Torre and the others in the reception room looked at Shi Feng and couldn’t say a word for a long time.


Shi Feng is so cruel!

In order to actually enter the ancient Secret Realm, they are even willing to use a Fruit of Life to promote the Personal Guard to the Adamantite Rank guard. This kind of great generosity, even if they ask themselves, can’t do it.

Of course, I have to say that Shi Feng’s is very lucky, and his Personal Guard can become a Tier 4 giant.

With the strength of Tier 4 giants, the Defensive Magic Array, which wants to break through the Basic Grade city, has no problems at all. It can even break into the city and make a big noise, allowing Shi Feng and the others to enter easily. In the ancient Secret Realm, they couldn’t stop it.

After all, it has a great effect on both the player and the Tier 4 Legendary monster. There is no way to get Shi Feng and the others in a short time by relying on their two Big Guild cards. , Only through the number of Tier 4 Legendary Summoned Beast, Van Side was consumed alive, but it took too much time, Shi Feng was impossible to keep Van Side in the fight.

“Torre Instructor, this Black Flame is simply dreaming!” Wildfire looked towards Torres whispered in the team chat, “Just let him go, even if they enter the ancient Secret Realm, They can only enter that’s all a few times. I don’t believe they can enter that’s all for a lifetime. Moreover, when the time comes, we have to bear part of the lost places. Our losses will also be reduced a lot. We will wait for more and more Big Guilds in the future. The expert promoted to Tier 4, the Black Flame’s Personal Guard is useless, and the two hundred places in the ancient Secret Realm will still be ours.”

The ancient Secret Realm is independent of God’s Domain Going to Ancient City City, even if the boss of the trial has become a citizen of the city, you still need to stay in the ancient Secret Realm for a long time to take advantage of the effects and benefits of the ancient Secret Realm. Secret Realm.

On the contrary, the advantage of the ancient Secret Realm is to become an official citizen inside after the land clearing.

Zero Wing can indeed enter the ancient Secret Realm by means, but the time that a player in the ancient Secret Realm can live is limited, that is, the time that the special item can maintain.

One week!

There are only seven days. If the time is up, if you don’t come out of it, you will starve to death. The Cooldown Period of that special item has ten days. Players in the middle are impossible to use in it.

Also in other words Shi Feng and the others need to enter the ancient Secret Realm many times, or else you can’t really get the benefits inside, and now the major Super Organizations are unlocking magic power. At the same time, while frantically preparing for the Tier 4 profession, Zero Wing has little time left to enter and exit the ancient Secret Realm.

The silent red star on the side is also nodded.

One hundred places are too much. Shi Feng is simply lion’s big mouth. Both of them simply have the possibility of cooperation, because Zero Wing can’t bring them much benefit.

However, in the face of the proposal to fight wildfires, Torre not at all gave any answer, but two eyes closed slightly in thought.

“Guild Master Black Flame, this time our cooperation is not impossible.” Torre couldn’t help but eyes opened looked towards Shi Feng slowly said.

“Torre Instructor?” Wildfire and Silent Chixing were shocked.

This kind of condition is not necessary for their Violet Sword. If they really agree, when the time comes Guild Elder and Guild Master, they will not agree to this ridiculous cooperation.

“What do you have?” Shi Feng was not in a hurry, and asked Xiang Torre flatly.

His proposal is indeed lion’s big mouth, but in order for Zero Wing’s member to be promoted to Tier 4, he has to do so. Otherwise, with the existing resources, except for some people who are sure to be promoted to Tier 4, others It’s really hanging.

If when the time comes Zero Wing can’t have enough Tier 4 expert oversee, I’m afraid it’s really difficult to keep the existing resources. After all, all major Super Organizations are staring at Zero Wing, just because there are The Knight regiment and the city Defense are protected, which makes those Super Organizations helpless.

But if you enter the era of Tier 4 profession, it becomes possible to break through the land, even commonplace.

When God’s Domain entered the Tier 4 era, at the craziest time in the history of God’s Domain, all Great Influences fought frantically, so I don’t know how many Guild cities were destroyed. There are many Super Organizations. It was therefore completely delisted.

This is why he is eager to be promoted to the Tier 4 profession.

When the time comes, the true strength of Super Organization will be fully revealed. It is not the abundant resources and funds, but the crushing of strength and the number of Tier 4 experts, which is what Zero Wing lacks most.

Although it is possible to forcibly enter the ancient Secret Realm by virtue of the current Van Side, it is not a long-term solution after all. It is best to cooperate directly. If it is really impossible to cooperate, then that is his last choice. After all, the resources in God’s Domain belong to the capable ones, not whoever owns them.

“I only need Guild Master Black Flame to do one thing for us.” Torre said softly, “As long as this is done, we can fully agree to your conditions.”

“What’s the matter?” Shi Feng couldn’t help but wonder, didn’t expect Torrey to be so happy.

“It’s very easy to pass the Hero Level test of the ancient Secret Realm!” Torre said slowly, “As long as you can pass the Hero Level test, we agree to all the conditions you mentioned. If you can’t, then Please go back, when the time comes, whether you can enter the ancient Secret Realm or not depends on your abilities.”

“Hero Level Trial?” Shi Feng was slightly surprised when he heard it.

In his memory, the trial of the ancient Secret Realm should have only two difficulties, not at all or Hero.

“Hero Level Trial? Torre Instructor, this is too risky! We only have one chance. As long as we fail, there will be no chance to challenge again. How can people like Zero Wing succeed? “The wildfire war is also anxious.

There are two trials on the surface of the ancient Secret Realm, Common and Elite.

But on top of this, there is another benefit that opens the ancient Secret Realm, that is, the Hero Level trial!

Generally, as long as you can pass the Common trial, you can become an official citizen in the ancient city and enjoy the various benefits of the ancient city.

According to the information they collected, as long as they can pass the Hero Level test, they can get the noble treatment in Ancient City. The noble treatment in Ancient City is much higher than that of Common citizens, although Common Citizens also began to slowly promote to nobles, but the time and cost were too long and too much, and it was far from direct challenge to Hero Level trials.

But there is only one chance to challenge the Hero Level trial. As long as you fail, there will be no chance. You can only do it step by step from Common citizens.

Originally, they planned to postpone the Hero Level trial deadline, that is, there are almost 30 days left to challenge, so that they can have the greatest chance of success.

Suddenly so much ahead of schedule now, let Zero Wing those who are empty to unlock the magic power body, but the combat level is not Common, it is simply a waste of challenge.

“Of course the challenge of this Hero Level trial is chance. If Guild Master Black Flame you fail, I hope you don’t use the ancient Secret Realm idea within ten days. I don’t know Guild Master Black Flame. Are you willing to challenge?” Torre looked at Shi Feng and asked slowly.

As Torre finished speaking, the anxious wildfire fighting and the silent red star on the scene also shine.

In exchange for the chance of the Hero Level trial for ten days of relaxation time, although it is a bit extravagant, ten days is enough time for their Violet Sword to fully challenge the Common trial, and then become a formal citizen. After getting the biggest benefit of land clearing, even if Shi Feng and the others enter, the impact on their Violet Sword will be much smaller, and even Zero Wing’s qualifications to enter may be completely lost.

Of course, this has a prerequisite, that is, Shi Feng dares to agree.

“Guild Master Black Flame, don’t you know if you dare to challenge? Our Violet Sword spent many resources in order to occupy the ancient Secret Realm. You can’t just take out half of the quota just because of your empty mouth. How much do you have to prove that you Zero Wing have this qualification.” The silent red star looked at Shi Feng lightly and said with a smile.

“Yes! I can agree to your terms.” Shi Feng thought for a while and said, “But I also have a condition. If you can agree, we will sign the contract directly, otherwise we can only ask According to Torre Instructor, it depends on the ability.”

“What conditions?” said curiously.

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