
Since the silent red star and the wild fire fight wildly, looking at the Van Said who handed Fruit of Life not saying anything further to the Personal Guard, the corners of the eyebrows jumped.


Simply too wasteful!

Fruit of Life is so precious Rare, its value can be said to be far higher than that of an Adamantite Rank Tier 4 guard, because Fruit of Life can permanently increase the player’s Life Level, and it can also be used Which Adamantite Rank or even Dark Gold Level guards take these guards a step further and make it more likely to hit the Tier 5 profession.

And even if a Tier 4 guard with only Mithril Rank has the potential to rise to Tier 4 Adamantite Rank, it will only increase its battle strength in a short time, because the player can start to attack the Tier 4 profession after reaching Level 120. When the time comes Tier 4 profession, the Personal Guard function becomes very small, at most it can be regarded as a Peak battle strength that’s all.

But if players can impact the Tier 5 profession in the future, or let Personal Guard become a Tier 5 profession, then the value is very great, because Tier 5 profession is destined to not have much. It can be seen solely from the promotion of Tier 3 profession that when the time comes, a Personal Guard of Tier 5 profession can shock one party, and siege is as simple as searching for something.

Where is the Tier 4 profession NPC, at most it is nothing more than the Defensive Magic Array that’s all that blasted the city of Guild. As for the capture of Guild city, there is no such thing.

However, when Silent Akastar and Wildfire Fight were distressed for Shi Feng’s wasting, it was as if Van Said who had eaten Fruit of Life was suddenly covered with a layer of raw Qi of visible by naked eye. The Life package originally looked very old, even if the temperament and power were terrifying, the life force itself could not be concealed.

But at this time, Van Said actually used the speed visible by naked eye to restore. Not only did his life force become more and more vigorous, but also his appearance began to become younger and younger. It was just a short time later. In five seconds, it was only as if Verside had become a man who seemed to be in his fifties.

As Vailside became younger, the magic power of the entire reception room also skyrocketed like crazy, becoming more and more dense, not to mention, even the all around space faintly followed The outside world has become two worlds, and everything in the reception room seems to be dominated by Van Side.

“This is a thought! How can it be!” Silent Chixing looked at Van Side, his face was full of disbelief.

At this time, it is not only the silent red star, but also the old Instructor of Torre on the side. It is also unbelievably looked towards Verside, the dying Personal Guard.

In God’s Domain, NPCs can almost master the domain as long as they reach the Tier 4 profession. This is why Tier 4 NPCs are so powerful, because this domain is not a magic skill, but a natural formation , You can easily suppress enemies in the domain, not to mention, but also improve your own battle strength.

So a Tier 4 NPC at the same level can fight a group of Tier 3 NPCs. If the player does not have the power of Tier 4, they will come and go to death. This is why Tier 4 NPCs can become a main city. The main reason why Tier 3 NPC is not good is that it is useless if the level is not reached.

Because NPCs are different from monsters, the monsters of Tier 4 are only powerful in their bodies and attributes. These can rely on a lot of foreign object skills and crowds to fight against. Players of the Tier 2 profession may even defeat , But the NPC is an overwhelming crush on the player in terms of magic power. It can target each player and each enemy. Without the strength that breaks the shackles and suppression of magic power, it is impossible to fight at all.

And now, the level of Vailside is no longer a domain by itself, but a realm by a thought.

This is the dominating Magic Element that overrides the mastering of Magic Element. With its own will, Magic Element can form unique laws and no longer operate according to basic rules, just like a new world.

As for NPCs that can reach this level, generally only Tier 5 profession NPCs can do it.

At this time, let alone the Silent Akastar and Torre and the others felt unbelievable, even Shi Feng on the side was taken aback.

He really didn’t expect that Van Said would be so good. Fruit of Life can increase the potential of NPCs, but it can’t improve the level of NPCs unless they can do it before.

And any NPC that can reach the realm of a thought is a real giant that is only one step away from entering the Tier 5 profession. It is not comparable to the Common Tier 4 NPC, which is like Tier 3 profession unlocking The body of magic power is the same as the body without unlocking magic power, the difference between the two is half an order.

This made Shi Feng couldn’t help but check the data of Van Side.

Valside, Ye Feng Personal Guard, male gender, age 76, loyalty 93, growth potential 90, Level Level 120, Level Tier 4 Archmage.

“Crap! Almost the potential belongs to the Dark Gold Level?” Shi Feng looked at the potential of Van Said, and suddenly felt a little surprised.

The previous Verside is definitely not only the potential of Mithril Rank, but also the Adamantite Rank at least, and it is also a giant one step away from Tier 5 profession, because of the potential that Fruit of Life can increase There are so many impossible.

16 points!

Even Fruit of Life, which is known as the Holy Fruit, is absolutely impossible unless it has not been completely restored before.

Although he doesn’t know why Van Said turned into that way, but now he only has ecstasy and excitement. This kind of ecstasy and excitement can’t be compared even if you get a Lesser Legendary Item of.

The Tier 4 NPC is already powerful enough, and now Vailside is even more of a Tier 4 giant, so he has too much to do, and even set foot on him. Many places that you can’t go to in the former life.

Although the player in God’s Domain has reached the Tier 3 profession, after unlocking the magic power body, it is called God’s Domain Free. To put it bluntly, there is no place to go, but you can go back and go. Whether it can survive is two different things.

After all, in the vast God’s Domain, maps of more than 100 levels occupy the vast majority. Human Kingdom and Empire only occupy a small part of God’s Domain that is more suitable for life than Human, and there are many dangers. The place is not something Human race can set foot on.

What Tier 3 profession can do is to do activities that’s all in a relatively safe place. Going to those dangerous places is just courting death that’s all, even if one accidentally deletes the account and retrains.

But if there is a Tier 4 giant on the sidelines, then he can go to see the real dangerous places.

After all, the promotion of Tier 4 profession and many ancient heritages are in those places, and the experts of Tier 4 and above from the major Super Organizations of the former life are mainly active in those places, and they rarely return to those relative Safe area, because only there they can go further.

Thinking of this, Shi Feng also slightly suppressed his excitement, his eyes turned to the silent red star and the others who had not yet come back to his senses.

“Three, don’t know if Zero Wing can have the capital to cooperate with Guild?” Shi Feng looked towards Torrey and asked softly.

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