In the secluded inner courtyard of Athens, as Shi Feng Shi Feng took out the seedlings of the Tree of Life, the magic power of the entire courtyard seemed to be Berserk, frantically gathering towards the seedlings of the Tree of Life in Shi Feng’s hands.

I saw the seedlings of the tree of life as if they were alive, so that Shi Feng could clearly feel the pulse of the seedlings of the tree of life, and the exuded Life Aura could be seen by naked eyes, that Bicui The greenery makes all around the flowers and plants grow wildly.

“Finally it is done!” Shi Feng looked at the vigorous seedling of the tree of life and couldn’t help but sighed in relief.

If it doesn’t work anymore, he can only give up cultivating the tree of life, and then try again when Stone Forest City is promoted to the main city. Besides, there is no other possibility.

And if a Guild city wants to be promoted to the main city, the difficulty is not ordinary. Not only does it require Guild to have enough strength, the key is to need a lot of time to run a city.

Immediately, Shi Feng planted the seedlings of the tree of life directly in the center of the courtyard.

The entire inner courtyard was specially designed by Shi Feng, leaving a piece of soil in the center of the courtyard to give the tree of life, all around is surrounded by pool water, and the pool water is engraved with Energy Gathering Magic Array and inlaid at the same time There are a lot of Magic Crystal Stones, so that the pool water is always full of strong magic power. The amount of Magic Crystal Stones consumed every day is almost two hundred for the daily needs of the tree of life. This can be considered in the former life Super Organization Standard configuration for cultivating the tree of life.

If he doesn’t have a Philosopher’s Stone, the Magic Crystal Stone alone can make people crazy. It can be said that the tree of life, this thing simply cannot be cultivated by Common forces.

Just after Shi Feng’s planting was completed, the air in the entire courtyard suddenly trembled.

For a while, watching the quiet and cold courtyard instantly becomes hot and dry, even Shi Feng, a Tier 3 profession, feels this heat wave assaults the senses.

And after this situation lasted for two or three seconds, the seedling of the tree of life grew into a big green tree that only two or three people could hold at the speed visible by naked eye.

At the moment when the big green tree is formed, the rich Qi of Life spreads directly to the entire courtyard, making the entire courtyard full of greenery, not to mention, the rich Qi of Life also makes the entire courtyard become The indescribable warmth makes the entire courtyard feel completely sun shone brightly without the secluded feeling before.

“Is this the effect of the Sacred Item level piece?” Shi Feng looked at the changed courtyard, and was secretly surprised.

It was just planted. This tree of life filled the entire courtyard with Qi of Life, and the concentration was simply incredible.

Because of being here, not only did the strange energy within the body quickly dissipate, but he himself felt extremely clear.

This kind of clarity is different from the cold and heartless calmness brought by magic power in the past. At this time, it is just a simple mind that is very clear, as if everything in my mind has a clear idea, knowing that I want to Do what you do.

If the player feels about Combat Technique here, it will definitely help to improve Combat Technique. After all, Combat Technique is not better than Magic Skill. What is needed is that the player has a clear understanding of Combat Technique, so that it can be better. Display and practice.

“Unfortunately, the effect is good, but it cannot be easily shown to others.” Shi Feng looked at the tree of life in the middle of the courtyard and couldn’t help saying with a bitter smile.

The tree of life has taken root in the courtyard. Any player who comes here can find this tree of life. As long as you use an observation skill, you can find that this is a Sacred Item piece, when the time comes if it bursts out , Let alone the player, those NPC forces I am afraid will not let Zero Wing go, they will definitely be robbed.

Unless Zero Wing has the strength to fight NPC forces, if the news is leaked, there will only be a dead end, and there is no other possibility.

But even so, Shi Feng is quite satisfied. After all, his original purpose is not the extra effect brought by the tree of life, but the item produced by the tree of life.

Whether it is Water of Life or Core of Life, it is an Item he urgently needs now, especially the Fruit of Life that is produced every seven days, which is a divine object for cultivating NPC and player.

And all he needs to do next is to wait quietly for the tree of life to continuously produce these items.

“Snow, how are the arrangements on your side?” After Shi Feng fixed the problem with the tree of life, he couldn’t help contacting Gentle Snow.

“All are in place. As for the entrance fee, we have negotiated and felt that we can adjust the entrance fee to 20 silver coins. Anyway, the players who can come to the 100-level Neutral Map are all experts. The price they should be able to afford.” Gentle Snow said.

In the past, Stone Forest City was still overcrowded with ten silver coins per person. Now Stone Forest City has been promoted to an Intermediate Grade city. Let alone the richness of magic power in the city, only those NPC Chamber of Quest of Commerce doesn’t know how much time and money it saved the player.

In their opinion, even if the price is doubled now, when the time comes Stone Forest City will not only reduce the number of people, but will increase a lot. After all, those Quests of NPCChamber of Commerce are for players The benefits are not small, otherwise there will not be that many expert player that depends on the development of NPC city.

“Twenty silver coins, you guys are really ruthless.” Shi Feng looked at Gentle Snow and felt that the price was a bit low. He couldn’t help saying with a bitter smile, “This price is indeed right for entering the city. For the players, it’s not a loss, but we want to develop Zero Wing now, so we need Stone Forest City to attract a large number of expert players. Generally, expert players have their own small groups, these small groups There are many players who are not good enough. If these players cannot survive in Stone Forest City, then their expert friends will probably not come to Stone Forest City.”

The current Stone Forest City is already bigger than before. Less, even if it accommodates seven or eight million players, there is not much pressure. It is no longer necessary to restrict Common players from entering Stone Forest City to develop as before. After all, the more players in a city, the more prosperous it is, and it will attract more NPCs. , Especially NPCs of other races.

And their Zero Wing can go back and forth between the two continents, now making money is not the most important thing, it is actually possible to improve the strength of Zero Wing’s is the most important thing. At present, the number of Zero Wing promoted to Tier 3 profession is increasing. Stable, if you want to increase a lot in a short period of time, you can only absorb more newcomers and experts.

“Are those still ten silver coins?” Gentle Snow felt that it was the same and couldn’t help asking.

Many of the people who came to Stone Forest City before were expert players from Great Influence and famous Adventure Group players. There are very few real free experts, but because the number of players that Stone Forest City can accommodate that many, so I didn’t care about that many.

Nowadays, the level of mainstream players has reached level 100. In order for Zero Wing to recruit more experts and more Tier 3 professions, it is indeed not suitable to set the entrance fee too high.

“No, the entrance fee is changed to the lowest five silver coins.” Shi Feng said.

“Five silver coins?” Gentle Snow was stunned.

Now Stone Forest City has been promoted to an Intermediate Grade city, and the entrance fee remains at the original price. It is already very good. If it is changed to the lowest five silver coins in an Intermediate Grade city, simply can’t imagine when the time comes Stone Forest City What will become.

“Well, just five silver coins.” Shi Feng nodded, “Now is the time to change Zero Wing.”

Then Shi Feng asked Gentle Snow to put Stone Forest The entrance fee of City is adjusted to five silver coins, and Stone Forest City is opened.

The Great Influence and Free players waiting in the outer forest of Stone Forest City are like ants on a hot pot for Stone Forest City, which has not been opened for a long time, and have speculations about the promoted Stone Forest City.

“This Zero Wing really wants us to wait outside for a day, right?”

“It should be impossible, so many of us only a single entry fee is enough Every Great Influence is jealous, how could Zero Wing let it go?”

“Well, look! Stone Forest City is open!”

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