In a forest path in the inner area of ​​the Cold Spring Forest, a 100-man wearing gorgeous Top Grade equipment and composed entirely of expert players above 10Level 7. The direction moved towards Stone Forest City is fast forward.

And the member each and everyone in this team rode the worst mount Mithril Rank, grandiose ran wildly on the road, so that the Great Influence players on the road couldn’t help but make a way, and they didn’t dare Block half a point.

Because this team is not only powerful, but also because the members of this team wear Crimson Emperor Guild’s Guild Emblem, which is not something that Common forces can provoke.

“Illusionary Speech, this time the Elders have already ordered, you go to Stone Forest City, don’t do extra things.” The fierce man riding a six-clawed war bear glanced at the silence along the way. Silent Illusionary Speech reminded.

Although he does not understand why Illusionary Speech is so optimistic that Zero Wing can resist Heart of Demon, Guild’s command is absolute. If Illusionary Speech whispers to Zero Wing, when the time comes if other Super Organizations Knowing that with Heart of Demon, their Crimson Emperor would be very embarrassed.

“I still have this common sense. I just went to take a look at that’s all. Don’t be nervous.” Illusionary Speech laughed.

She is not optimistic about Zero Wing, but faintly feels that Zero Wing will not be killed so easily. This time she just wants to confirm her guess that’s all.

And after I finished talking with the fierce man in Illusionary Speech, I have been following behind Illusionary Speech, and Swordsman, a beautiful and capable short-haired female who is not at all wearing the Crimson Emperor Emblem, also caught up.

“Illusionary Speech Vice-Guild Master, is there really no problem with you taking us there this time?” Short-haired female Swordsman couldn’t help asking.

If Shi Feng is here, she will be surprised, because this short-haired female Swordsman is no one else, but Junya from Dark Cavern Aurora Sanctuary.

“Don’t worry, we just took a look in the past. It’s not a secret operation. Now your Aurora Sanctuary has formed an alliance with our Crimson Emperor, and the cold spring forest will probably be us players in the future. The main battlefield with Dark Player is to enter the God’s Domain continent. Sooner or later, it is always good to see in advance. After all, Stone Forest City now has a lot of Super Organizations. This kind of grand occasion is hard to see in normal times. “Illusionary Speech said with a smile.

“Then I will rest assured.” Junya was nodded and could not help sighed in relief.

For those who have just arrived, they already know how unremarkable a Small World Dark Cavern is in God’s Domain, especially after entering the Crimson Emperor Guild’s residence, they know what is called Super Organization and what is called veteran. The half-Super Guild can be said to be more exaggerated than what Zidian Rakshasa said.

The strength of their Aurora Sanctuary is not worth mentioning in the God’s Domain continent. It can be said that they are not even worse than the First-Rate power but not 1-Star.

Being able to form an alliance with the Crimson Emperor Guild is really a lucky thing.

This can be seen solely from the performance of the Great Influence expert players along the way. Let alone players who dare to harass them along the way, there are none who dare to approach them. There are some expert teams. Even she felt terrified, but when I saw Illusionary Speech and the others, it was also not saying anything further.

“Junya, I have already said that Sister Illusionary Speech is very good to people. It was because of the care of Sister Illusionary Speech that I was able to improve so fast. You have Sister Illusionary Speech this time. With it, the strength will definitely increase by a great length. After returning to Dark Cavern, those other Sanctuary experts may not be a problem.” Zidian Rakshasa looked at Junya who was still very nervous, and whispered to say with a smile.

“But this time I came out, I really didn’t expect that Cyan Frost’s Zero Wing Guild was so powerful. Not only did it really execute the chaotic world, but it also made the Heart of Demon feared by all major Super Organizations. Take out your hole cards to deal with them.” Junya also said with emotion quietly.

Although she doesn’t know how strong the Zero Wing where Cyan Frost is, she can do this step. The first Sanctuary of Dark Cavern in the future does not worry about development does not raise.

“The Zero Wing Guild where Cyan Frost is located is indeed powerful, but now it is only Quasi Super Influence, and it is incomparable with the Crimson Emperor. Now that Aurora Sanctuary has cooperated with the Crimson Emperor, you don’t have to worry about the development after the Aurora Sanctuary. “Zidian Rakshasa understands Junya’s thoughts very well, laughed and said, “Moreover, this Zero Wing has to face a Great World player. Even if he is immortal, Guild will be half disabled. After that, the first Sanctuary wants to develop. It’s difficult.”

Originally, the Aurora Sanctuary in Dark Cavern could be ranked in the Top-10 Sanctuary. Didn’t expect Cyan Frost’s first Sanctuary. The Zero Wing behind the first Sanctuary is very powerful. Junya is worried about the Aurora Sanctuary being Exceeding can be said to be normal.

But now that Zero Wing’s Stone Forest City has gone, I am afraid that it will not help Cyan Frost and the others at all, let alone the first Sanctuary.

And they have the help of Crimson Emperor Guild’s here, it may not be a problem to develop into the top three Sanctuary of Dark Cavern in the future.

While Junya and Zidian Rakshasa were chatting, the whole team came to the forest where Stone Forest City was unconsciously.

“Stone Forest City is not far ahead. Be careful after you enter. Now Stone Forest City fish and dragons mixed in together, many Super Organizations are hidden in it. If you accidentally provoke them, then But it’s very troublesome.” Illusionary Speech couldn’t help but remind Xiang Junya and Zidian Rakshasa.

“Is the Zero Wing’s base camp in front?” Junya looked towards the direction that Illusionary Speech was pointing at when she heard it, her eyes couldn’t help but she looked towards the direction that Illusionary Speech was pointing, “Now we can take a look behind Cyan Frost. What the hell is Zero Wing!”

I saw Shi Feng resisting the hand of Demon King in Dark Cavern before, which shocked her deeply, which made her full of Zero Wing Guild Got curious.

I am curious about what kind of Guild the Guild established by Shi Feng is.

After talking for a while in Illusionary Speech, I saw that a huge city appeared in the distant forest. It was as majestic as the NPC city seen in the Empire of Ten Saints, especially Stone Forest City. The soaring magic power exuding, simply makes people feel that they are not a city, but a huge Mine formed by Mana Crystal…

“Is this the Zero Wing’s Guild city?” Junya looked at the magic before her eyes. The monstrous Stone Forest City was shocked for a while.

Is this really a Guild city that Great Influence only has a geographical advantage?

She can also be regarded as a lot of NPCMajor City of the Ten Saint Empire. Although these NPCMajor cities are very spectacular and powerful, compared with Stone Forest City, they are simply insignificant, let alone It is said that they have the Aurora Sanctuary, which is exactly like a small thatched cottage.

Don’t say Junya was dumbfounded at this time, even Illusionary Speech was dumbfounded.

It’s not that she hasn’t seen Stone Forest City before, and she has even come more than once.

But what’s the situation?

Not inferior to the height of the NPClarge city, and the monstrous magic power that can be clearly felt thousands of yards apart, this is the Stone Forest City she knows, and it is simply hidden in the cold spring. The Holy City of the forest!

At this time, at the gate of Stone Forest City, you can clearly see the long queue. There are hundreds of thousands of people, and the number is still increasing, and you can even see Many players have begun to resell the order of queuing into the city…

In addition to a large number of players, you can also see that many NPCs are queuing into the city. Even these NPCs are not lacking in other races. A Guild city is more like a neutral NPClarge city.

“Illusionary Speech, you didn’t take the wrong place…” The fierce man looked towards side Illusionary Speech and couldn’t help asking.

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