The appearance of Zero Wing surprised everyone present.

“Why are their Levels so high?”

“There are still that many 7Level 8 people, and there are only less than a thousand people on Star Ring reaching 7Level 8. , The number of Zero Wing reaching 7Level 8 is at least 3,000, right?”

“Is this the advantage that Stone Forest City brings?”

The senior leaders of each Great Influence Looking at everyone in Zero Wing, they were all shocked by the level of everyone in Zero Wing.

7Level 8 is indeed not an amazing Level. At present, the Level of many Peak Experts has already reached 7Level 8, and I am afraid that it is only one line away from Level 79.

What really surprised them was the number of Zero Wing reaching 7Level 8.

This is far beyond the major Super Organizations, and in other words Zero Wing has surpassed the major Super Organizations in the level up speed of Guild Member.

It doesn’t seem to be much super, but you have to know that the average level of the expert player of Zero Wing Guild was far lower than that of the major Super Organizations. Big Super Organization.

Maybe it may not even reach half a level on average now, but over time, it is likely to exceed Level 1.

It may seem nothing to exceed Level 1, but the gap and benefits are very large.

Especially in the dividing line of each Fifth Level and the strategy of the dungeon team, it will definitely not lead other Super Organizations for three to five days. The benefits are self-evident.

“Stone Forest City, which sits on Bottomless Abyss, has great advantages. No wonder it dares to challenge Star Ring.” Blood Exquisite Fruit looked at the level of Zero Wing and everyone was jealous of Stone Forest City. .

Level is always the root of the player. Let’s not talk about the attribute enhancement naturally brought about by Level enhancement. If the Level is higher, you can kill stronger monsters and get more resources. It is important, and the equipment improvement brought by the Level promotion is even more important.

The gap between Level 79 and Level 80 is nothing in itself, but the level of 79 equipment is quite different from the Level 80 equipment.

“I have already said that Zero Wing will not necessarily lose.” Indestructible War Heart said triumphantly when seeing Blood Exquisite Fruit’s jealous eyes.

Zero Wing player’s Level is higher, Common player can’t see much, but as a Guild executive, he clearly understands the meaning.

There is no shortcut to level up in God’s Domain. Level is naturally due to the amount of experience gained. It is either an exceeding level to kill monster, or more monsters, or more Quests. That’s why Experience Point gets more.

The more monsters kill, the more Quest does, the more resources are naturally obtained.

Now that the Level of the Zero Wing expert player is higher than that of the Star Ring, it means that the resources that Zero Wing currently acquires are not worse than those of the Star Ring. This can be seen solely by the equipment worn by the Zero Wing Member. , Almost all of them are equipment above Level 75 Mithril.

Star Ring’s progress in land clearing Bottomless Abyss 1st floor is indeed faster than Zero Wing, but Zero Wing has acquired more resources in Bottomless Abyss than Star Ring. These Level 75 Mithril equipment is the most Good proof.

And he also knows very well that Zero Wing does not lack Top Grade equipment, maybe Star Ring can get the Ghost One set, but Zero Wing also has a higher Azure Light, which is the Dark Gold armor set Compared with Evil Spirit, it is one level higher. The most important point is that Azure Light can also be upgraded with the player Level.

7Level 8 may not be able to make Azure Light a qualitative change, but it is also higher than the Level 75 Dark Gold armor set in the Basic Attribute, let alone the Evil Spirit armor set.

“Indestructible it’s too early for you to be proud. The level of the player is important, but in front of this level gap, the quality is the first!” Blood Exquisite Fruit show white eyes Indestructible War Heart.

Zero Wing’s expert is slightly ahead of the level, but in terms of expert quality, it is simply a heaven and a earth with Star Ring.

Zero Wing’s expert level and Star Ring expert level, as long as the level reaches Realm of Micro’s expert level, it is already clear.

There are more than 700 micro experts who came to Star Ring this time. This number is simply terrifying!

To know that there are more than ten micro experts in the First-Rate Guild, it is already very difficult to deal with, and now those Common Super Organizations, even if they are recruiting, continue to absorb Big Guilds, Studio, Adventure Group, veteran experts, big funds to support crazy training potential newcomers, now it is four 100-Man broke the sky.

However, Star Ring has sent Seven 100-Man at this time. The depth of the background is much stronger than those of Super Organization.

This is why the top executives of the major Super Organizations each and everyone are amazed after seeing the people of Star Ring. So many micro experts, pushing a group of 10,000 expert groups across the board is simply a trivial matter.

In contrast, although Zero Wing is good, it even surprised everyone. There are nearly 100-Man micro in the entire Guild. This level of strength is really not comparable to those of First-Rate Guild. There are already some The confidence to fight against the Super Organization.

But in the face of the more than 700 micro experts in Star Ring, the nearly 100 micro experts in Zero Wing have become impossible to withstand a single blow.

We must know that after reaching the level of micro, the cooperation between them is not comparable to those of Common Experts. If a micro expert faces three or five of the same micro expert, I am afraid it will be defeated by Insta. -kill, not to mention the seven or eight times the number of people gap, simply is an instant kill.

Even if the expert of Realm of Flowing Water faces seven or eight micro experts, it is a dead end.

Indestructible War Heart is also silent on this.

The background of Star Ring is so deep that he can imagine it, even if their War Spirit Uprise compares with Star Ring, it is a great length difference, let alone Zero Wing?

And in the special box of God and Demon Arena, a white clothed youth is quietly looking at the Zero Wing people outside the window. There is a hint of surprise in his eyes, and this person is the 13th king. Guild Master Li Hen of the court.

“This Zero Wing is really surprising. In such a short time, Guild has already developed to such a point. If given some more time and resources, I am afraid it will become another Super Organization in God’s Domain. It’s a pity that the opponent is your Star Ring. If you switch to another Super Organization, this Zero Wing really has some chances of winning.”

Li Hen has already learned a little about Zero Wing, and there are rumors that Zero Wing is a big cat two or three. Only, but now, it is completely different from the rumors. There are nearly a hundred micro experts who can form a 100-Man strategy group. This background is already very difficult to deal with, and it is no longer the same level as those of First-Rate Guild.

Also, it is not easy for the Common Super Organization to move Zero Wing. If it is desperate, the Super Organization itself will be hit hard.

Among these nearly 100 micro experts, in addition to Shi Feng, there is an expert of Control of Domain, plus the Group Leader Fire Dance and Vice-Guild Master Gentle Snow of the Zero Wing main team , There are four Peak battle strengths that are real, and they are no longer inferior to those Super Organizations.

With such strength, Zero Wing previously agreed to land 10,000 ancient gold coins to clear the fortress, which is also worth the money.

In God and Demon Arena, because of the strength shown by Zero Wing, the major Super Organizations cannot help but have a new perspective and understanding of Zero Wing, but compared to Star Ring, the two are fundamental Not an order of magnitude.

“Black Flame, you Zero Wing Guild really surprised me a little bit. You have gathered so many experts without gnawing, no wonder you dare to speak loudly before.” Lu Xingluo looked at Team Leader’s Shi Feng said lightly with a smile, “But your strength is still too weak. Don’t say I won’t give you a chance. Now take the initiative to admit defeat and allow our Star Ring members to enter Stone Forest City. Before you Zero Wing I can forget everything I did.”

Everyone in the room couldn’t help but be stupid.

This is a great opportunity for Star Ring to destroy Zero Wing’s in the Dark Night Empire, but now you want to let go of Zero Wing?

“I look down on Lu Xingluo a little bit. It seems that this person is not as simple as he thought.” Li Hen two eyes squinted slightly, carefully looking towards Lu Xingluo.

In fact, people with discerning eyes have already known the result of this battle. Regardless of whether it is fought or not, the Great Influence of Dark Night Empire has clearly recognized the terrifying of Star Ring. On the contrary, if you fight this battle, it will be exposed. Part of Star Ring’s strength.

Now they are deterring Great Influence, suppressing Zero Wing, and hiding their strengths. After getting the permission to enter Stone Forest City, it can be said to kill four birds with one stone.

On the contrary, Zero Wing is also beneficial. The large number of Star Rings entering Stone Forest City will definitely bring in a lot of income. If Star Ring does not block Zero Wing, the speed of Zero Wing development will definitely be faster than it is now. Star Ring involves too much manpower and material resources of Zero Wing, and Zero Wing will be defeated by the end, and surrendering can also hide part of Guild’s strength.

The Indestructible War Heart in the lobby is also sighed in relief. This result is not the worst.

All the Great Influence executives present also sighed slightly. They didn’t expect Lu Xingluo to play such a hand. The next good show is completely gone, especially the major Super Organizations. They want to Knowing the specific strength of Star Ring now, after all, Star Ring has grown too fast.

But now there is no hope. Even fools understand that choosing to admit defeat is the best choice, let alone the Leader of a Guild?

Just when everyone thought the farce was over, a low voice echoed in everyone’s ears.

“Give up? You Star Ring may not be qualified yet!”

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