shock and shattering.

“Broken! How is this possible?” Aqua Rose felt the wave of Vitality’s shock in the space being completely crushed, and couldn’t help turning his head to look towards Shi Feng, who was completely unaffected.

Although they both have two eyes closed tightly, they can clearly feel the impact of Vitality, especially when the impact of Vitality is like knocking down the Iron Wall and it breaks. Fluctuations, simply are like firelight in the dark, it’s hard not to pay attention.

“Guild Master, what did you do, that Vitality shock could be shattered?” Cola couldn’t help but ask.

Vitality this thing Nothingness is vague, it is difficult enough for them to actively resist. They want to crush Vitality and impact this kind of thing, but they have never thought about it.

At this time, it was not only Cola who felt extremely curious, but everyone present looked at Shi Feng with perplexity.

“What I didn’t do at all, I just fought against the Vitality shock. I didn’t expect that Vitality shock was broken by myself.” Shi Feng was also surprised at this.

Just now, he just wanted to try the effect of Shenchang.

So when Vitality hit the shock, he directly used the divine change to actively resist it.

But what he didn’t expect was that he just resisted it. The impact of Vitality on the opposite side broke by himself, and he didn’t feel it at all, it was like Cool Breeze brushing his face.

“Is it just a confrontation?” Aqua Rose looked at Shi Feng, whose face was full of plain expression, and couldn’t help being speechless.

This explanation is too brief.

What is confrontation?

After Shi Feng explained a bit, he then went to the stone statue in the distance.

Because Shi Feng was also full of curiosity at this time, and wanted to see how far he created this move can go.

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