The news of the private house auction in Stone Forest City made the majority of free players feel that Great Influence was crazy. It was only for the convenience of one person in Stone Forest City, and it cost millions of credit in just one month. points, money is not so spent.

It should be said that with so much money, it is more than enough to stay in a 7-Star hotel.

But now it’s only for renting a private house like Stone Forest City that is so common that it can no longer be Common. The rich world really makes them ignorant.

“Damn! Just for the convenience of going back and forth, are these people there?”

“Someday if I had such a city in God’s Domain, I would be a rich man in the world. “

“The hype! It’s definitely a hype!”


For a while everyone was discussing this spiritedly, and even forgot to level up Strange, each and everyone started to care about the auction situation of the private house in Stone Forest City.

Except for the Common players, after receiving this news, the Great Influence of God’s Domain really realized the terrifying of God’s Domain for the first time. It was really scary to catch the chance.

For Common player, not to mention, the previous transactions were mainly based on gold coins, and the usual expenses were also gold coins and silver coins, even if the difference in God’s Domain is not much different from reality , Gold coins can be sold externally for credit points, but there is no real feeling.

But now Stone Forest City bids are priced based on credit points, which gives everyone a deep experience. Suddenly it feels that God’s Domain is not just a simple virtual reality game. , More like they live in another country in reality.

After the sky-high private house in Stone Forest City was photographed by each and everyone, the entire Zero Wing was also a sensation.

“Guild Master has already rented out 1,667 sets, with a minimum price of more than 600,000 yuan and a maximum price of 1.74 million yuan. The total income obtained has exceeded 2 billion credit points!” Melancholic Smile couldn’t help but report to Shi Feng.

Originally, she thought that all the houses in Stone Forest City would be rented out. It would be nice to be able to Guild’s daily expenses and retain those Lifestyle Players, but now the rented house does not even have the built one third. Income has far exceeded.

Not to mention retaining the Lifestyle Players in the trading company. There is no pressure to double the current Lifestyle Player.

And now whether it is Zero Wing’s member or the Lifestyle Player of Candlelight Trading Company, after knowing the income of Stone Forest City, each and everyone is full of confidence in Zero Wing and Candlelight Trading Company, even because In this matter, Advanced Lifestyle Players originally in other Big Guilds also came to Candlelight Trading Company one after another, wanting to negotiate with Candlelight Trading Company to join Candlelight Trading Company.

Before, Candlelight Trading Company was indeed regarded as the sacred land of Lifestyle Player in Star-Moon Kingdom, but in order to retain talents, the price offered by each and everyone is much higher than Candlelight. This Only to keep these Advanced Lifestyle Players, I did not rush into Candlelight Trading Company.

But now Candlelight Trading Company directly issues the credit points guarantee system for Advanced Lifestyle Player, which makes the Advanced Lifestyle Player and Free Advanced Lifestyle Player of Big Guild unable to sit still.

The minimum monthly salary of 20,000 credit points is guaranteed, which is hard to think of for Common people.

It is equivalent to saying that as long as you become the Advanced Lifestyle Player of Candlelight Trading Company, you don’t have to go to work, and you can do what you like to do. How happy this kind of life is, if you can become a Master, you will be guaranteed for the end of the month. Earning one hundred thousand credit points, that’s simply cool.

Only in this short period of time, Candlelight Trading Company has received more than 600 applications from Advanced Lifestyle Players. Each and everyone wants to join Zero Wing. As for the Professional Master, there are five After contacting me, I have no worries about the development of Candlelight Trading Company, does not raise.

“I really underestimated the desire of Guild and Adventure Group for Stone Forest City.” Shi Feng couldn’t help being a little surprised. .

Although he has known for a long time, the bidding price this time will definitely exceed 50,000 yuan during the former life Peak period. After all, Stone Forest City entered Bottomless Abyss too early, and even a competitor No, it can be said to be a normal thing to exceed, but I never thought it would exceed so much.

But it’s normal to think about it again.

Currently, Bottomless Abyss is the best place for players to be fully trained. It is simply not one of them. At the same time, there are treasures everywhere, which is definitely the most cutting-edge map in God’s Domain.

Training, level up, and treasure, the three are first-class in the entire God’s Domain. When they are stacked together, they will naturally cause the madness of the expert player. As for the Top Grade expert player in each Big Guild, Not to mention.

Such a good opportunity to seize the opportunity, not to mention 1 million, even if it is 2 million, I will not frown on the Top Grade experts of Big Guild. After all, good luck, seize the opportunity. Or if the strength is one step ahead of others, the benefits that this brings are not comparable to 2 million credit points.

“Guild Master, according to this speed, the 3,000 sets that are expected to be rented today are estimated to be rented out in three or four hours. With this money, Star Ring wants to dig out our People are impossible.” Melancholic Smile said confidently.

Maybe Star Ring can offer a higher price for digging people, but their Candlelight also digs for the same talents at the current price. One out and one in can maintain the existing scale of Candlelight Trading Company. Even bigger, and if things go on like this, even Star Ring is impossible to do business at a loss.

“no! We will not rent out three thousand sets today, only two thousand sets will be rented out, and then only one thousand sets will be rented out every day.” Shi Feng shook the head, said with a smile.

Things are rare and expensive. Nowadays, chance is rare. I am afraid that it will be difficult to rent at the current price until the next month. I can naturally make more money during this period of time, and Stone Forest The benefits of the City private residence are now unknown to everyone, all of which still needs to be fermented and brewed.

At present, 2 billion credit points can solve the Candlelight Trading Company and Zero Wing’s crises. Naturally, the past few days are not bad, and he has to open his own training center in Fenglin City, which requires one Lots of credit points.

Originally, he wanted to wait for Stone Forest City to further build more private houses and stores, and then began to raise the funds. Now it seems that only the first phase of private houses is needed. It is entirely possible to get the funds directly.

“Should I rent out two thousand sets first? I’ll go and give instructions.” Melancholic Smile also understood it, and immediately contacted the heads of the major Candlelight Trading Company.

And under this instruction, not very long was issued, and soon the two thousand private houses were rented out.

“All the places you rented out today have been rented out. Please come back tomorrow.” The excited host also announced to everyone with great pity.

For a time, the whole venue became noisy.

“What’s the situation? Why is it gone?”

“Crap! How many sets are rented out? Why are they gone?”

“I just want Shot? Don’t even give the chance for the shot?”

The Great Influences in the venue were very angry. Many of the forces present who wanted to wait for the shot were a bit regretful, but they wanted to wait. The Big Guild bought almost the same, and the competitors could rent them cheaper, but it turned out to be like this.

“Tiantong is really crazy today. Let’s come back in a few days. We simply don’t have a chance if these forces are experts. After a few days, those forces’ experts are almost digested. You can rent again. It will definitely be much cheaper.” Level 56 female Cleric looked at Tiantong and persuaded her.

“I understand.” Tiantong is also nodded.

Leasing a few days ago must have been very hot. When the private house is almost digested, the natural price will come down, and she is not bad for the time to upgrade to Level 1 the past few days.

Then the players in the venue all went back. As for all the Great Influence players, they also stayed behind, reporting the status of Candlelight Trading Company at any time, and waiting for the latest news about Candlelight Trading Company renting out private houses.

As for the players who photographed the private residence of Stone Forest City at the venue, each and everyone couldn’t help but head to Stone Forest City, ready to start their battle in Bottomless Abyss today. After all, they can lead a day Is one day.

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