Pang Wushang’s sudden proposal made Aqua Rose and the others present slightly surprised. It didn’t expect that Pang Wushang would take the initiative to ask them to cooperate.

You must know that Pang Wushang’s heart is very high, even if their Zero Wing has shown good strength in the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce family comparison, but their attitude is only cold Transformed into Common that’s all, or as equal existence.

After all, the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce is not inferior to those Super-Guild Super Organizations, and may not be as good as Zero Wing and Violet Sword in terms of cultivating new talents, but Guild’s sphere of influence, resources, and number of talents But Zero Wing couldn’t keep up with it.

The Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce family is more than just the younger generation of Five Great Families comparing that’s all, while in Guild’s member, non-Families of Five Great Families occupy the vast majority, among which genius newcomers There are far more people than Five Great Families, and even some talented newcomers are better than Pretty Little Yuan, but they are not allowed to participate in that’s all in the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce.

“Since the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce is willing to cooperate and sell some places to nothing, I just don’t know how many places Pang Elder plans to want?” Shi Feng was not surprised either, because Aqua Rose and The others don’t know how much the major Super Organizations are focusing on the cultivation of younger generation.

Youngster is the future!

Veteran Guild such as the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce can have today’s achievements. This is a large part of the reason. This is why First-Rate Guild has stopped at First-Rate Guild’s, unless There are some heaven-shaking talents in these First-Rate Guilds, or else they can only stop at First-Rate forever, and cannot be as long as the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce.

Since he made it clear that the player could be further improved in the trial, even if Pang Wushang was arrogant, he didn’t look down on Zero Wing before, so he would always want to instinctively. Cooperation.

This is why he told Aqua Rose unscrupulously about that, otherwise he wouldn’t tell Pang Wushang about such things directly on the spot.

Because the cooperation between Zero Wing and Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce is very necessary. Zero Wing is not at all in the Western Continent except for the Star Fortress. It wants to truly let Zero Wing enter the Western Continent. , It also needs the cooperation of the local Super Organization.

Although the Shenyi Tribe is also a very good collaborator, the Shenyi Tribe is far less than the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce in terms of commerce, especially in the communication between the two continents, the Shenyi Tribe cannot help at all. If you’re busy, plus there is Soundless Brilliance between Zero Wing and Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce, the cooperation with Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce will be more stable and safer.

“It’s better to have thirty-forty. If not, Guild Master Black Flame is willing to give up ten places.” Pang Wushang thought for a while and looked at Shi Feng and said nervously.

Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce has a big business. In addition to the talented newcomers in the family, there are other newcomers who are not in the family that need to be cultivated. If there are enough places, of course, I hope that these newcomers can be promoted. Of course, if it is not enough, they can only give priority to Five Great Families.

“Forty?” Shi Feng pondered for a moment. “It’s not impossible, but the three conditions I said must be met.”

“Can it? “Pang Wushang couldn’t help but two eyes light up, and couldn’t help but said, “If that’s the case, Guild Master Black Flame, don’t talk about three conditions, even four or five conditions are fine.”

Forty places are not only enough for the Five Great Families, but also for the talented newcomers who are not in the family. When the time comes, those neutral Elders and Elders will also stand on their Pang Family side.

“The first condition is that I need to ask the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce to help. After three days, I want some people from Zero Wing East Continent to come over. The number is about 100-Man.” Shi Feng looked at Pang Wushang and said.

“This is no problem. Three days are enough. When the time comes, you only need to let them go to the Ten Saint Empire collection.” Pang Wushang said nodded, not saying anything further.

It’s difficult for other Super Organizations to travel between two continents, but it’s not difficult for their Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce. Let alone shipping one 100-Man, it’s two 100-Man. Man didn’t have any problems, unless it was just spending some Mana Crystal that’s all.

“The second condition is that we, Zero Wing, want to have a medium shipyard and a golden plot of land in the city of ocean tides in the Silver Moon Empire.” Shi Feng immediately stated the second condition.

In the future, the trade between the two continents will mainly rely on sea transportation, and the city of sea tide is the largest port city in the Ranked 1st place in the Silver Moon Empire. As long as it has a foundation in this city, Zero Wing can easily travel in the future. Do business on two continents.

“There is no problem, and I will inform the big brother later, you just need to go directly to where to complete the handover procedures.” Pang Wushang is not surprised.

Zero Wing has no heels in the Western Continent. The best way to obtain the resources of the Western Continent is to settle in a port city, so that the two continents will have frequent exchanges in the future, and Zero Wing will also occupy a large area. After all, what Teleportation Array can transport is too limited.

Primary Stage things are rare and expensive, and each and everyone can sell at high prices, but as more and more forces can rise to the two continents, the price will drop significantly, and then The amount of walking is too much, so it is a must in the port city.

“The third condition is also the most important. I need the complete Realm of Vacuum inheritance data from the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce.” Shi Feng looked at Pang Wushang and said very seriously.

Zero Wing is not at all a complete inheritance, because of this it is far inferior to those Super Organizations in terms of cultivating Guild newcomers. If there is a complete inheritance that goes directly to Realm of Vacuum, then Zero Wing Guild level can really rise one step and become a real Super Organization.

“This…condition…” Pang Wushang suddenly hesitated, “The complete inheritance of Realm of Vacuum is the core secret of each Big Guild, and it is also accumulated by each Big Guild for more than ten or even decades. I’m afraid I can’t make the decision when it comes out.”

Forty places are precious, but it’s just an opportunity for promotion that’s all. You can directly exchange the core data that Guild depends on for survival, let alone him. Those Common Elders in Guild probably won’t agree.

“I know this condition is a bit high, but I am afraid that this kind of opportunity is only this time. If you miss it, you will really miss it in the future. After all, this is the lost inheritance of the ancients, and it must be related to the promotion of Tier 4. Secret.” Shi Feng was not in a hurry, said slowly, “If this doesn’t work, I can make an agreement with you.”

“What agreement?” Pang Wushang said strangely.

The complete inheritance of Realm of Vacuum is the core of the core of each Big Guild. If it is given to other Guilds, it is equivalent to weaken the foundation of itself. This kind of thing is not an agreement but a solution. of.

“I can help you in the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce train three experts who can break through 100% limit of magic power. Of course, these three people must have great potential. Common expert is impossible. Don’t know how?” Shi Feng said with a smile.

“You mean like Violet Cloud, the one that can fight higher?”

Pang Wushang was shocked when Shi Feng said this. For a moment, I felt that Is his Zero Wing really the Zero Wing he knows?

Or is the Shi Feng in front of him bragging?

The strength of Violet Cloud can be said to be unforgettable for anyone who has watched that game.

Too strong!

This level of skill is completely irrelevant. It is just pure Strength. This is because if the attribute is the same, if the attribute is stronger, simply cannot imagine how much destructive power there will be.

And that kind of monster, Zero Wing can actually cultivate…

“Yes.” Shi Feng nodded with a smile, “To prove that what I said is true, I even It’s possible for their three people to unlock the magic power body within one day. I wonder if Pang Elder would like to make this agreement with me?”

“Wait a minute, what you said is really amazing. I need to discuss with the Elders right now,” Pang Wushang couldn’t help but said.

He could not take it seriously before, but definitely not now.

If there are really three such monsters in Guild, the future of the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce will really not worry.

“There is no problem.” Shi Feng is not anxious about this, “You may discuss it, but I hope to give an answer within two days.”

“Guild Master Black Flame, please wait a moment, I will tell the third brother of this matter now, so that they can make a decision as soon as possible.” Pang Wushang nodded, immediately reported the matter.

At the premises of the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce, Pang Xiang Long who received the news was also surprised.

“What did you say? Zero Wing can help us cultivate three monsters like Violet Cloud? How is this possible?”

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