Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce resident, Conference Hall.

Usually the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce Guild Elders are difficult to gather together. At this time, it is rare to gather in the Conference Hall on the top floor of the gold and jade in glorious splendour, and at this time each and everyone faces The look is very impatient.

“Xiang Long, what is it that you are so eager to call us over? Do you know that we are very busy now, and the major Super Organizations are frantically improving the progress of unlocking the magic power body, if we After falling behind, it will be very troublesome.” A delicate woman wearing a snow-white mage robe said very dissatisfied looking towards Pang Xiang Long.

“Yes, if there is no major event, you will have to pay for this loss.” The side is as strong as a bull, and the red-eyed middle-aged man with Mana Rune Blink is also nodded. For Pang Xiang Long, the No.1 Expert in the Pang Family, I am not a bit polite.

As for the question of dissatisfaction between the woman and the man, Pang Xiang Long was also surprisingly without any anger or anger.

Because these two people are not only the Elder of the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce, but also the monster of the second only to Sin Yan in terms of strength. They are called the Blue Three Monsters, and they are more powerful than Pang Xiang in battle strength. Long Youqiang is a representative figure headed by non-family members.

“Why didn’t Xiaoying come?” Pang Xiang Long glanced at the empty space beside them, neither fast nor slow asked.

“You know him, unless you encounter Guild battle or Guild life and death battle, otherwise his leveling madman doesn’t care about anything at all.” The red-eyed middle-aged man curl one’s as strong as a bull Lip, “Don’t talk about this, why on earth are you so eager to summon us Guild Elder?”

“Well, it’s enough for Elder who is present to be 80% of this matter.” Pang Xiang Long said This is just sighed. The strength of the three blue monsters is extremely powerful, second only to sin, but also free and undisciplined, even if he is the family representative who dominates the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce on the surface, he doesn’t listen.

“What happened to the madman Pang? You were asked to initiate an Elder mobilization order. Is it because Soundless Brilliance had something wrong with the Violet Sword?” Duan Han looked at Pang Xiang Long Not helped by said with a smile.

They already knew before that Shi Feng took Soundless Brilliance directly to the headquarters of Violet Sword to discuss the issue of Pang Family and Violet Sword.

But in his opinion, this matter is not easy to handle. After all, this is related to the face of the Zeus consortium. If the Pang Family takes the lead and disobeys, then the other forces under the Zeus consortium may not care about Zeus. There is a big consortium, so in this trivial matter, the big consortium of Zeus has been holding on.

With the power of Zero Wing in the Western Continent, the Violet Sword will probably simply not give this face, and it is impossible to directly attack Pang Family and Zero Wing if it makes trouble.

“I’m afraid I’m going to disappoint you with Old Demon, the soundless issue has been resolved.” Pang Xiang Long glanced at Duan Han Mountain, slightly smiled, “And this time I’m going to talk about things But it’s a big good thing that can even affect the future development of our Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce.”

“Can it affect our future development of the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce? Pang Wushang went to Violet before. Sword, is it that we and Violet Sword have any cooperation in which ancient Secret Realm?” The delicate white-robed woman couldn’t help asking.

If you really want to say that it can affect the future of the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce, it is only in the cultivation of experts.

According to the news they received, Violet Sword discovered an ancient training Secret Realm. If the younger generation can be trained in it, it will definitely get a huge improvement.

“You are half right.” Pang Xiang Long laughed said.

“Half, don’t we cooperate with the Violet Sword?” Duan Han Shan surprisedly said.

“Yes, I’m working with Zero Wing.” Pang Xiang Long nodded, “Zero Wing is willing to give us the 40 training places of the ancient Secret Realm, but we are required to provide Realm of Vacuum. Complete inheritance data.”

“That Black Flame is crazy, it’s a Guild’s root, trifling forty training places that’s all, only fools will cooperate, or are you crazy, crazy? “Duan Han Shan cannot help coldly said.

cracking a joke, the inheritance data of Realm of Vacuum was accumulated by their Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce. They didn’t know how many years they had collected it. Just because of the training of an ancient Secret Realm, they asked them to hand over this. simply dreaming.

You must know that with these data, even a Common force can become another Super Organization in just a few years or ten years. After all, the reason why Big Guilds cannot become Super Organizations is to cultivate experts. They are simply inferior to them. With these data, as long as you have money and enough time, you can easily become a Super Organization to add to yourself. Therefore, the major half-Super Guild and Super-Guild never sell any data.

Now God’s Domain has so many Super Organizations, it’s all because of the big consortiums, buying some from the east, buying some from the west, and improvised a Realm of Vacuum inheritance data that’s all, compared to their old brands Guild’s data doesn’t know how bad it is.

“If Xiang Long called us just for this matter, then I think your Pang Family representatives should also be replaced.” The red-eyed middle-aged man also said coldly.

At this time, it is not only a middle-aged man with red eyes, but the atmosphere in the entire Conference Hall has also dropped to freezing point. Each and everyone looked towards the Pang Xiang dragon, with a hint of chill in their eyes.

Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce does not belong to a certain family, but is led by Five Great Families. It is made by a large number of non-family Elders One Blade. If someone dares to sell the interests of Guild, That is absolutely not allowed.

“I know.” Pang Xiang Long was not surprised by the attitude of the people in the hall. Instead, he said with a smile, “But what I said next is the point.”

“What’s the point? Could it be that Zero Wing can train a bunch of monsters to come out?” The delicate woman in white robe said with disdain.

Everyone on the scene also agrees very much. The 40 training quotas of trifling that’s all can improve these younger generations to a certain extent. In the strong, it means that one or two domain monsters will be mastered. This is nothing to their Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce. After all, they still have some monsters in the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce, and they can be cultivated by themselves.

“Butterfly Bell, you are really right.” Pang Xiang Long looked towards the nodded white robe exquisite woman, “Zero Wing’s Black Flame said that it can help us cultivate three magic power in the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce The monster with 100% limit of physical breakthrough, even promised that the three people can unlock the magic power body in one day.”

“The magic power breakthrough 100% limit, that’s not Zero Wing is something that only a little girl can do?” Duan Han Mountain on the side was surprised.

The terrifying battle strength displayed by Violet Cloud, but no one who has watched the battle knows how powerful it is. Even Legendary Level characters like Sin Yan are not opponents at all, they are definitely inhumane.


From the Common player’s point of view, although the magic power body reaches 100%, it only takes time to achieve, but everyone who unlocks the magic power body knows that the closer they are to 100%, they feel that their magic power is working The more perfect, 100% should be the perfect state, basically can’t advance, like the breakthrough 100% limit of Violet Cloud, it is definitely the genius of extraordinary natural talent.

How could such an inhuman existence be cultivated casually?

“I heard Violet Cloud that girl say that she doesn’t seem to be able to do it alone, and there is something stronger than her in Zero Wing.” Sin Yan, who has not spoken at this time, suddenly Said, “Looking at her, there should be no lied, and there should be a magic power breakthrough 100% monster in Zero Wing.”

As Sin Yan spoke, the whole venue was completely plunged into A dead silence.

Is this Zero Wing still a human?

In the eyes of everyone, Zero Wing has Violet Cloud, so a monster is good enough, but such a monster should be in ten-thousand does not have one. They can accept it in many hearts, but now tell They, there is such a monster in Zero Wing, how dare they believe it?

But this sentence is what Sin Yan said, they just can’t believe it or not.

“Because of this matter, I invite you all over. I don’t know what you plan to do? Agree or disagree?” Pang Xiang Long glanced at the silent people present and couldn’t help but ask.

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