In the empty and cold Small Town, as the resident teleportation point fell one after another white glow, the entire resident square became crowded in an instant.

“Where is this place? Why do I feel like my whole body is being corroded by different energy all the time?”

“Not only is being corroded by different energy, my five senses seem to be We are weakened a lot, and there is also a sense of hunger. Didn’t the above say that we are going to bring us to a sacred land for leveling up? What is going on?”

“My friends envied me before I chose to join this Guild special training, but how do I feel that it is better to stay in Stone Forest City?”

After Zero Wing’s potential newcomers and potential core members each and everyone came to Lost Small Town, each and everyone discussed spiritedly and full of curiosity.

Especially the potential newcomer who just joined Zero Wing soon. He didn’t know anything about Lost Small Town. In addition to the bad environment, let alone the improvement of training, now sole can grow in Lost Small Town. Time survival is a big problem.

Don’t talk about Shi Feng Zero Wing’s potential member at this time, even the Aqua Rose who came with me is worried.

Because of this, she imagined it was completely different.

At this time, let alone their Tier 3 profession members wanting to take Guild potential members to level up quickly, it is difficult for them to become Tier 3 professions themselves to survive here, let alone training and upgrading. Resist the animal tide.

Because in such a hostile environment, let alone an increase in the level, it would be nice if the level alone does not fall back.

I didn’t feel much in the peripheral area of ​​the Demon Wolf Mountain vein before, but the five senses were suddenly severely weakened, the body was heavy and dull, and the feeling of hunger eroding the brain was really uncomfortable.

The most important point is the magic power here. Simply is the real ice Hell. Berserk’s ice elements are everywhere. Other than the ice elements are simply pitiful. To control the magic power here is almost impossible.

If you can’t control magic power, how can you improve it?

“Guild Master, don’t you really intend to let these Tier 2 members stay here for training and improvement?” Cyan Frost felt that the environment here was also worried and looked towards Shi Feng.

He knows that this is the inner area of ​​Demon Wolf Mountain vein. The lowest level of all around monsters is above Level 120. This is a good place to level up for their level and level, but For those who have just joined Zero Wing’s newcomers and Tier 2 members, that is a waste of time.

Be aware that these people are all Zero Wing’s future, and spending a lot of time in this place is Zero Wing’s loss.

“Stay here for training?” Shi Feng shook the head said, “Of course such a beautiful thing is impossible.”

“???” Cyan Frost looked blank.

He has no idea what is beautiful here?

Shi Feng didn’t explain this either, but just made a handover with the NPC who transferred to the Lost Small Town. After the handover, the NPC stationed in the Lost Small Town also each and everyone vanish left and let the original The lonely Small Town became more empty.

Immediately after everyone’s ears, the System prompt sounded.

The Lost Small Town area System Announcement: The area where the town is located is cursed mysteriously. Endless wraiths will absorb the magic power of the player to form a monster. Please the player’s Heart Demon to attack.

Before the end of the System prompt, everyone in Zero Wing hadn’t reacted yet. It’s just that some members of Zero Wing’s suddenly formed a translucent Humanoid ghost around them, and these Humanoid ghosts actually It looks exactly the same as the player, even the Level is the same, and directly pounces on the player.

This scene stunned everyone present and didn’t understand what was going on.

But all the experts on the scene are Zero Wing Guild experts. Even if the Level hasn’t risen yet, the combat level is absolutely guaranteed. The lowest fifth floor level of the Tower of Trial, facing the sudden attack of Humanoid Ghosts, each and everyone resisted them for the first time, and even the Zero Wing Members on the side shot these Humanoid ghosts.

But the following scene directly made everyone stupid.

Because the attacks of these Humanoid ghosts are simply the same as the original players, and even the combat level is the same, and facing the attacks of other players, it is completely non-existent.

“Well, our formal training can begin! Everyone is careful about the monsters that appear. These monsters can fight against other people except the copied player. If they are killed by these monsters Not only did the Level lose Level 1, but it also couldn’t be online within a day, so be careful.” Shi Feng looked at the Zero Wing Member who was fighting against the ghost monster and couldn’t help but slowly said.

The entire Demon Wolf Mountain vein is not an ordinary place, because the inner area of ​​the Demon Wolf Mountain vein is a life forbidden area, which is a place where living creatures cannot survive.

And in God’s Domain’s major life forbidden areas, there are different reasons that make it impossible for living creatures to survive. Among them, the reason for the inner region of Demon Wolf Mountain is curse.

Although I don’t know what the curse is or who put it, as long as the Guild town is located here, there will be endless spiritual monsters appearing, constantly attacking and harassing the player, letting the player It is impossible to rest and live in the town for a long time.

This is also the reason why the towns and cities of the major life forbidden areas are rare Guild.

As Shi Feng finished explaining, everyone present couldn’t help being sucked in a breath of cold air.

This is training?

It’s almost dead!

They have all seen the combat level of these monsters. They are absolutely the same as the original player. However, because these monsters seem to be unaffected by the environment, the battle strength they can exert is in Peak state, and These players are different, because of the influence of the environment, each and everyone battle strength is greatly reduced, and they are simply not the opponents of these monsters.

However, after being killed, it doesn’t matter if you drop Level 1. You can’t go online for a day. How can you increase the level?

When many members of Zero Wing complained about this, Cyan Frost, who had been fighting with monsters, suddenly felt a little stunned. His eyes were filled with excitement and excitement.

Because he discovered one thing.

Fighting with these monsters is indeed very detrimental to them, even they can’t mobilize the Magic Element wandering in the space normally, because these Magic Elements are mainly Berserk Ice Elements, and the other Magic Elements are very thin. It is almost impossible to call these Magic Elements.

The only thing that can be done is to call his own magic power first, and find a way to use these own magic powers to resist the attacks of these monsters, and because the attack mode of these monsters is exactly the same as his own, so he It is very clear what these monsters will do, and it will be easier to resist, and at the same time, they will be able to find a lot of problems in themselves. It can be said that one move, two gains is a good thing.

Of course, this kind of battle is much less helpful for Tier 2 profession players, but this thin Magic Element can normally use Magic Skill for Tier 2 profession players, but it is only for Magic Skill’s accuracy requirements are even higher. As long as you continuously improve your combat level and the completion of the Magic Skill, you can still fight these monsters.

It can be said that these monsters that appear are not only not a trouble, but they are a very good platform for these expert players to improve, but the risks are a bit high.

As more and more players are fighting, and the duration of the battle is getting longer and longer, many Zero Wing Members present have discovered this benefit, and there are fewer and fewer complaining people, and they are beginning to immerse themselves. More and more people are fighting.

“This is simply a natural training ground. Although the price is very high, if you keep training here, those Tier 3 experts who have not unlocked the magic power may not take a month. The body of magic power is unlocked.” Aqua Rose looked at the rising Guild crowd, and the two eyes couldn’t help but shine.

Nowadays there are more and more Tier 3 professions, but the players who unlock the magic power body and the players who have not unlocked the magic power body are a heaven and a earth in battle strength, and they are both Zero Wing’s main group members. I have already unlocked a considerable body of magic power. If you add this kind of training, I am afraid that you can unlock all of the magic power body in less than two weeks.

Hundreds of Tier 3 experts who unlocked the body of magic power!

Thinking about this is really exciting.

Of course, the methods of doing this are a bit cruel and dangerous, but compared to the harvest, the level is not so important. After all, the level of their main force originally surpassed the major Super Organization by a lot. It is definitely a bargain business to exchange for the magic power body and unlock it as soon as possible.

And when everyone at Zero Wing worked hard to improve, Shi Feng also came to Transcendent Tower.

Because the curse training stationed here in the Demon Wolf Mountain vein is just Additional that’s all, the real focus is on the Transcendent Tower.

Transcendent Tower has always been a great venue for training Realm of Truth. It can even be said to be a through train that sends players to the extraordinary Domain. However, because of the lack of Mana Crystal, it can only stop at the 2nd of Realm of Truth. The floor attains a higher level, and the road after Shi Feng has no guidance or ideas.

Now because of the popularity of Stone Forest City and the control of the dark Great World Teleportation Gate, the Mana Crystal speed accumulated by Zero Wing has skyrocketed. It is just a few days’ work, and it has accumulated a There are more than 1.3 million Mana Crystals, the number is beyond Shi Feng’s imagination.

Because of this, he also plans to unlock the third floor of Transcendent Tower.

I saw that as Shi Feng clicked on the screen of Transcendent Tower, the System prompt sounded in his ear.

System: Transcendent Tower has been unlocked to the 2nd floor. Does the player spend 1 million Mana Crystals to unlock the third floor?


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