Dark Night Empire, Dark Night City.

At this time, the central square outside God and Demon Arena is full of players. If you observe carefully, you will find that each and everyone Level of these players is above Level 75, not the well-known Adventure Group of Dark Night Empire The main member of Big Guild is the expert of Big Guild.

“It’s amazing! Since there are so many experts gathered, is there any activity in God and Demon Arena?” A Level 72 Ranger who had just arrived in Dark Night City saw this scene, something strangely said.

“Don’t you know? Wait a minute. The two Big Guilds, Star Ring and Zero Wing, are going to start a ten thousand battle in God and Demon Arena. One is Overlord in the dark and the other is the one occupying Stone Forest City. Overlord, this is a rare event in the entire Dark Night Empire, and these experts naturally want to take a look.” Level 74 Berserker on the side glanced at Level 72 Ranger and said.

“Wasn’t that exciting, let’s take a look, and then replace the equipment.” Ranger side teammates suddenly became interested.

Super Organization’s shots are usually difficult to see, and even if you see it, you can only see the tip of the iceberg, where are two Overlords that come together very well, and this is still a battle of ten thousand people. The level of excitement is definitely better than those Epic Level war movies that I watched.

When Ranger heard this, he also thought that this idea was really good. Let’s not talk about the visual effects of this kind of battle. The combat of those Peak experts alone can make them learn a lot. After all, it’s in God’s Domain. There are too few one-to-one things, and more are one-to-many.

“Want to see?” The Berserker of Level 74 glanced at Ranger and the others, saying with a smile, “Have you seen these experts on the square?”

“What’s the matter?” Ranger strangely said.

“They want to see it too, but unfortunately they can’t see it, because they can’t even enter the gate of God and Demon Arena, so they can only stand outside.” Level 74 Berserker explained, “Now The entire God and Demon Arena is booked by Star Ring. If you want to go in and watch the competition, you need to pass the proof of the sixth floor of the Tower of Trial, or pay one hundred gold.”

Ranger and the others I couldn’t help but be stunned, and then sucked in a breath of cold air.

“It’s too cruel, I don’t want people to watch it!” Ranger said.

You must know that now that the middle section of the fifth floor of the Tower of Trial is at the expert level. Those who can reach the sixth floor of the Tower of Trial are the experts of the expert, and there are not many in a Guild. , He asked himself that there is still a slight impact, after all, he has now reached the second floor of the fifth floor of the Tower of Trial, which is only one line away from the sixth floor.

By passing the sixth floor of Tower of Trial and reaching the seventh floor of Tower of Trial, I simply cannot imagine.

As for one hundred gold, it also makes people vomit blood. The gold coins on Common expert’s body are now only more than ten gold. After all, it usually costs a lot of money to repair and transmit equipment, and equipment replacement from time to time. There is no money at all.

Hundreds of gold are all extravagant hopes for his expert.

Only then did he understand why there were so many people standing on the square, which was simply too normal.

But just after Ranger finished speaking, I saw a team walking towards the gate of God and Demon Arena. This team was full of twenty-thirty people, and each and everyone did not wear Guild Emblem, obviously it was a Free player. But the crowded square made way for these people.

I saw that these people entered the gate of God and Demon Arena without any hindrance, and vanish was directly in the eyes of everyone.

“These are who?” Ranger looked dumbfounded.

These people on the square are all absolute experts, and there are no lack of existence stronger than him, but these experts each and everyone take the initiative to make way for these Free players, which is simply incredible.

And this is not enough, even these people did not even pay, the twenty-thirty people entered directly, and in other words these people all reached the seventh floor of the Tower of Trial……

“They are Fenglang Adventure Group, they are Adventure Group of Dark Night Empire Peak, the bald man headed is the Group Leader Feng Yibei, really didn’t expect even this usual sees the head of the divine dragon but He is here, not its tail. Unfortunately, I don’t have one hundred gold. If there is one hundred gold, I will definitely go in and take a look.” Level 74 Berserker looked at God and Demon Arena with a longing look in his eyes.

Although one hundred gold is a lot of money, it’s not worth mentioning compared to this kind of two great influences collision of ten thousand people. After all, watching the game in God and Demon Arena is equivalent to personal experience. The same is not comparable to those recorded videos.

And not long after Fenglang Adventure Group entered the God and Demon Arena, I saw a group of grandiose army coming to the square. The moment they appeared, everyone on the square was suffocated.

“Star Ring! The people from Star Ring are here!”

“Strong! Too strong! I feel that any of these people is much better than me.”

Everyone in the square saw the Star Ring army, even as experts, they couldn’t help but exclaim.

Because this batch of Star Ring army is too strong, the lowest level among these people has reached 7Level 7. The worst equipment in the whole body is Level 75 Mithril Rank, which is better than the expert equipment they are present. More than one level.

“Is this the strength of the Super Organization?”

“cracking a joke! Our Guild now has a level of 7 and I am afraid that there is not a 100-Man, Star Ring level. Up speed is too fast!”

“What is Level? Their equipment is really awesome. We Guild’s Guild Master only have a few Level 75 Mithril equipment up to now. Level 75 Adamantite Rank equipment has only got two pieces. You see, even the Level 75 Adamantite Rank Evil Spirit armor set produced in Bottomless Abyss is worn by more than a dozen people, and it simply won’t let people live!”

Level 75 is not complete for the current Great Influences. For the expert player, it is simply God Level equipment of the year for something even in dreams, but Star Ring has a dozen. Set, the difference of strength simply as different as heaven and earth.

As the Star Ring army enters the God and Demon Arena, the Great Influence executives and experts who have already been waiting in the Arena can’t help but sigh with the background of Star Ring.

“Star Ring is Star Ring. No wonder the Super-Guild are three-pointers jealous of them, and even the famous Dark Studio Warscar on the Western Continent has been collected.” One wears dark black armor. , With long fiery-red hair, like a Demon King imposing manner, the beautiful woman glanced at the incoming Star Ring army, and then looked towards the Indestructible War Heart sitting aside towards a smile, “Indestructible, it seems Your allies have suffered this time.”

Although Warmark Studio is only a Studio, no Super-Guild dare to look down upon them.

The number of them is small, and they all add up to only two or three 100-Man, but what they have done is amazing. They attacked the main force of Great Influence, many in the Western Continent. The main force of the Super Organization was attacked by Warscar Studio, and the losses were very heavy.

I have been encircled and suppressed by the major Super Organizations, but unfortunately I have never succeeded. Instead, each and everyone has suffered a lot.

For this kind of ten-thousand-person war, Warmark Studio is simply a playhouse.

At this time, Indestructible War Heart also looked slightly darkened, didn’t expect Star Ring to hide so deeply, a Mad Beast Regiment is that’s all, even Warmark Studio also joined Star Ring.

“Blood Exquisite Fruit, haven’t you been in Fire Dragon Empire all the time? Why do you have time to come to Dark Night Empire?” Indestructible War Heart glanced at the red-haired beauty who came by and asked coldly .

The strength and reputation of the woman in front of him is not lost at all to the Group Leader Startling Wind of Mad Beast Regiment, and he has to treat it with caution.

“Of course, let’s take a look at what the Dark Night Empire has good seeds, but it really didn’t expect. The War Spirit Uprise, which was once famous, now needs to be formed with Guild, who has just risen. Alliance.” Blood Exquisite Fruit glanced at Indestructible War Heart, lightly said with a smile, “Or you should leave War Spirit Uprise, too, Zero Wing’s defeat, in Dark Night Empire, is over. Wait until Star Ring is finished. Zero Wing, turn your head to clean up your War Spirit Uprise. You War Spirit Uprise are not opponents at all. How about coming to me as the Vice-Group Leader? It is definitely more promising than in War Spirit Uprise.”

“I will never leave War Spirit Uprise, and Zero Wing will not fail.” Indestructible War Heart said slightly angrily.

“Maybe, if you have nowhere to go, you can come to me when the time comes.” Blood Exquisite Fruit laughed and didn’t refute it, because Indestructible War Heart is just deceiving that’s all in her opinion.

When all the Great Influences in the venue were discussing spiritedly on the Star Ring, a group of players appeared at the gate of God and Demon Arena. The minimum level of each and everyone of these players was 7Level 7. There is no shortage of them. Seeing that the number of players whose Level reaches 7Level 8 is better than that of Star Ring.

And these players are all wearing a silver white six-wing Emblem, which is very conspicuous on their bodies.

“Zero Wing?”

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