In Transcendent Tower, as Shi Feng chose to unlock the third floor, the inventory of Mana Crystal lost 1 million in an instant, and it was directly turned into a torrent of magic power poured into the walls of Transcendent Tower.

The magic power of terrifying is like the tide is constantly pouring in, and the divine mark engraved on the wall of Transcendent Tower gradually lights up and becomes complete.

As the divine mark continues to complete, the outside world of Transcendent Tower has also undergone tremendous changes.

I saw that with the Transcendent Tower as the center, the Magic Element all around Berserk was also well-behaved. The rich magic power flocked to the Transcendent Tower. At the same time, the Transcendent Tower also spread out with fluctuations. Everyone here feels an ancient and sacred breath, which makes people feel refreshed.

“This breath is so powerful! My hunger is actually vanish!”

“It’s not just hunger, but I also feel a lot of empty mind, Stamina and mental power are both In the constant restoration, I feel that there is nothing wrong with playing with these monsters all day.”

The appearance of fluctuations made the Zero Wing Members who were fighting were very happy.

Originally, their battle with monsters was at an absolute disadvantage. Even if they were killed, it was only a matter of time. After all, the erosion of different energy was really too strong, and it could not last long, but now it is completely It has changed. Although the Magic Element of all around is still very thin, the clear mind and the vanish of different energy allow them to entangle with monsters for a longer time.

And these monsters have a magic power life state, this state Duration is six hours, as long as they can support six hours, even if they can not kill the monster, the monster will automatically vanish, plus Shi Feng said that these monsters will only appear once a day, as long as they last for six hours, they can rest assured in the lost Small Town.

Of course, six hours may not be enough for people who want to improve, especially those who are not low in themselves.

Six hours have made these people more cherish, because the appearance of this monster is only a curse after all. The stronger the person, the weaker the effect, and in other words the stronger the strength Players have a lower chance of appearing monsters. Even for players whose magic power body has been unlocked, the chance of appearing monsters is close to zero.

Among them, those who are stuck on the edge are the most embarrassed. They are only one step away from the improvement. They urgently need opponents to promote the improvement, but the chance of monsters appearing is very low…

Just when everyone was pleasantly surprised by the changes in the Lost Small Town, the fluctuations emitted by Transcendent Tower spread the entire Lost Small Town, forming a layer of translucent Magic Barrier in the Lost Small Town, as if giving the outside and the inside completely Isolated from the general, the lost Small Town’s wandering Berserk Ice Element completely calmed down, leaving the entire Small Town in a very stable and thin state of magic power, and everyone’s mind was still empty and clear.

“What the hell did the Guild Master do?” Aqua Rose felt the changes in the lost Small Town, and her heart was full of shock.

Because of this environment, she has seen it, it is the inner world in the gate of inheritance!

I just lost the magic power in Small Town. Compared with the world of the gate of inheritance, the world is much richer, and the active state of the mind is also much worse. The combination of the two loses the training environment in Small Town. Compared with the gate of inheritance, it is more than two or three.

But even so, it’s amazing!

Be aware that the number of places to enter the gate of inheritance is very limited, but the lost Small Town can enter people casually. Maybe the effect is much worse, but for players of the Tier 3 profession, it is already considered as unlocking magic power. The ideal place for the body.

Because of the formation of Magic Barrier, the Defense Power of Lost Small Town has also greatly increased, and it will be easier to fight against the beast tide in the future. After all, a town has Magic Barrier Guard and no Magic Barrier Guard. But there are two levels.

Just when Aqua Rose and other members who had entered the gate of inheritance were extremely surprised, Shi Feng in the Transcendent Tower was also truly unbelievable.

“Is this the effect of unlocking Transcendent Tower third floor?” Shi Feng looked at the hall of Transcendent Tower as the ancient aura descended from the ancient world. He didn’t know what to say.

Generally, the complete Magic Element can only appear in the ancient fortress. At this time, it has been fully reproduced inside the Transcendent Tower, and the degree of completion is higher than that of the Xinghui Fortress…

Training here, let alone let the players of the Tier 3 profession unlock the body of magic power, it is probably not a dream to be 100% of the body of breakthrough magic power.

Before he was worried about the 100% limitation of breakthrough. Now, with the environment here, he has more confidence in the possibility of breakthrough.

And he feels 10% more certainty, and it will definitely improve even more by replacing someone else’s magic power body.

If you change to those Tier 3 players who have not unlocked the magic power body, the effect of unlocking the magic power body is definitely twice the results for half the effort, which is stronger than the effect on Battle Demon. There are more than one thing. After all, there are completely two worlds under the complete Magic Element and the incomplete Magic Element. The operating rules of the Magic Element can be more easily recognized and controlled.

Of course, there is a limit on the number of such beautiful things.

Because these complete Magic Elements only exist on the training ground of Transcendent Tower, and the 1st floor training ground can only accommodate up to one 100-Man, the 2nd floor can accommodate fifty people, and the third floor only has a poor ten. People, a total of one hundred and sixty people.

Among them, the 1st floor training ground is okay, but above the 2nd floor, the player does not have enough strength and can’t go, so the overall number of players who can experience this environment is far less than one hundred and sixty… …

However, Shi Feng didn’t think too much, and directly let all the main group members of Zero Wing enter the Transcendent Tower to start crazy training without leveling or attacking the den of demon wolf.

Because it is more important to unlock the magic power body earlier than to go to the demon wolf’s lair or to level up. Especially the Zero Wing main group members have all drank the inheritance Potion, in magic A lot of the power body has been unlocked. The original normal breakthrough probably only took more than ten days. Now that he has this environment, he will naturally not miss that time.

After all, whether it’s good to level up, it takes a long time to get the medium Transmission Passage from the demon wolf lair. It’s better to improve the team’s strength first, and it will be easier to do it later.

When everyone was crazy to unlock the magic power body, Shi Feng also stepped into the 2nd floor of Transcendent Tower and began to climb to the third floor of Transcendent Tower.

Because I have reached the limit before, I feel that I can’t improve. Even if I created Sword Light Samsara, I can’t reach the top city on the 2nd floor. So after the Thirtieth Layer was repelled, there was no more Go on.

However, he has now unlocked the body of magic power, and has a new understanding of magic power. He has also learned the magic power tactics. You can try it out and take a look at the next realm of Realm of Truth. What is it? Anyway, let him have an aspect, after all, he has a lot of things to do next.

Whether it is the trial of promotion to Tier 4 profession or Saint Dragon, it is not something that can be passed casually, and as long as it fails, the consequences do not depend on assumptions. Among them, the most important test is to test the player. His own strength, and if Realm of Truth can go further, it will undoubtedly be of great help to him, which is why he wants to open the Transcendent Tower third floor.

Immediately after Shi Feng calmed down, he stepped into the Level 1 ladder on the 2nd floor. After a while, two Swordsman wearing silver armor appeared on the ladder and directly killed Shi Feng.

When Shi Feng headed to the Transcendent Tower third floor, a group of expert teams with Level 110 arrived at the gate of Stone Forest City in the Cold Spring Forest. It was an unusual commotion before.

“Is this the Zero Wing’s Stone Forest City?” A middle-aged elegant man in the team looked at the magnificent Stone Forest City, slightly surprised, “Sure enough, out of the ordinary, such a rich magic Power and natural geographical advantages, if you want to come to Soundless, the improvement here should be no small.”

“Hermit Elder, don’t forget the above instructions, we are not here to play.” The middle-aged black robe on the side bald man show white eyes Hermit indifferently said, “No matter how good Soundless’s leveling up here is, she must return with us. This is no longer the time for her to continue her willfulness, or you know what the outcome will be. !”

“I understand, so didn’t I follow it too.” Hermit was angry at this not at all, but took a deep breath and took the team directly into Stone Forest City.

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